
Frances Karttunen karttu at
Tue Feb 8 23:44:10 UTC 2000

>> Se dice: nitlahtoah macehualcopa, 'hablo mexicano'
> Michael, that's actually /nitlahto:a' ma:ce:hualcopa/

Nope.  Not quite.  The first-person singular verb form is nitlahtoa.  The o
is not long, and in the singular there is no final saltillo (whether you
choose to spell it with -h or with -').

HOWEVER, in some varieties of currently spoken Nahuatl, there is an
aspiration of final vowels that are NOT followed by saltillo.  If that's
what your final -h means, ok.  But most people who write segmental saltillos
use the letter -h for that rather than for nonsegmental aspiration.


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