R. Joe Campbell
campbel at
Sun Nov 28 21:36:11 UTC 1999
Here the little list of 'intech' in context that we were discussing.=20
As I have probably said before (and repeat too often), the best way to
learn postpositions in Nahuatl is not by hoping to have some invariable
translation into one's language, but to learn them by context -- maybe
treat them as idioms at first in short phrases.
All the best to you and your family,
1. *intech* tlamiloya, quilmach tetlahuelia, teca mocayahua,.
of them it was supposed and men said: "they hate people;
they mock them." (b.1 f.1 p.19).=20
2. icuac quinchichihuaya, quintlamamaca, *intech* quitlalia
in iuhqui inechichihual yiacateuctli..
thereupon they arrayed them; they gave them, they placed
upon them array like that of yiacatecutli. (b.1 f.2 p.43).=20
3. auh in intlaaltilhuan, yeccan, quinquetza: moch tlazotilmatli,
in *intech* quintlalilia:.
and their bathed ones they set up in a good place, all
in costly mantles, which they placed upon them. (b.1 f.2
4. iuh mitoa, ca no *intech* pohui in tlaloque:.
it is said that he also belonged among the tlalocs. (b.1
f.2 p.45).=20
5. no inhuan pohui, *intech* tlamiloya in tlaloque:.
[the tepictoton] also belonged among, were reckoned among
the tlalocs. (b.1 f.2 p.47).=20
6. ca intla tlaca intla onca inyollo, intla onca intlacaquiliz:
in itlachihualhuan dios, *intech* canazquia, intech quicuizquia,
in iximachocatzin dios;.
for if men in their hearts, in their understanding, knew
god's creations, from them they would have derived, they
would have grasped, their knowledge of god. (b.1 f.3 p.56).=20
7. ca intla tlaca intla onca inyollo, intla onca intlacaquiliz:
in itlachihualhuan dios, intech canazquia, *intech* quicuizquia,
in iximachocatzin dios;.
for if men in their hearts, in their understanding, knew
god's creations, from them they would have derived, they
would have grasped, their knowledge of god. (b.1 f.3 p.56).=20
8. zan *intech* omotlapololtique in itlachihualhuan dios: oquimoteotique
in tletl, in atl, in ehecatl, in tonatiuh, in metztli,
in cicitlalti;.
only they were in confusion as to god's creatures; they
worshipped as gods the fire, the water, the wind, the sun,
the moon, the stars. (b.1 f.3 p.56).=20
9. c. in tlateotocanime, in icuac *intech* tlacuauhtlamati,
in inteohuan, zan no atle impan quimitta,.
c. the idolaters, when they put faith in the favor of
their gods, do not esteem them. (b.1 f.3 p.60).=20
10. inin teotlatolli, in ixquichtin momaquixtiznequi, cenca
*intech* monequi, in yollocopa quineltocazque: yehica ca
dios itlatoltzin, ca tlanextli, ca ocotl..
this word of god, which all desire in order to be saved,
is greatly required by all who willingly believe in it,
because the word of god is a light; it is a torch. (b.1
f.4 p.63).=20
11. in yehuantin in ointlahueliltic, in quimicnotlatlauhtiaya,
in imixpan tlalcuaya, in diablosme: ihuan in imixiptlahuan
inic quimitlaniliaya, in tlein *intech* monequia:.
unhappy are those who prayed humbly to them, who kissed
the earth in the presence of the devils and their representations
in order to ask what they required. (b.1 f.4 p.64).=20
12. in iuh quichihuaya hi, ca ic quinmahuiztiliaya in inyaohuan,
in intecocolicahuan, in intetolinicahua: in atle *intech*
monequi mahuizzotl, in atle intech momonequi tetlazotlaliztli:.
such they did in order to pay honor to their adversaries,
their enemies, those who ill-treated them --who required
no honor, who required no love. (b.1 f.4 p.64).=20
13. in iuh quichihuaya hi, ca ic quinmahuiztiliaya in inyaohuan,
in intecocolicahuan, in intetolinicahua: in atle intech
monequi mahuizzotl, in atle *intech* momonequi tetlazotlaliztli:.
such they did in order to pay honor to their adversaries,
their enemies, those who ill-treated them --who required
no honor, who required no love. (b.1 f.4 p.64).=20
14. oticmochihuilitzino, in ixquich in cualli, in yectli in
*intech* ca in motlachihualtzitzinhuan: inic mochi techpalehuiz
in titlaca:.
thou hast made all that is good, proper, in thy creatures,
so that it will be of advantage to us. (b.1 f.4 p.66).=20
15. no ihuan *intech* tlamiloya in tlalloque, in teilaquiliztli,
also to the tlalocs were attributed drownings, thunderbolts.
(b.1 f.4 p.68).=20
16. no ihuan in cenca tlaelittaloni, in tlateotocanime: in itocatzin
dios ipalnemoani, *intech* oquitlalique, in oquichti, in
cihua: in miquini, in palanini, in amo cualli innemiliz,
in amo cualli inyollo..
also were the idolaters much to be abhorred [because]
they placed the name of god, through whom there is life,
upon men, upon women, who were mortals, whose lives were
evil, whose hearts were evil. (b.1 f.4 p.69).=20
17. in chacuachihui, in cuazahuati, in xotzayani, in tentzayani,
in ixtetezonahui, in icxitzayani: ihuan in cualocatl, *intech*
motlalia, in tlaxcalicihuiztli..
those applied it to themselves who had head sores, who
had pimples on the head, who had cracks on the feet, cracked
lips, chapped faces, and jigger fleas; [also] the tortilla-sickness.
(b.1 f.5 p.71).=20
18. in *intech* in in intoca, in tlazolteteo, quicui in intoca
in amochpochhuan cequintin quimotocayotia, tiacapan, cequintin
teicui, cequintin tlaco, cequinti xocotzin..
from these, the names of the goddesses of filth, your
young girls have taken their names --some have been named
tiacapan, some teicu, some tlaco, some xocotzin. (b.1 f.5
19. *intech* tlamiloya, quilmach tetlahueliaya, teca mocacayahuaya,.
it was an attribute of theirs, it was said, that they
were angered by men; they tricked men. (b.1 f.5 p.72).=20
20. mochintin mahuizzotihui, tlacencahualti, tlachichihualti,
mochi tlazotlanqui, in *intech* yetiuh, tlazotlantihui,.
they all went honored; they were adorned, they were ornamented
with all valuable things which went with them. (b.2 f.1
21. in mochintin tototecti: ic niman *intech* yetiquiza, quintlalochtoca,
quinyaochiuhtihui, quimaacitihui, quinmamacuitihui.
all the tototecti then set upon [the warriors]; they took
after them; they went fighting them; they went capturing
them; they went taking them in their hands. (b.2 f.1 p.50).=20
22. quimocuilia *intech* monequi, quicua:.
they took away for themselves what they required; they
ate them. (b.2 f.3 p.81).=20
23. auh in cequinti aoctle *intech* aci impan tlacotoni, yehuantin
in za tetzaucticate, in za tlatzaucticate, in za tlacuitlapiloa,.
and there were some to whom nothing came; it broke off
with them --those who only came last after the others,
who were only last, who only hung on at the tail [of the
line]. (b.2 f.5 p.97).=20
24. auh in ichpopochti in *intech* pohui chichicomecoa: motenehua,
and the maidens who belonged with the chicome coatl [priests]
were known as offering priestesses. (b.2 f.7 p.124).=20
25. niman ic quimehuitia, *intech* yetiquiza, quintoca, tlacahuacatiuh..
then she sent them forth; she set after them; she pursued
them; she went crying war cries. (b.2 f.7 p.125).=20
26. mochi yancuic, in *intech* quitlaliaya in incue, in inhuipil,.
all new were their shifts, their skirts, which they had
put on them. (b.2 f.8 p.133).=20
27. inic iuh quichihua i, quilmach ompa *intech* monequiz in
ompa yazque, in icuac miquiz ompa quihualchiaz..
for this reason they thus did it: it was said that they
would be required there where they were to go; when they
died, [these things] would await them there. (b.2 f.8 p.138).=20
28. in onacxoyatlaliaya, zan pepetlauhtihui, atle *intech* huetztiuh,.
when they were laying down the fir [branches], they went
quite naked; nothing went on them. (b.2 f.8 p.140).=20
29. *intech* quitlalique in imamatlatqui, in anecoyotl, intzitzicaz,
amatitech pipilcac, tlacuilolli, ihuan in coyolli incotztitech
on them [selves] they placed their paper array, the paper
crowns, their nettles hanging from the painted papers;
and they bound little bells to the calves of their legs.
(b.3 f.1 p.3).=20
30. ca cenca *intech* motlapalo in quintocac..
he was very bold against them as he took after them. (b.3
f.1 p.4).=20
31. auh in molquitl, amo *intech* monequia, zan ic temazcallatiaya,.
the maize rejects they did not need; they only burned
them [to heat] the sweat baths with them. (b.3 f.2 p.14).=20
32. auh in, i, tonalamatl oc cenca ye melahuac, ic motocayotiz,
nahuallotl, ca nahualti *intech* pohuia..
and this book of days is more correctly called sorcery,
for it belonged to the sorcerers. (b.4 f.1 p.1).=20
33. *intech* quicahuaya, intech quipiloaya in tiacahuan, yaopan
they entrusted it to and sent it in the charge of brave
chieftains, who left it at the battlefield. (b.4 f.1 p.3).=20
34. intech quicahuaya, *intech* quipiloaya in tiacahuan, yaopan
they entrusted it to and sent it in the charge of brave
chieftains, who left it at the battlefield. (b.4 f.1 p.3).=20
35. auh za ompa cana tepal quicnopilhuia, in *intech* monequi
ipilhuan, inic ihiyocuizque,.
but somewhere by the intercession of others, he secured
that which his children needed to eat. (b.4 f.2 p.17).=20
36. auh in teyacanqui, in teyacanani, mitotiani, motlaquitotiani,
tlamoyauhqui, tozcacuecuechoani, tocuilechoani, tlacocoloani:
moch yehuan *intech* pohuia, intech acia, in mitoa:.
and the leaders and conductors of the dance, the dancers,
those who urged the dancers on, those who distributed them,
those with trembling voices, those who made noises like
a weasel; the circle dancers, and all who belonged and
worked with those mentioned. (b.4 f.3 p.26).=20
37. auh in teyacanqui, in teyacanani, mitotiani, motlaquitotiani,
tlamoyauhqui, tozcacuecuechoani, tocuilechoani, tlacocoloani:
moch yehuan intech pohuia, *intech* acia, in mitoa:.
and the leaders and conductors of the dance, the dancers,
those who urged the dancers on, those who distributed them,
those with trembling voices, those who made noises like
a weasel; the circle dancers, and all who belonged and
worked with those mentioned. (b.4 f.3 p.26).=20
38. oncan motenehua in izquitlamantli in amo cualli *intech* ca.
here are told all the various kinds of evil which belonged
with [the day signs]. (b.4 f.5 p.48).=20
39. inic matlactli on nahui capitulo: itechpa tlatoa, in cualli,
tonalli: in *intech* ca in nauhtetl calli: in ipan in machiotl,.
fourteenth chapter, which telleth of the good day signs
which correspond to the four houses in this sign; (b.4
f.6 p.51).=20
40. centlamic quimattica, quicentlamitica, oyaque in *intech*
oatlamatia, in intech ocuecuenotia, in oquimonpopoaya,
in ixco oquinmanaya, in oquitepehuitinenca, in ocololhuitinenca,
in oquitetepehuiaya, ocoololhuyaya, oquimomactocac, omonelchiuh,.
gone were those who had made them proud and esteemed,
those received in payment, as offerings; those who had
lived together, assembled, gathered, united, esteemed,
appropriated. (b.4 f.6 p.54).=20
41. centlamic quimattica, quicentlamitica, oyaque in intech
oatlamatia, in *intech* ocuecuenotia, in oquimonpopoaya,
in ixco oquinmanaya, in oquitepehuitinenca, in ocololhuitinenca,
in oquitetepehuiaya, ocoololhuyaya, oquimomactocac, omonelchiuh,.
gone were those who had made them proud and esteemed,
those received in payment, as offerings; those who had
lived together, assembled, gathered, united, esteemed,
appropriated. (b.4 f.6 p.54).=20
42. *intech* ontzopi,.
they were forced to pay. (b.4 f.7 p.71).=20
43. niman ic quicuania zan ic concuitimani, ic conicuanitimani,
*intech* pohui in calpolhuehuetque, quimoxexelhuia, quimomamaca,
quecizquican quimicuanilia,.
then the old men of the temple district [of uitzilopochtli]
removed, continued to take and transport, divided, and
distributed, what pertained to them. they removed it to
a number of places. (b.4 f.8 p.78).=20
44. moch *intech* aciz, in nemactiz, in ixquich ic otlatequililoque,
in chieltilo, inin ca oitoloc,.
all which they came by and received as gifts, all the
things which had been set aside and placed apart [by the
host]--this hath been told. (b.4 f.11 p.121).=20
45. hualaquetza onmocuaahayohuia: ic ommotonallalilia: inic
*intech* oacca mahuiztli:.
they raised their heads and revived their spirits; for
their fates were so established that fear should no longer
be with them. (b.5 f.1 p.155).=20
46. ihcuac in ye huecahua, tlein oquitocaque: mochi yehuan *intech*
tlami in tecocoliani, in temiquitlanini, in temiquiztemachique,
in temiquiztemachiani, in tehueiyecoani, in atlaca in tlatlacatecolo:
in motenehua, tepoloani.
when the ones which had been buried remained, they always
were attributed to the enemy, who would have one dead,
who wished one to perish--who hoped one would die; those
of great lust; inhuman; demons, the so-called destroyers
of men. (b.5 f.2 p.173).=20
47. ic ce capitulo, oncan mitoa: in tlatolli in huel inyollo
*intech* quizaya: in quitoaya: in ihcuac quitlatlauhtiaya,
in huei inteouh catca, in yehuatl tezcatlipoca: anozo titlacahua:
anozo yaotl: in ihcuac cocoliztli momanaya, inic quipopoloz..
first chapter. here are told the words which truly issued
from their hearts when they spoke, at the time that they
supplicated him who was their principal god, the one [who
was] tezcatlipoca, or titlacauan, or yaotl, at the time
that a plague prevailed, that he might destroy it. (b.6
f.1 p.1).=20
48. ic ome capitulo, oncan motenehua: in tlatolli in huel inyollo
*intech* quizaya: inic quitlatlauhtiaya tezcatlipoca: in
quitocayotiaya yohualli, ehecatl: inic quitlaniliaya necuiltonoliztli,
inic amo motolinizque..
second chapter. here are related the words which truly
issued from their hearts as they prayed to texcatlipoca,
whom they named the night, the wind, as they asked riches,
so that they would not be poor. (b.6 f.1 p.7).=20
49. auh manozo ihuian, yocoxca *intech* onaciz in tiacahuan
in yaomicque, in tepilhuan: in quitziccuacuatzin, in maceuhcatzin,
in tlacahuepantzin, in ixtlilcuechahuac, in ihhuitl temoc
in chahuacuetzin: auh in ye mochintin, in ye ixquichtin,
in cuauhti in ocelo, in ilhuicatl itic, in ompa cahuiltia
in tonatiuh, in xippilli in tiacauh in yaomicqui in ompa
and may they in peace, in repose, arrive among the valiant
warriors, those who died in war, the noblemen, quitzicquaquatzin,
maceuhcatzin, tlacauepantzin, ixtlilcuechauac, ihuitl temoc,
[and] chahuacuetzin; and all, all the several eagle warriors,
the ocelot warriors who are in the heavens where they gladden
the sun, the turquoise prince, the valiant warrior, the
one who died in war--they cry out to him there. (b.6 f.1
50. in *intech* onaciz, in intech ompohuiz in tiacahuan, in
yaomicque, in cuauhtin ocelo: in quinamiqui, in cahuiltia
in totonametl in xippilli:.
"they will arrive among, will belong with the valiant
warriors, those who died in war, the eagle warriors, the
ocelot warriors who receive, who gladden the resplendent
one, the turquoise prince." (b.6 f.2 p.15).=20
51. in intech onaciz, in *intech* ompohuiz in tiacahuan, in
yaomicque, in cuauhtin ocelo: in quinamiqui, in cahuiltia
in totonametl in xippilli:.
"they will arrive among, will belong with the valiant
warriors, those who died in war, the eagle warriors, the
ocelot warriors who receive, who gladden the resplendent
one, the turquoise prince." (b.6 f.2 p.15).=20
52. auh ca nelle axcan, ca *intech* oonacic ca oquimonma in
iachcocolhuan, in itechiuhcahuan in ye nachca onmantihui,
in oyecoco in petlapan, in icpalpan in teteucti, in tlatoque:
in tlacatl in acamapichtli, in tizocic, in ahuitzotl, in
huehue moteuczoma, in axayaca: in nican onicatiuh in moteuczoma
in ilhuicamina,.
"and verily now he hath approached, he hath known his
great-grandfathers, his progenitors, those who had already
gone beyond to reside, those who had come to establish
the realm--the lords, the rulers, the lord acamapichtli,
[and] ti=87oc, auitzotl, ueue motecu=87oma, axayacatl, the
one who hath here followed motecu=87oma ilhuicamina. (b.6
f.2 p.22).=20
53. ac ninomati in intlan tinechmicuanilia in *intech* tinechmaxitilia,
in intech tinechmopohuilia in motlaiximachhuan, in mocnihuan,
in motlapepenalhuan in ilhuileque, in macehualeque:.
who do I think I am that thou movest me among, thou bringest
me among, thou countest me with thy acquaintances, thy
friends, thy chosen ones, those who have desert, those
who have merit? (b.6 f.4 p.41).=20
54. ac ninomati in intlan tinechmicuanilia in intech tinechmaxitilia,
in *intech* tinechmopohuilia in motlaiximachhuan, in mocnihuan,
in motlapepenalhuan in ilhuileque, in macehualeque:.
who do I think I am that thou movest me among, thou bringest
me among, thou countest me with thy acquaintances, thy
friends, thy chosen ones, those who have desert, those
who have merit? (b.6 f.4 p.41).=20
55. auh in oncan tiquinmotlamamaquilia, in huel tiquinmocencahuilia,
in *intech* timotlatlatlalilia in tiquinmohueililia, in
tiquinmohuecapanilhuia in tetepeyotl, in xihuitzolli: auh
in nacochtli, in tentetl, in tlalpiloni, in matemecatl,
in cotzehuatl, in cozcatl, in quetzalli..
"and there thou dost bequeath them, thou arrayest them
with, thou placest upon the, thou honorest them, glorifiest
them with the peaked hat, the turquoise diadem, and the
earplug, the lip plug, the head band, the arm band, the
band for the calf of the leg, the necklace, the precious
feather. (b.6 f.4 p.44).=20
56. at *intech* tonaciz in cuauhtin, in ocelo in tiacahuan,
in cahuiltia, in coyohuia in tonatiuh, in tiacauh in cuauhtlehuanitl,.
perhaps thou wilt arrive by the eagle warriors, the ocelot
warriors, the brave warriors who gladden, who cry out to
the sun, the valiant warrior, the ascending eagle. (b.6
f.5 p.58).=20
57. inin ye yehuatl in imaxca, in *intech* pouhqui in toteucyohuan,
in tlatoque,.
this is the property of--it belongeth to--the lords, the
rulers. (b.6 f.8 p.95).=20
58. cenca *intech* monequi in telpopochti, in ichpopochti..
it is especially useful for the youths, for the maidens.
(b.6 f.8 p.99).=20
59. no huel *intech* neyolcocolo: inic mochi tlacatl quinequi,
quitemoa, quelehuia inin miquiztli cenca yectenehualo..
also they are much envied, so that all people desire,
seek, long for this death, [for such] are much praised.
(b.6 f.10 p.114).=20
60. izca ihuan in cualtin, in yectin: in cualli inyollo, *intech*
"behold also the good, the fine, the good of heart, those
worthy of confidence. (b.6 f.10 p.116).=20
61. auh inin cihua, amo zan ceceppa in *intech* aci: ahzo quen
nanappa, mamacuilpa:.
and to these women he hath access not only once with each
one, but four or five times with each one, more or less.
(b.6 f.10 p.125).=20
62. achtopa yehuantin in mahuiztililoni, in teteuctin, in achcacauhtin,
in tequihuaque, ihuan in tlapaliuhcayaca, ihuan in zan
huel tlapalihui: in mach huel yehuan, ye *intech* ompohui:
niman yehuantin in tiachcahuan, in telpochtlatoque: niman
yehuantin in ixquichtin in tehuayolque, in itechcopa oquichtli,
ihuan itechcopa cihuatl..
first those who were illustrious, the lords, the captains,
the seasoned warriors, and those who guided the groom,
and the moderately matured youths, those same among whom
[the groom] belonged, and then those who were the masters
of the youths, the rulers of the youths; then those who
were all the kinsmen of the man and of the woman. (b.6
f.11 p.129).=20
63. in axcan, ca ic *intech* tompachihui in ilamatque: ye toconpehualtia
in ilamanemiliztli:.
now thou approachest the old women; already thou commencest
the life of an old woman. (b.6 f.11 p.130).=20
64. ma *intech* xonmaxiti, ma intlan xonmocalaqui..
arrive with them, enter among them! (b.6 f.14 p.164).=20
65. auh in ixic *intech* quicahuaya tequihuaque, in yaoc matini:
inic ompa quitocazque in ixtlahuatl iitic, in oncan mochihuia
and she entrusted his umbilical cord to the distinguished
warriors, those wise in war, to bury it there in the midst
of the plains where warfare was practised. (b.6 f.14 p.171).=20
66. cuix huel *intech* aciz, motolinia in macehualli:.
perhaps the poor commoner will be able to arrive by them.
(b.6 f.16 p.203).=20
67. *intech* tipouhqui in cuauhtin, ocelo, in tiacahuan, in
yaomicque in cahuiltia, in coyohuia tonatiuh:.
thou belongest with the eagle warriors, with the ocelot
warriors, with the valiant warriors, those who died in
war, who gladden, who cry out to the sun." (b.6 f.17 p.204).=20
68. ma *intech* xicmopohuili, ma inihuan pohui in tlamaceuhque,
in tlamacazque, in motecque..
assign her to -- may she be with -- the penitent, the
priestesses, those of cut [hair]. (b.6 f.17 p.210).=20
69. auh inin noxocoyouh, nochpochtzin: ma zan ihuian, ma zan
yocoxca xonmohuica: ma *intech* xonmaxiti, ma intech xonmopachihuiti
in tlazocihuapipilti, in ichpopochtin in ihueltihuatzitzinhuan
toteucyo, in mitoa, motenehua ipitzitzinhuan in tlamaceuhque,
in chocani, in tlaocoyani..
and [because of] this, my youngest child, my daughter,
go carefully, little by little; arrive with, approach the
precious noblewomen, the virgins, the beloved older sisters
of our lord, those called, those named the older sisters,
the penitents, the weepers, the sad ones. (b.6 f.17 p.217).=20
70. auh inin noxocoyouh, nochpochtzin: ma zan ihuian, ma zan
yocoxca xonmohuica: ma intech xonmaxiti, ma *intech* xonmopachihuiti
in tlazocihuapipilti, in ichpopochtin in ihueltihuatzitzinhuan
toteucyo, in mitoa, motenehua ipitzitzinhuan in tlamaceuhque,
in chocani, in tlaocoyani..
and [because of] this, my youngest child, my daughter,
go carefully, little by little; arrive with, approach the
precious noblewomen, the virgins, the beloved older sisters
of our lord, those called, those named the older sisters,
the penitents, the weepers, the sad ones. (b.6 f.17 p.217).=20
71. ipampa ca in ye huecauh, in octli *intech* quitlamiliaya
in totochtin, in quinmoteotiaya huehuetque..
it is because in times of old, wine was falsely attributed
to the rabbits, whom the ancient ones worshipped. (b.6
f.18 p.230).=20
72. inin tlatolli *intech* mitoaya, in aquique in ye onmictilozque
in ye ontlecahuilo, inic miquizque:.
this saying was said of those who were about to be put
to death, who already had been brought up to die: (b.6
f.19 p.242).=20
73. inin tlatolli: *intech* mitoaya in aquique inpallacua, atli
pipilti, anozo altepetl: ahzo motlauhtia, anozo in tlein
this saying was said of those who ate, who drank by the
grace of the noblemen or of the city, or they were helped
perhaps in that which they ate. (b.6 f.19 p.247).=20
74. *intech* tlamiloya in mixtli, in quiahuitl, in tecihuitl,
in cehpayahuitl, in ayahuitl, in tlapetlaniliztli, in tlatlatziniliztl=
in tehuitequiliztli..
to them were attributed clouds, rain, hail, snow, mist,
sheet lightning, thunder, and lightning bolts which struck
men. (b.7 f.2 p.18).=20
75. in hualmozcalizque, in hualixtlamatizque, in huallachiazque,
ye *intech* ca in intlacoyo,.
when they matured, when they gained prudence, when they
looked about, already servitude would be upon them. (b.7
f.2 p.24).=20
76. ic cenca momauhtique, in tlaxcalteca, auh in yehuantin,
in tlaxcalteca, niman ic tlaihuaque, quinmacato in tlacualli,
in ixquich *intech* monequi:.
by this were the tlaxcalans much frightened, and these
tlaxcalans then sent messengers, [who] went to offer them
food and all which they might need. (b.8 f.2 p.21).=20
77. inic chicuei capitulo, oncan mitoa in izquitlamantli: in
nechichihuaya tlatoque in pipilti in *intech* quitlaliaya,
inic mocencahuaya in tilmatli in maxtlatl..
eighth chapter, in which are told the various articles
with which they adorned the rulers and noblemen---which
they placed on them when they were bedight in capes and
breech clouts. (b.8 f.2 p.23).=20
78. auh in ihcuac itla quinmachilia in tlatoani, ahzo tlahuanaliztli,
anozo nemecatiliztli, anozo itla icampa quiquixtia, in
tlatoani: in amo itencopa, itla quitetequitia in calla
ahzo atl, tlacualli tequipan yecahui, moyocoya, quitetequitia
inic *intech* monequi, niman tlanahuatia in tlatoani, cuauhcalco
and when the ruler knew something ill of them--either
drunkenness or concubinage; or that they wrought something
to their advantage behind the back of the ruler; [or] that
without his command they levied tribute on the town, perchance
of chocolate, or of food, which became a tribute, and it
was done without leave, and [that] they exacted as tribute
whatsoever they wished, then the ruler commanded that they
be jailed in wooden cages. (b.8 f.3 p.43).=20
79. in quinpaquiltia, in quintlauhtia, ihuan in quinmaca, in
ixquich *intech* monequi:.
he gave them contentment and he gave them gifts; he bestowed
upon them whatsoever they needed. (b.8 f.3 p.54).=20
80. auh im pipilti in ihcuac tlaotlamahqz. amo motecozauhaltia,
zan tlauhtica mohzaya quicemaque in nohuia *intech*. auh
mopotonia cuauhtlachcayotica..
and the noblemen, when they had taken some captives, did
not anoint themselves with yellow but rather stained themselves
with red ochre, which they put on all over; and they were
pasted with eagle down. (b.8 f.5 p.83).=20
81. auh izcatqui in zan imixcoyan intlatqui pochteca, inic onoztomecati,
onteconenemi, tepeyo, teocuitlatl: iuhquin tlatocayotl,
ihuan teocuitlaixcuaamatl, ihuan chayahuac cozcatl, teocuitlatl,
ihuan teocuitlanacochtli, ihuan teocuitlatl tlatzacualoni,
*intech* monequi in anahuacacihua: yehuantin in cihuapipilti,
ic quitzacua in innacayo, ihuan in maxitlaztli, in itoca
matzatzaztli, ihuan teocuitlanacochtli, ihuan tehuilonacochtli..
and behold what were the goods exclusively of the merchants,
those in which they dealt as vanguard merchants, [as] reconnoiterers:
golden mountain-shaped mitres, like royal crowns; and golden
forehead rosettes; and golden necklaces of radiating pendants;
and golden ear plugs; and golden covers used by women of
anauac--with these the princesses covered their bodies;
and rings for the fingers, called matzatzaztli; and golden
ear plugs; and rock crystal ear plugs. (b.9 f.1 p.8).=20
82. auh in zan macehualti *intech* monequi: yehuatl in itznacochtli,
amochitl, ihuan itztlaehualli neximaloni, ihuan huitzauhqui
itztli, ihuan tochomitl, ihuan huitzmallotl, ihuan coyolli..
and the things used by the common folk were obsidian ear
plugs, [or] tin, and obsidian razors with leather handles,
and pointed obsidian blades, and rabbit fur, and needles
for sewing, and shells. (b.9 f.1 p.8).=20
83. auh izcatqui in *intech* monequia cihuapipilti: teocuitlatzahualcaxitl,
ihuan teocuitlanacochtli, ihuan tehuilonacochtli..
and these were what the princesses required: golden bowls
for spindles, and ear plugs of gold and of rock crystal.
(b.9 f.2 p.18).=20
84. auh in za macehualti *intech* monequia: itznacochtli, tepoznacochtli:
ihuan itztlaehualli neximaloni: ihuan huitzauhqui ihuan
coyolli, ihuan huitzmallotl: nocheztli, tlalxocotl, tochomitl,
tlacopatli, xochipatli..
but those who were only commoners required obsidian ear
plugs, copper ear plugs, and razors of obsidian with leather
handles, and pointed obsidian blades, and shells, and needles;
[and] cochineal, alum, rabbit fur, birthwort, [and] cosmos
sulphureus. (b.9 f.2 p.18).=20
85. inic concuia in ixquich omoteneuh in apozonalli, tezzacatl,
mochihuaya ihuan tencolli, in *intech* monequia in huehuei
oquichti, in huehuei tiacahuan, in aocmo quimacacia yaoyotl
; in aoc tle ipan quittaya, in ohuel imixmacic, in iuh
yaotihua, in iuh tetlamaltilo..
for it, they secured all that hath been mentioned: amber,
of which were made the labrets and curved lip plugs which
the great warriors, the great chieftains required--those
who no longer dreaded war; who scorned it; who knew well
how war was waged, how captives were taken. (b.9 f.2 p.22).=20
86. in ihcuac ye *intech* quiza nanacatl, in oncan mitotia,
oncan choca:.
when the mushrooms took effect on them, then they danced,
then they wept. (b.9 f.4 p.39).=20
87. o yehuantin i in *intech* monequi in quintlauhtiaya tealti..
to these the bather of slaves gave gifts according to
their liking. (b.9 f.4 p.47).=20
88. cuezcontica quiquehquetzaya: *intech* monequia in ixquichtin
quipalehuiaya, inic amo apizmiquizque: inic tlaiya, inic
tlaihualhuia, pochteca caxitl inic temacoya atolli ayohuachpani:.
using bins he placed about all things required to assist
them, that they might not go hungry, that they might drink--that
there would be what all might drink; [and] merchants' vessels
in which atole topped with squash seeds might be served.
(b.9 f.4 p.48).=20
89. mochi on oncan contlalia in ixpan iyacateuctli inic oncan
ittoz, in iuhqui *intech* quitlalizque tlaaltilti,.
he placed all there before [the image of] yacatecutli,
so that it might be seen there what he would place on the
bathed ones. (b.9 f.4 p.51).=20
90. niman iciuhca quicencahua, in *intech* monequiz, in pochtecatlatoque,
in nahualoztomeca:.
then he quickly prepared what would be required for the
principal merchants, the disguised merchants. (b.9 f.5
91. yehuatl in quinmaca in omoteneuh, in *intech* pohui in nahualoztomeca,
in amanepaniuhqui, ihuan tlazomaxtlatl yacahuiyac..
he gave them the things [already] mentioned which pertained
to the disguised merchants: capes with plaited paper ornaments
and precious breech clouts with long ends. (b.9 f.5 p.55).=20
92. quinmaca in *intech* pohui in tilmatli, in maxtlatl, in
cueitl in huipilli, in cuetentli, conaquia in itenco:.
he gave them what pertained to them: the capes, the breech
clouts, the skirts, the shifts along whose borders they
had placed the trimming. (b.9 f.5 p.59).=20
93. in nahuintin i, iuh quitoa, ca yehuatl *intech* quitlamiaya
in toltecayotl ;.
to these four [gods], so they said, they attributed the
art [of the lapidary]. (b.9 f.6 p.80).=20
94. inic ontlamantli imonecca: cihua *intech* monequi quicuacua
in chapopotli..
as its second use, it is used by women; they chew the
bitumen. (b.10 f.5 p.89).=20
95. no yehuantin *intech* monequi in ye huel cihua in ye huel
ichpopochti: ihuan mochin in cihua, in ichpopochti mixmana
in tziccuacua..
also the mature women, the unmarried women use it; and
all the women who [are] unmarried chew chicle in public.
(b.10 f.5 p.89).=20
96. inic cempoalli on chicome capitulo: intechpa tlatoa in cuitlaxcolli,
ihuan in ixquich tehitic onoc, ihuan in ixquich pani onoc,
huihuilteccayotl, in totech cah, in toquichti, ihuan in
cihua *intech* cah..
Twenty-seventh chapter, which telleth of the intestines,
and of all the internal organs, and of all the external
organs, [and] of the joints pertaining to men and pertaining
to women. (b.10 f.6 p.95a).=20
97. xopilli *intech* tlahuicollotilo.
it is looped to toes (b.10 f.7 p.127b).=20
98. zan *intech* man, intech quiz, in intoca, in innemiliz,
in intlachihual.
their name is taken from -it comes from -their manner
of life, their works. (b.10 f.10 p.165).=20
99. zan intech man, *intech* quiz, in intoca, in innemiliz,
in intlachihual.
their name is taken from -it comes from -their manner
of life, their works. (b.10 f.10 p.165).=20
100. auh huel quimatia in quen yauh in ilhuicatl in quenin momalacachoa,
*intech* quittaya in cicitlalti:.
and they understood well the movements of the heavens;
their orbits they learned from the stars. (b.10 f.10 p.168).=20
101. no achitzitzin, tzotzomatzintli, tatapatzintli *intech*
also they put on a few rags --tattered capes. (b.10 f.10
102. no ihui in mochichihua in ye mochintin chichimeca: zan
amo quicui, amo *intech* pohui in tecuanehuatl, in tecuanicpalli:
zan mazayehuatzintli, coyoyehuatzintli, oztoyehuatzintli,
oztoyehuatl, techaloyehuatl. etc..
also likewise were arrayed all the [teo] chichimeca, only
they took not the wild animal skins, the wild animal seats
--they did not belong to them: only small deer skins, small
coyote skins, small grey fox skins, grey fox skins, squirrel
skins, etc. (b.10 f.10 p.173).=20
103. inin yetlamanixtin i, tlacaciuhque *intech* ca in tlacanemiliztli,.
these three were peaceful; the way of life which corresponded
to them, civilized. (b.10 f.10 p.175).=20
104. huel *intech* ca in ixquich ixtlamatiliztli, in nematiliztli,
ihuan in toltecayotl,.
in them were all prudence, industry, and craftmanship.
(b.10 f.11 p.176).=20
105. inique i, otomi, *intech* ca in tlacanemiliztli.
these otomi had a civilized way of life. (b.10 f.11 p.176).=20
106. in otomi: cenca topalme, xacanme, quitoznequi: in tlein
tilmatli, tlaquemitl tetonal: mochi quicui, mochi *intech*
quitlalia inic xacanme,.
the otomi were very gaudy dressers --vain people; that
is to say, what there were of capes, of clothing, which
were one's special privilege, they took all, they wore
all, to be vain people. (b.10 f.11 p.178).=20
107. amo moyectlalpilia, ic *intech* mitoa. can mach mito, ac
mach mitztocayoti in totomitl.
it was not worn in good taste; thus of them was said:
"hath it possibly been said that someone called thee an
otomi? (b.10 f.11 p.179).=20
108. auh inic topalti, inic xacanme, inic otomi: in ilamatoton
oc no mixcuatequi, oc no moxoxocolxima, oc no motlamiahua,
oc moxahua, oc mopotonia in tlapalihhuitica, oc no *intech*
quitlalia in tlamachcueitl, in tlamachhuipilli..
and as gaudy dressers, as vain as the [other] otomi, were
the old women, who still also cut the hair over the forehead;
who still also cut the hair on one side, leaving the other
side long; who still also darkened their teeth, still painted
their faces, still pasted themselves with red feathers;
who still also put on the embroidered skirts, the embroidered
shifts. (b.10 f.11 p.179).=20
109. inique in, huel *intech* ca in tlacayotl, in tlacanemiliztli:.
to these corresponded a humane, civilized life. (b.10
f.11 p.184).=20
110. ihuan no *intech* tlacalehualo in otomi,.
and also they were reckoned among the otomi people. (b.10
f.11 p.186).=20
111. ihuan quimihua in achcacauhti, chicahuaque, in tiacahuan
in ipan tlatozque in ixquich *intech* monequiz in cualoni
in totoli in totoltetl, in iztac tlaxcalli: ihuan in tlein
and he sent the elders, the hardy [warriors], the brave
[warriors] to secure [for the spaniards] all the food they
would need: turkey hens, eggs, white tortillas, and what
they might desire. (b.12 f.2 p.21).=20
112. niman ic tetlacuauhnahuati in moteuczoma, huel quincocolti,
huel quintenizti, quinmiquiznahuati in calpixque: auh in
ixquich in teuctli, in achcauhtli in quittazque, in quimocuitlahuizque
in ixquich *intech* monequiz..
then moctezuma sternly commanded, charged, enjoined, ordered
on pain of death the stewards and all the lords, the elders,
to see to, to care for everything [the spaniards] might
need. (b.12 f.2 p.23).=20
113. in za mocuitlacueptinemi in titlanti, in ipan ontlatoa
in izquitlamantli, in izquican icac in *intech* monequiz..
the emissaries, those who had interceded for them for
everything, everywhere, that they might need, just went,
turning their backs. (b.12 f.2 p.25).=20
114. auh cenca *intech* moyollaliaya intech huel catca iyollo,
intech tlacuauhtlamatia: cequintin quimomachiztiaya, in
quitoaya. ca ommati in mictlan, ihuan tonatiuh ichan, ihuan
tlalocan ihuan cincalco inic ompatiz in campa ye huel motlanequiliz..
and of those whom he much unburdened himself to, confided
in, held especially easy conversation with some told what
they knew; they said: " [some] know where mictlan is, and
tonatiuh ichan, and tlalocan, and cincalco, that one may
be benefited. [determine] in what place indeed is thy need."
(b.12 f.2 p.26).=20
115. auh cenca intech moyollaliaya *intech* huel catca iyollo,
intech tlacuauhtlamatia: cequintin quimomachiztiaya, in
quitoaya. ca ommati in mictlan, ihuan tonatiuh ichan, ihuan
tlalocan ihuan cincalco inic ompatiz in campa ye huel motlanequiliz..
and of those whom he much unburdened himself to, confided
in, held especially easy conversation with some told what
they knew; they said: " [some] know where mictlan is, and
tonatiuh ichan, and tlalocan, and cincalco, that one may
be benefited. [determine] in what place indeed is thy need."
(b.12 f.2 p.26).=20
116. auh cenca intech moyollaliaya intech huel catca iyollo,
*intech* tlacuauhtlamatia: cequintin quimomachiztiaya,
in quitoaya. ca ommati in mictlan, ihuan tonatiuh ichan,
ihuan tlalocan ihuan cincalco inic ompatiz in campa ye
huel motlanequiliz..
and of those whom he much unburdened himself to, confided
in, held especially easy conversation with some told what
they knew; they said: " [some] know where mictlan is, and
tonatiuh ichan, and tlalocan, and cincalco, that one may
be benefited. [determine] in what place indeed is thy need."
(b.12 f.2 p.26).=20
117. quinmacaque in *intech* monequi inca mochiuhque.
they gave them whatsoever they required; they attended
to them. (b.12 f.2 p.29).=20
118. auh in otlathuic, niman ye ic motzatzilia in ixquich *intech*
monequi, in iztac tlaxcalli, totollalehuatzalli, totoltetl,
chipahuac atl, in cuahuitl, in tlatlatilcuahuitl, in tecolli,
in apaztli, in petzcaxitl, in apilloli, in tzotzocolli,
in tlatzoyonilcaxitl, in ye ixquich in zoquitlatquitl:.
and when it dawned, thereupon were proclaimed all the
things which [the spaniards] required: white tortillas,
roasted turkey hens, eggs, fresh water, wood, firewood,
charcoal, earthen bowls, polished vessels, water jars,
large water pitchers, cooking vessels, all manner of clay
articles. (b.12 f.3 p.45).=20
119. moch *intech* compachoque moch conmotechtique, moch conmotonaltique..
they possessed themselves of all, they appropriated all
to themselves, they took all to themselves as their lot.
(b.12 f.3 p.48).=20
120. tel amo ic mocahua, amo ic netzotzonalo in concahua in
ixquich *intech* monequi, za in mauhcac in concahuaya,.
yet not because of this did they stop; not for this was
there hesitation in leaving what [the spaniards] required,
but they left it in fear. (b.12 f.3 p.50).=20
121. auh niman ye ic quimicahuatztihui, quimololhuitihui, *intech*
icatihui in mexica, quimaantihui in tlaxcalteca ihuan in
espa=A4oles mictihui:.
and thereupon the mexicans went roaring at them, they
went surrounding them, took after them; they went taking
numbers of the tlaxcallans, and the spaniards they went
slaying. (b.12 f.5 p.68).=20
122. aocmo *intech* onaci, za huecapa quimitztihui za quinhuecapahuitihui,
za quinnachcapahuitihui..
not yet did they come up to them; they only remained facing
them from afar, they only went dealing with them from there.
(b.12 f.5 p.72).=20
123. *intech* motlahuelquixtique, intech mellelquixtique..
(the spaniards] vented their wrath upon them, they took
their pleasure with them. (b.12 f.5 p.72).=20
124. intech motlahuelquixtique, *intech* mellelquixtique..
(the spaniards] vented their wrath upon them, they took
their pleasure with them. (b.12 f.5 p.72).=20
125. auh intla za acame motlapaloa in *intech* onaci, iuhquin
aquim ontlatoltia in quinhualixili,.
and if besides any [mexicans] dared go among them as if
to interrogate them, [the spaniards] speared them. (b.12
f.5 p.77).=20
126. inic cempoalli on chicome capitulo oncan mitoa in quenin
mexica *intech* acito in espa=A4oles inic quintepotztocaya..
twenty-seventh chapter, in which it is told how the mexicans
came to reach the spaniards in order to follow them at
the rear. (b.12 f.5 p.78).=20
127. auh in cequintin zan huehueca in *intech* motlali in zahuatl,
amo cenca quimihioti, amo no miequintin ic micque:.
and on some, each pustule was placed on them only far
apart; they did not cause much suffering, neither did many
die of them. (b.12 f.6 p.82).=20
128. moch quincuilique in inyaotlatqui, ihuan in imichcahuipil,
ihuan in ixquich in *intech* catca, moch quintepehualtique:.
they took from them all their battle gear and their quilted
cotton armor, all which was on them; they completely disrobed
them. (b.12 f.7 p.97).=20
129. auh in tzilacatzin, ihuan oc cequintin tiacahuan: in oquimittaque
in espa=A4oles: niman *intech* hualyetiquizque,.
and tzilacatzin and still other brave warriors, when they
saw the spaniards, then quickly went forward against them.
(b.12 f.7 p.97).=20
130. auh in tiacahuan *intech* motlapaloque quintocaqueh:.
and the brave warriors were fearless against them; they
pursued them. (b.12 f.7 p.105).=20
131. auh cencan iyolic *intech* xocotihui, intech caltechpachotihui..
and it was very slowly that (the spaniards) went repulsing
them; they went pressing them back against the houses.
(b.12 f.7 p.114).=20
132. auh cencan iyolic intech xocotihui, *intech* caltechpachotihui..
and it was very slowly that (the spaniards) went repulsing
them; they went pressing them back against the houses.
(b.12 f.7 p.114).=20
133. niman ic quintepotztique, zan moch yehuantin in tiyacahuan,
ihuan in pipiltin, *intech* yetiquizque nec imicampa quintepotztique,.
When all the brave warriors and the noblemen pursued them,
emerged against them, then pursued them at their rear guard.
(b.12 f.7 p.114).=20
134. amo zan tlalpan anquimayahuizque cenca *intech* in anquitlazazque:.
you will not just drop it on the ground; you will cast
it strongly at them. (b.12 f.8 p.118).=20
135. zan moch tzotzomatli in *intech* quitlalique..
it was all only rags that they put on themselves. (b.12
f.8 p.122).=20
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