Nicene Creed

Karl-Heinz Gruessner karl-heinz.gruessner at
Mon Nov 13 17:08:49 UTC 2000

> Date:          Mon, 13 Nov 2000 10:38:02 -0700
> To:            nahuat-l at
> From:          "John F. Schwaller" <schwallr at>
> Subject:       Nicene Creed
> Reply-to:      nahuat-l at

> Dear List members,
> I am working on an article part of which will look at the changes which
> occurred in the missionary efforts to communicate the fundamentals of
> Christianity in Nahuatl.  As a result I am focusing on how various basic
> prayers and credal statements were translated into Nahuatl over the 16th
> and seventeenth century.  Barry Sell and I touch on this issue in our book
> on the Bartolome de Alva Confessionario, but I would like to extend my net
> a bit further.  If anyone has a Nicene creed in Nahuatl, I'd appreciate
> seeing it.  Apostle's Creed would be OK too.
> John Frederick Schwaller                             schwallr at
> Associate Provost                                        406-243-4722
> The University of Montana                           FAX 406-243-5937

Dear Fritz,
 Regarding your wish I cannot help you. But I have a question and I
hope you can help.
 I am working as a librarian at the University library of Tuebingen,
Germany <> as librarian responsible for
Drawidian and tribal languages of South Asia and for minority
languages as. e.g. American Indian languages.
We have at our library a book with the title:
 <<<Evangeliarium epistolarium et lectionarium
 Aztecum sive Mexicanum
  ex antiquo codice mexicano nuper reperto
    depromptum cum praefatione interpretatione adnotationibus
glossario edidit
   Bernardinus Biondelli.
 Mediolani: Typis Jos. Bernardoni Q.m Johannis, MDCCCLVIII>>>
  XLIX, 574 p.  4°  (h 34 cm, b 26)
 Praface in Latin, text in Nahuatl and Latin.
 Is this a rare book?
  I should be thankful if you could tell me something more about it.
Dr. Karl-Heinz Gruessner
Postfach 2620
D-72016 Tuebingen

Tel.: (49) +7071-294539
Fax.: (49) +7071-293123


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