Fwd: we-exclusive

John F. Schwaller schwallr at selway.umt.edu
Wed Dec 27 15:36:02 UTC 2000

>Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 21:50:27 +0000
>From: anthony.appleyard at umist.ac.uk
>Sender: Anthony Appleyard <Anthony at buckrogers.demon.co.uk>
>Subject: we-exclusive
>  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>On 16 May 2000 "r. joe campbell" <campbel at indiana.edu> (Subject: Re: we,
>you, y'all) wrote in response to a query by me:-
> >,
> > The answer to both of questions is "yes".  In,, the
> > first person prefix 'ni-' is combined with the plural suffix '-h' to
> > yield a first person plural exclusive (i.e., 'we, excluding you')
> > which contrasts with their first person plural inclusive (i.e., the
> > """normal""" `we', shared with all other dialects).  So:
> >    nipata:ni      I fly          nipata:nih   we (not incl. you) fly
> >                                  tipata:nih   we (general) fly
> >    tipata:ni      you fly
> > [[Note that it is a 't' dialect -- that is, where other dialects have
> > the "expected" /tl/, Mecayapan, like some other eastern dialects, has
> > /t/]]
>Do these dialects also have special forms for "the house belonging to
>us-exclusive" and for the separate pronoun "we-exclusive", which would
>be distinct from {tocal} and {tehhua:n(tin)}? If so, what are they? Is
>the separate pronoun form *{nehhua:n(tin)}?
>Anthony Appleyard

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