itech 4

R. Joe Campbell campbel at
Sat Oct 30 13:08:05 UTC 1999

   I checked for the occurrence of "itech" in the FC and the results were
too big for one message, so I divided the file into five parts.  Here is
number 4.  If there is interest in the others, of course, I'd be glad to
send them.

Best regards,


451. auh itla tetontli: tlacotl, cuauhtontli in *itech* moyeyecoa
      and it makes a test on some small stone, shrub, small
     tree; it strikes it. (b.11 f.8 p.77).=20
452. *itech* quiza maquiztli, quitoznequi: macuextli, ihuan
      [its name] comes from maquiztli, which is to say macuextli,
     and coatl. (b.11 f.8 p.79).=20
453. inic mitoa tlalmazacohuatl: ca zan nohuian, in milpan nemi:
     auh inic mazatl *itech* onca, ca cuacuauhtone..
      it is called tlalma=87acoatl because it dwells everywhere
     in the maize fields; and from deer, because it has small
     horns. (b.11 f.8 p.80).=20
454. auh inic mitoa tlapapalcohuatl: huel ixquich *itech* ca
     in tlapalli, ic mohuahuahuan. quimoquequechili:.
      and it is named tlapapalcoatl because on it are indeed
     all colors; it is striped with them; they run from one
     end to the other. (b.11 f.8 p.80).=20
455. inic mitoa tetzmolcohuatl in aquin, anozo in tlein *itech*
     motecuia, niman aoc huel quicahua; ixquichica in quimictiz,
     ihuan cenca chicahuac, cenca ichtic..
      it is named tetzmolcoatl because the person or thing about
     which it coils itself, it never more lets go until it kills
     it. and it is very strong, very wiry. (b.11 f.9 p.85).=20
456. xicalli *itech* mitoa, ihuan cohuatl.
      it is named for xicalli and coatl. (b.11 f.9 p.85).=20
457. auh inin xicalli: huel *itech* cenquizca ca in tlapalli,
     inic tlacuicuilolli,.
      and this gourd bowl: the coloring with which it is painted
     is part of it. (b.11 f.9 p.85).=20
458. *itech* quiztica olli: ipampa ololtic, niman ye cohuatl:
     ipampa onca itzontecon, ihuan icuitlapil,.
      [its name] comes from olli because it is round, [and black];
     then coatl, because it has its head and its tail. (b.11
     f.9 p.86).=20
459. *itech* quiza in itoca petlazolli, ihuan cohuatl: ipanpa
     ca achiuhqui in cohuatl..
      its name comes from petla=87olli and coatl, because it is
     almost like a serpent. (b.11 f.9 p.86).=20
460. *itech* quiza in nipinahua, anozo nitepinauhtia:.
      [its name] comes from "i am ashamed" or "i shame someone."
     (b.11 f.9 p.89).=20
461. *itech* mitoa cuahuitl, ihuan azcatl: ipanpa cuauhtitech,
     cuauhpalanitech yoli, in tlacati:.
      it is named from quauitl [tree] and azcatl [ant] because
     it lives on trees, on rotten wood, where it breeds. (b.11
     f.9 p.90).=20
462. *itech* mitoa in cuitlatl, ihuan azcatl: ipampan cuitlayac,.
      it is named from cuitlatl [dung] and azcatl [ant] because
     it smells of dung. (b.11 f.9 p.90).=20
463. in tlein ceppa *itech* mopiloa, aocmo quicahua, quitlamia,
      whatever it clings to it no more releases; it consumes
     it, it sucks it dry. (b.11 f.9 p.91).=20
464. *itech* quiza in itoca tlalli, ihuan omitl: ipampa in zan
     huel tlallan yoli, ihuan mochipa ompa onoc:.
      its name comes from tlalli [earth] and omitl [bone], because
     it is really a creature in the ground, and always remains
     there. (b.11 f.10 p.92).=20
465. in itoca *itech* quiza in cuitlatl, ihuan cololoa: ipampa
     ca in canin quitta cuitlatl cololoa, quiteololalia: auh
     quimimilotiuh quihuica..
      its name comes from cuitlatl [dung] and cololoa [it makes
     it into a ball], because wherever it sees dung, it makes
     it into a ball, it forms it into a ball, and goes rolling
     it along; it transports it. (b.11 f.10 p.93).=20
466. in itoca *itech* quiza tzontli, niman ye ima: ipampa in
     ima cenca huihuiac, tliltic, pitzatoton huel iuhquin tzontli.
      its name comes from tzontli [hair] then ima [its arms],
     because its arms are very long, black, small and slender,
     just like hair. (b.11 f.10 p.93).=20
467. *itech* quiza in itoca xicalli ihuan papalotl: ipampa ca
     coztic, huel coztic, tomiollo:.
      its name comes from xicalli [gourd bowl] and papalotl
     [butterfly], because it is yellow, it is quite yellow,
     it is fuzzy. (b.11 f.10 p.94).=20
468. achi itloc in xicalpapalotl, ipampa mocuicuilo, iuhquin
     chien tzitzicuicatoc in nohuian inacayo *itech*, ihuan
     in iatlapalpan mocuicuiloa, mochiancuicuiloa..
      it is somewhat similar to the xicalpapalotl, because it
     is painted as if sprinkled with chia, flecked everywhere
     on its body; and its wings are painted, painted with a
     chia design. (b.11 f.10 p.95).=20
469. *itech* quiza in itoca texotli..
      its name comes from texotli [light blue]. (b.11 f.10 p.95).=20
470. miec tlamantli tlapalli *itech* ca inic cuicuiltic: huel
     xochitic, huellamomoxoltic: auh huel moxtic, huel mahuiztic,.
      many kinds of colors are on them, so that they are varicolored,
     much like flowers, of very intricate design, and truly
     sought after, truly wonderful. (b.11 f.10 p.95).=20
471. in itoca *itech* quiza in acatl: quitoznequi mitl: ipampa
     inic patlani, iuhquin tlamina:.
      its name comes from acatl [reed], that is "arrow," because
     when it flies, it is as if one shot an arrow. (b.11 f.10
472. *itech* tlacati in capoli:.
      it hatches on american cherry trees. (b.11 f.10 p.97).=20
473. in itoca *itech* quiza tetatamachihua: ipampa ca huiacatontli
     in ocuilton..
      its name comes from tetamachiua [it measures one], because
     the little worm is a little long. (b.11 f.10 p.97).=20
474. inin huel *itech* yoli, itech tlacati in topozan:.
      this ones lives, hatches on the topo=87an tree. (b.11 f.10
475. inin huel itech yoli, *itech* tlacati in topozan:.
      this ones lives, hatches on the topo=87an tree. (b.11 f.10
476. in macehualli *itech* ca, in itzinco hualpotzahui iztacatotonti,
     in ocuiltoton; iuhquin, in quin ye pehua nacatl palani
      those which are in the common folk, which well out of
     their anuses, are small white worms like the worms in meat
     when it starts to putrefy. (b.11 f.10 p.99).=20
477. za mochi ocuilin itoca, in zazo tlein palanqui *itech*
      all are called worms, in whatever putrefaction they live.
     (b.11 f.10 p.99).=20
478. inic mitoa chiancuetla: huel inan in chiencuahuitl, huel
     *itech* in onoc in mochihua..
      they are called chiancuetlan because the chenquauitl tree
     is really their mother; right in they are, they develop.
     (b.11 f.10 p.99).=20
479. inin zan huel *itech* yoli, itech tlacati in elotl,.
      this one lives right on, hatches on the green maize ears.
     (b.11 f.10 p.99).=20
480. inin zan huel itech yoli, *itech* tlacati in elotl,.
      this one lives right on, hatches on the green maize ears.
     (b.11 f.10 p.99).=20
481. zan huel iitic tlacati in tlazolli, zan huel *itech* yoli:.
      it hatches right in rubbish; it lives right in it. (b.11
     f.10 p.99).=20
482. tlacuauh *itech* nemi, itech tlacati in nochtli.
      it lives, it breeds especially on the fruit of the nopal.
     (b.11 f.10 p.99).=20
483. tlacuauh itech nemi, *itech* tlacati in nochtli.
      it lives, it breeds especially on the fruit of the nopal.
     (b.11 f.10 p.99).=20
484. in *itech* ca in itech mochihua quimichi, tochi. etc..
      they are on, they form on mice, rabbits, etc. (b.11 f.10
485. in itech ca in *itech* mochihua quimichi, tochi. etc..
      they are on, they form on mice, rabbits, etc. (b.11 f.10
486. ahzo motlatlaloa in quimichi, in anozo tlein yolcatl *itech*.
      perhaps the mice, or whatever creature the worm lives
     on, flees. (b.11 f.10 p.99).=20
487. mitoa motocayotia citlalmitl auh in tlein *itech* ca, citlalminqui
      it is said they are named "star arrow," and what they
     are on is called "shot by a star. (b.11 f.10 p.100).=20
488. yehuatl in cuahuitl iiti, in cuahuitl *itech* tlacati:.
      this one hatches in the trees, on the trees. (b.11 f.10
489. yehuatl in cuahuitl *itech* tlacati, in itech yoli,.
      this one hatches in wood; it lives in it. (b.11 f.10 p.100).=20
490. yehuatl in cuahuitl itech tlacati, in *itech* yoli,.
      this one hatches in wood; it lives in it. (b.11 f.10 p.100).=20
491. inic macuillamantli, itoca copitl: *itech* quizan nicopi,
     ipanpa huallanextitiuh oceuhtiuh:.
      a fifth kind is called copitl, which comes from nicopi
     [i close my eyes], because it goes shining, it goes with
     light extinguished. (b.11 f.10 p.101).=20
492. in campa tlein *itech* motlalia, in quichichina: zan no
     ihuan itech motzinchichiqui, oncan hiciuhca motetia, iciuhca
     ocuiltoton oncan yoli..
      wheresoever it settles, it sucks; on the same place it
     also rubs its rump; there it quickly lays eggs; soon little
     worms live there. (b.11 f.11 p.102).=20
493. in campa tlein itech motlalia, in quichichina: zan no ihuan
     *itech* motzinchichiqui, oncan hiciuhca motetia, iciuhca
     ocuiltoton oncan yoli..
      wheresoever it settles, it sucks; on the same place it
     also rubs its rump; there it quickly lays eggs; soon little
     worms live there. (b.11 f.11 p.102).=20
494. inic chicuacen capitulo: itechpa tlatoa in nepapan cuahuitl,
     ihuan in izquitlamantli *itech* ca, iuhquinma ichicahualizo..
      sixth chapter, which telleth of the various trees, and
     of the various properties which correspond to them, such
     as their strength. (b.11 f.11 p.103).=20
495. ic impan mitoa in mopoani, in zatepan cenca icnoyotl *itech*
     yauh, hualxoxocotihuan tlalticpac,.
      therefore it is said of the proud, to whom later great
     misery comes, "the fruit comes to earth." (b.11 f.11 p.108).=20
496. cuauhtlactli; in itlac cuahuitl: yehuatl in *itech* hualehua
     in cuauhtzontetl in itech onaci icuapitzahuaya,.
      the trunk of the tree, the tree trunk: this rises from
     the base; it reaches to the slender part [above]. (b.11
     f.11 p.113).=20
497. cuauhtlactli; in itlac cuahuitl: yehuatl in itech hualehua
     in cuauhtzontetl in *itech* onaci icuapitzahuaya,.
      the trunk of the tree, the tree trunk: this rises from
     the base; it reaches to the slender part [above]. (b.11
     f.11 p.113).=20
498. *itech* quiza in huepantli, huel teconi, cuahcuauhuani,.
      from it comes the beam, that which can be well cut, that
     which can be carpentered. (b.11 f.12 p.114).=20
499. cuauhtzontli, cuauhtzontetl: in tlein huepantli, anozo
     cuauhtectli *itech* huetzi;.
      the tree trunk, the trunk of the tree, is that from which
     the beams or logs come. (b.11 f.12 p.116).=20
500. xococuahuitl, in zazo tlein xocotl *itech* mochihua in
     huel xococ, in zan achi xococ..
      the fruit tree, the fruit of whatever kind growing on
     it: the quite sour, the slightly sour. (b.11 f.12 p.118).=20
501. inic chicuei parrapho itechpa mitoa in quenami nopalli
     *itech* ca nochtli..
      eighth paragraph, in which are told the sorts of nopal
     and the tunas on them. (b.11 f.12 p.122).=20
502. zacatlaxcalyayactic: in *itech* quiquiza, itoca tlatocnochtli,.
      [the tuna] is dark yellow; thence comes its name, tlatocnochtli.
     (b.11 f.12 p.123).=20
503. in *itech* quiza, itoca cuicuilnochtli,.
      from it come [the tunas] named cuicuilnochtli. (b.11 f.12
504. in *itech* quiza itoca anochtli,.
      from it come [the tunas] named anochtli. (b.11 f.12 p.123).=20
505. in *itech* quiza, in itlaaquillo itoca, tzohualnochtli,.
      from it comes its fruit named tzooalnochtli. (b.11 f.12
506. in *itech* mochihua itoca zacanochtli,.
      the name of what grows on it is =87acanochtli. (b.11 f.12
507. *itech* quiza inelhuayo.
      [the name] comes from its root. (b.11 f.13 p.124).=20
508. in aquin quicua in, in anozo qui: *itech* quiza, iuhquin
      on him who eats it or drinks it, it takes effect like
     mushrooms. (b.11 f.13 p.127).=20
509. ahzo cemilhuitl, anozo omilhuitl in *itech* quiza, tel
     zan no concahua:.
      it affects him perhaps one day, perhaps two days, but
     likewise it abates. (b.11 f.13 p.127).=20
510. auh intla zan hueli quicua cemicac yollochicotiz, yollotlahuelilotiz,
     cemicac *itech* quinehuaz aoc tlacacemelle yez..
      and if he eats it moderately, he will forever be disturbed,
     maddened; he will always be possessed, no longer tranquil.
     (b.11 f.13 p.127).=20
511. catolhuia in ixinachyo, cochpana, cololoa in tlaelli, in
     cuitlaxcolli *itech* onoc,.
      they make an atole from its seeds, which cleans out, moves
     out the flux which is in the intestines. (b.11 f.13 p.138).=20
512. *itech* monequi in aquin papalani inacacayo;.
      it is required by those whose flesh is suppurated. (b.11
     f.14 p.142).=20
513. *itech* monequi in aquin motlehuia, contexilia, coni; ic
     hualnoquia in quicocoa,.
      it is required by one who has a fever; they grind it for
     him to drink, thereby purging him who takes sick. (b.11
     f.14 p.142).=20
514. no *itech* monequi in aquin palani inacayo,.
      it is also required by one whose flesh is festered. (b.11
     f.14 p.142).=20
515. *itech* monequi in aquin motlehuia,.
      he who has a fever requires it. (b.11 f.14 p.143).=20
516. *itech* monequi in aquin totonic inacayo,.
      he who has blistered his flesh requires it. (b.11 f.14
517. *itech* monequi in aquin tletl itech ca..
      he who has a fever requires it. (b.11 f.14 p.143).=20
518. itech monequi in aquin tletl *itech* ca..
      he who has a fever requires it. (b.11 f.14 p.143).=20
519. *itech* monequi in aquin motlehuia,.
      he who has a fever requires it. (b.11 f.14 p.144).=20
520. *itech* monequi in aquin itipozahua, anozo quinoquia:.
      [the root] is required by one who has a swollen stomach
     or diarrhea. (b.11 f.14 p.144).=20
521. *itech* monequi in aquin cenca icica,.
      it is required by him who pants much. (b.11 f.14 p.145).=20
522. *itech* monequi in aquin omitlacoconi in anoce omocochtemic,
     in anozo quimauhtique:.
      it is required by one who has harmed his genitals, or
     has expelled semen in his sleep, or they have frightened
     him [in the act]. (b.11 f.14 p.145).=20
523. *itech* monequi in totonqui itech ca.
      it is required by one who has a fever. (b.11 f.14 p.145).=20
524. itech monequi in totonqui *itech* ca.
      it is required by one who has a fever. (b.11 f.14 p.145).=20
525. *itech* monequi in motlehuia,.
      it is required by one who has a fever. (b.11 f.14 p.145).=20
526. *itech* monequi in coacihui ic moxaxacualoa:.
      it is required when one has gout; he rubs himself with
     it. (b.11 f.14 p.146).=20
527. amo maye in iamatlapal: zan niman *itech* quiza in icuauhyo
      it has no branches; its leaves only come out from its
     green trunk. (b.11 f.14 p.149).=20
528. *itech* monequi in aquin minalo, anozo mihxili:.
      it is required by him who is pierced by an arrow or has
     a sliver in the foot. (b.11 f.14 p.149).=20
529. *itech* monequi in aquin melixhuitia, in aocmo huel temo
     quicua anozo qui..
      it is required by one who has indigestion, who is constipated;
     he eats it, or drinks it [with water]. (b.11 f.15 p.150).=20
530. yehuatl *itech* monequi in aquin omaxixtzauc, anozo omotzintzauc
     in amo huel quiza inemanahuil, yie itipozahua:.
      it is required by him who suffers from dysuria or has
     become constipated, whose excrement can no longer come
     out, who already has a distended abdomen. (b.11 f.15 p.153).=20
531. moteci. *itech* monequi: in aquin motlehuia, in cenca mitonia
      ground up, it is required by one who has a fever, whose
     body becomes very hot. (b.11 f.15 p.153).=20
532. *itech* monequi, conitia in cihuatl, in otlacachiuh.
      it is required by, [and] one gives it in a drink to, a
     woman who has given birth to a child. (b.11 f.15 p.154).=20
533. conitia in aquin motlehuia in ixco, in ixayac *itech* papanhuetzi:.
      he who has a fever which comes to the surface in his eyes,
     in his face, drinks it. (b.11 f.15 p.154).=20
534. *itech* monequi in aquin ixillan omotlali temalli in toquichcocol,
     in ye cuanhuaqui:.
      it is required by one who has pus settle in his abdomen,
     who has the male sickness, who dries up. (b.11 f.15 p.155).=20
535. *itech* monequi in aquin mocaxania in omococoaya: anozo
     cihuatl iciuhca oquichcochi, anozo cihuacochi:.
      it is required when one who has become sick has a relapse,
     or if soon [after sickness] a woman sleeps with a man or
     a man sleeps with her. (b.11 f.15 p.155).=20
536. *itech* monequi in aquin eztli quiza iyacac in amo huel
      it is required by one who has a nosebleed which cannot
     be stanched. (b.11 f.15 p.156).=20
537. in inelhuayo: coni in aquin motlehuia, in iitic motlalia
     tletl: in tonacayo itztic in pani, anoce huel *itech* motlalia
     in totlalhuayo, in ticececmiqui.
      he who has a fever, a fever located internally, while
     there are chills on the surface of the body, or chills
     settled in the nerves, drinks [an infusion of] its roots.
     (b.11 f.15 p.156).=20
538. *itech* monequi in aquin mapitza: ihuan in aquin cenca
     totonia inacayo,.
      it is required by him who has diarrhea, and by him whose
     body is very hot. (b.11 f.15 p.157).=20
539. *itech* monequi in aquin pozahua in inacayo: anoce ye palani
     in inacayo.
      it is required by one whose body is swollen, or whose
     body is festered. (b.11 f.15 p.157).=20
540. ihuan no yehuatl coni in aquin *itech* catqui, in quitocayotia
      and he who has [the ailment] named matlaltotonqui also
     drinks it. (b.11 f.15 p.158).=20
541. occan, excan cuichehua, xoxohuixtimomana in *itech* tonacayo.
     in ihcuac mih,.
      in two places, in three places, there are dark spots;
     bruises appear on the body when it is drunk. (b.11 f.15
542. *itech* monequi in aquin mococolilochtia, in cenca icica,
     in cenca totonia inacayo:.
      it is required by one who has a relapse, who pants considerably,
     whose body burns considerably. (b.11 f.15 p.159).=20
543. nohuian *itech* quiza in tonacayo:.
      in all parts [the fever] leaves the body. (b.11 f.16 p.161).=20
544. yehuatl *itech* monequi in aquin itipozahua in iiti xaxamacatinemi,
     anozo ye pozahua in inacayo: ihuan in aquin ixillan tetecuicatinemi,
     ahzo cihuatl, ahzo toquichti, ahzo piltontli:.
      this is required by one whose abdomen is distended, whose
     abdomen goes rumbling, or whose body is swollen, and by
     one whose abdomen goes resounding, whether woman or man
     or child. (b.11 f.16 p.161).=20
545. in iamatlapal imemeyallo, ihuan yiacacelica iuhqui in chichihualayotl
     *itech* quiza,.
      the sap, which comes from its leaves and its tender tips,
     is like milk. (b.11 f.16 p.161).=20
546. *itech* monequi in chichihua in oxocox ichichihualayo,.
      it is required by one nursing [infants] whose milk is
     sour. (b.11 f.16 p.162).=20
547. matenextic, totomio, zan *itech* onoc in tomio.
      the blades are ashen, fuzzy; the fuzz is only on the blades.
     (b.11 f.16 p.162).=20
548. *itech* monequi in aquin nanahuati, anozo papalani in inchichic..
      it is required by one who has pustules or is covered with
     sores. (b.11 f.16 p.162).=20
549. oncan quitemilia in *itech* nanahuatl in oncan hualquiquiza
     chiahuizatl, anozo palaxtli: ic pati..
      there they make it cover the pustules where the serous
     blood flows out, or else the sores, with this they heal.
     (b.11 f.16 p.162).=20
550. *itech* monequi in aquin xochicihui,.
      it is required by him who has hemorrhoids. (b.11 f.16
551. in tetzintlan anozo tototouh *itech* motlalia, anozo temaxac,
     anozo tequexilco:.
      it is placed in the anus, or the penis, or in the crotch,
     or in the rectum. (b.11 f.16 p.163).=20
552. *itech* monequi in aquin quexilihui, anozo itech motlalia
     cualocatl, oncan motlalilia: in quenmanian,.
      it is required by one who has a swelling of the groin,
     or else jigger fleas are located on him, wherever they
     settle. (b.11 f.16 p.163).=20
553. itech monequi in aquin quexilihui, anozo *itech* motlalia
     cualocatl, oncan motlalilia: in quenmanian,.
      it is required by one who has a swelling of the groin,
     or else jigger fleas are located on him, wherever they
     settle. (b.11 f.16 p.163).=20
554. *itech* monequi, in aquin palani inacayo: ihuan iztac totonqui,.
      it is required by one whose flesh is suppurated, and for
     white fever. (b.11 f.16 p.164).=20
555. *itech* monequi, conitinemi in ihcuac ayatle mocua, in
     aquin nanahuati:.
      one who has pustules requires it; he goes about drinking
     it during fasting. (b.11 f.16 p.164).=20
556. in ome ei tlacatl *itech* monequi.
      two [or] three persons may use [one]. (b.11 f.16 p.165).=20
557. in ihcuac aca miec *itech* motlalia. miec alahuac in iuhqui
     quiyolmalacachoa, coni tetzahuac..
      when some one has much phlegm settle in him, when it seems
     that it will make him dizzy, he drinks it thickened. (b.11
     f.16 p.165).=20
558. *itech* monequi in aquin axixcocoya, axixcozahuia, axixtetzahua:.
      it is required by one who suffers a urine ailment; who
     has ycllow urine, who has dysuria. (b.11 f.16 p.166).=20
559. *itech* monequi in aquin totonia inacayo:.
      it is required by one whose body burns. (b.11 f.16 p.166).=20
560. auh yehuatl *itech* monequi in aquin omotlati, anozo papalani
     in inacayo;.
      but this is required by one who has been burned or whose
     body is festered. (b.11 f.16 p.167).=20
561. *itech* monequi in aquin huehuei totonqui itech motlalia:
     ahzo pozahua, anoce tlaxhuiztli:.
      it is required by one on whom a high fever has settled;
     perhaps he has a swelling or an abscess. (b.11 f.16 p.167).=20
562. itech monequi in aquin huehuei totonqui *itech* motlalia:
     ahzo pozahua, anoce tlaxhuiztli:.
      it is required by one on whom a high fever has settled;
     perhaps he has a swelling or an abscess. (b.11 f.16 p.167).=20
563. *itech* monequi in aquin zazahuati:.
      it is required by one who has pimples. (b.11 f.16 p.167).=20
564. paltic in *itech* motlalilia in oncan ca zahuatl..
      moistened, it is placed there where the pimples are. (b.11
     f.16 p.167).=20
565. *itech* monequi in aquin eztli quiza iyacac, in amo huel
     motzacua: iyacac mochipinia,.
      it is required by one from whose nose blood issues; who
     cannot stop the dripping from his nose. (b.11 f.16 p.168).=20
566. *itech* monequi; in aquin huei totonqui itech motlalia:
     in iuhqui iztac totonqui:.
      it is required by one who has contracted a high fever,
     such as the white fever. (b.11 f.16 p.168).=20
567. itech monequi; in aquin huei totonqui *itech* motlalia:
     in iuhqui iztac totonqui:.
      it is required by one who has contracted a high fever,
     such as the white fever. (b.11 f.16 p.168).=20
568. *itech* monequi, in aquin eztli quiza iyacac:.
      it is required by one who has the nosebleed. (b.11 f.16
569. *itech* monequi, in aquin eztli icuitlapampa quiza:.
      it is required by one who has blood come out of his rectum.
     (b.11 f.17 p.169).=20
570. ihuan *itech* monequi in aquin omococoaya in mococolilochtia,
     anozo cihuacochi anoce oquichcochi:.
      and it is required by one who has been sick, when he suffers
     a relapse; perhaps [a man] sleeps with a woman, or [a woman]
     sleeps with a man. (b.11 f.17 p.170).=20
571. *itech* monequi in eztli quichicha.
      it is required by one who spits blood. (b.11 f.17 p.170).=20
572. moteci. *itech* monequi in aquin cenca quicocoa in iuhqui
     tetecuica ixilla: ihuan in iuhqui patzmiqui in iyollo:
     ihuan in icanahuacan tetecuica. ihuan in cenca huihuiyoca,
     papatlaca in itlalhuayo:.
      ground up, it is required by one who becomes very sick;
     his stomach seems to hurt, and his heart seems faint, and
     his temples throb, and his nerves tremble, quiver, exceedingly.
     (b.11 f.17 p.171).=20
573. *itech* monequi in ahuel motzacua iiaxix: in aocmo huel
     quiza iaxix, huel titilini in iitic.
      it is required by one whose urine is completely stopped,
     when he can no longer urinate [and] his stomach really
     distends. (b.11 f.17 p.171).=20
574. moteci. *itech* monequi in aquin omocaxani: in ihcuac opatiloc
     in oitech monec in achto ommoteneuh..
      ground, it is required by one who has suffered a relapse
     after having been cured, when use has been made [of those
     herbs] first mentioned. (b.11 f.17 p.172).=20
575. *itech* monequi in omaxixtzauc, ihuan omotzintzauc: ihuan
     in oitlacauh in toquichio in cenca ye itipozahua, aocmo
     huel moxixa, aocmo huel momanahuia: in cenca ye icica,
     in aocmo tlacua:.
      it is required when one's urine is stopped, and one has
     become constipated; and when one has harmed his manhood,
     when his abdomen is swollen --he can no longer urinate,
     he can no longer defecate; when he pants exceedingly, when
     he no longer eats. (b.11 f.17 p.173).=20
576. moteci. *itech* monequi in aquin omotlanoquili in icamacpa,
     anozo icuitlapampa in itechpa neaxixtzatzacualiztli: ihuan
     in itipozahualiztli, ihuan in totoniliztli in titic onenca:.
      ground, it is required by one who has purged himself by
     his mouth or from his rectum; who has dysuria and a swollen
     abdomen, and fever is within him. (b.11 f.17 p.173).=20
577. *itech* moqui in pozahua inacayo:.
      it is required by one whose body swells. (b.11 f.17 p.174).=20
578. *itech* monequi, in aquin cihuatzintli, in cenca ic tenexihui:
     in za iuhqui cuauhtzintli, in omococolilochti: anozo ooquichcoch,
     anoce ocihuacoch..
      it is required by one who is a tender woman, who hence
     becomes very pale, like lime, who is like a tender tree;
     by one whose sickness has returned; perhaps [a woman] has
     slept with a man or [a man] has slept with a woman. (b.11
     f.17 p.174).=20
579. in oquicoxonique ichcatica moquimiloa in omotez oncan ommotlalilia
     in huel *itech* inacayo,.
      when they have ground it up, that which is ground is wrapped
     in cotton; it is placed there right on the flesh. (b.11
     f.17 p.174).=20
580. *itech* monequi, in aquin ye itipozahua, in otlacocox itic:.
      they are required by one whose stomach swells, who has
     sickened internally. (b.11 f.17 p.174).=20
581. *itech* monequi in aquin eztli quinoquia, in cenca totoca
     in icuitlapampa:.
      it is required by one who purges blood, when much flows
     from his rectum. (b.11 f.17 p.175).=20
582. *itech* monequi in aquin icamac nemi totoniliztli, anozo
      they are required by one who has a fever in the mouth
     or in the abdomen. (b.11 f.17 p.176).=20
583. *itech* monequi in aquin omocaxani, in omococoaya, in ahzo
     omotlahuitec, anozo itla etic oquinapalo, anozo ooquichcoch,
     anozo ocihuacoch:.
      it is required by one who has suffered a relapse, who
     has sickened; perhaps he has fallen, striking himself,
     or he has carried something heavy; or [a woman] has slept
     with a man, or [a man] has slept with a woman. (b.11 f.17
584. *itech* monequi, in aquin itech motlalia huei totonqui;
     in iuhqui iztac totonqui, in pozahua tonacayo.
      it is required by one who contracts a high fever, such
     as the white fever, when the body swells. (b.11 f.17 p.177).=20
585. itech monequi, in aquin *itech* motlalia huei totonqui;
     in iuhqui iztac totonqui, in pozahua tonacayo.
      it is required by one who contracts a high fever, such
     as the white fever, when the body swells. (b.11 f.17 p.177).=20
586. *itech* monequi in aquin omotlahuitec, in omopoztec, in
     anozo tlapanco ooalhuetz in oitlacauh iiomio, anozo itlalhuayo:.
      it is required by one who has received a blow, who has
     broken a bone, who perhaps has fallen from a roof terrace,
     who has damaged his bones or his nerves. (b.11 f.17 p.178).=20
587. moteci. *itech* monequi, yiauhpohui in aquin axixtetzahua:.
      ground up, they are required, they make the proper drink
     for one who has a urinary obstruction. (b.11 f.17 p.178).=20
588. moteci, *itech* monequi in aquin motlehuia, in itic nemi
     in totoniliztli:.
      ground up, they are required by one who is fevered, who
     has an internal fever. (b.11 f.18 p.178).=20
589. in *itech* quiza iztac octli quichihua:.
      from it comes the white wine which they make. (b.11 f.18
590. *itech* monequi in aquin quicocotinemi iyelchiquiuh, tocuitlapampa,
     in ye ticuahuaqui,.
      it is required by him who goes about ailing in his chest,
     [or] on his back, who is already wizened. (b.11 f.18 p.179).=20
591. auh in yehuatl, in chichic patli, *itech* quiza, itlaxipehuallo
     in huei cuahuitl, itoca chichic cuahuitl,.
      and this, the chichic patli, comes from the bark of a
     large tree named chichic quauitl. (b.11 f.18 p.179).=20
592. quiza in ixiuhyo, huel tzoyoni: *itech* monequi in cihuatzintli,
     in ye quimati iti, in ye mixihuiznequi:.
      that which comes from its well-cooked foliage is required
     by the woman when she senses birth pains, when she is about
     to have a child. (b.11 f.18 p.180).=20
593. *itech* monequi in aquin eztli quinoquia icuitlapampa;.
      it is required by one who passes blood from his rectum.
     (b.11 f.18 p.180).=20
594. *itech* quiza in xochicualli, itoca, nochtli:.
      the fruit named nochtli comes from it. (b.11 f.18 p.180).=20
595. no *itech* monequi coni in ye mixihuiznequi cihuatl: zan
     ic iciuhca mixihuiz..
      it is also required [by] the woman who is about to give
     birth; she drinks it; she will promptly give birth. (b.11
     f.18 p.181).=20
596. *itech* monequi in aquin eztli quichicha in amo huel motzacua
     in za iuhqui totolcatinemi in huel iticpa hualquiza eztli..
      it is required by one who spits blood, who cannot stop
     it, who just coughs constantly, whose blood comes from
     within. (b.11 f.18 p.181).=20
597. *itech* monequi, in matlaltotonqui itech motlalia: in alahuac
     quipoloa toyollo,.
      it is required when one has contracted a high fever, when
     phlegm destroys the heart. (b.11 f.18 p.181).=20
598. itech monequi, in matlaltotonqui *itech* motlalia: in alahuac
     quipoloa toyollo,.
      it is required when one has contracted a high fever, when
     phlegm destroys the heart. (b.11 f.18 p.181).=20
599. *itech* monequi ic pati in aquin eztli iyacac quiza, in
     amo huel motzacua:.
      it is required as a cure by one who has the nosebleed,
     who cannot stop it. (b.11 f.18 p.182).=20
600. *itech* monequi, in aquin totonqui itech motlalia: in inacayo
      it is required by one upon whom a fever has settled, whose
     body is swollen. (b.11 f.18 p.182).=20

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