Yale Nahuatl Summer Language Institute: 2 levels

Jonathan D. Amith jonathan.amith at yale.edu
Fri Dec 7 06:55:18 UTC 2001

Dear all,

I'm sending as an attachment as well as pasted up in this email the
announcement for the Summer 2002 courses in Nahuatl at Yale. This year,
in addition to the 8-week introductory course there will be a 5-week
intensive intermediate course (6 hours/day, 5 days/week) with Jim
Lockhart and Michel Launey. The details are below.

Nahuatl Summer Language Institute V
at the Yale Summer Foreign Language Institute

New: Intermediate-level intensive course
For the first time the Nahuatl Summer Language Institute at Yale
University will offer an intensive intermediate-level course taught by
two of the world�s leading experts in Nahuatl: Michel Launey and James

Beginning-level intensive language training in Classical, colonial, and
modern Nahuatl

3 June � 26 July

� three and a half hours per day of language instruction during an
eight-week period
� emphasis on the diversity of Nahuatl to prepare students for work in a
wide range of textual materials
� utilization of course materials, lexicons, and texts developed
especially for this institute
� wide range of audio language material available for practice with
modern dialects
� additional seminars and intensive workshops with leading scholars in
the field of Mesoamerican language and culture
� translation workshops for direct experience with historical documents
� course credit from Yale University Summer Programs
� Jonathan D. Amith, language instructor

Intermediate-level intensive language training in Classical, colonial,
and modern Nahuatl

8 July � 9 August

� six hours per day (9�12 and 1�4) of language instruction during a
five-week period
� study of a wide diversity of Nahuatl literary genres (Florentine
Codex, chronicles, wills and testaments, primordial land titles) to
prepare students for work in a wide range of textual materials
� workshops dedicated to helping students with particular projects in
which they might be involved
. James Lockhart and Michel Launey, instructors

Application procedure for both levels

� open to undergraduates, graduates, professors, and independent
� course approved for FLAS summer language grants
� limited financial assistance available to Yale students
� tuition costs of $3,000 for each course
� accommodation and meal plan available through Yale
� rolling admissions; space limited
� limited possibility of FLAS assistance to graduate students outside of
Yale (see website in Spring)

Additional application procedure for intermediate level

� please contact Jonathan Amith (jonathan.amith at yale.edu; 215/898-4116)
or Beatriz Riefkohl (latin.america at yale.edu; 203/432-3420) for
additional application procedures and further course description and

For general application materials visit http://www.yale.edu/summer; for
further information visit the institute website at
http://www.yale.edu./nahuatl or contact the coordinator of the Nahuatl
Summer Language Institute at jonathan.amith at yale.edu (215/898-4116) or
the administrator of Latin American and Iberian Studies at Yale, Beatriz
Riefkohl, at latin.america at yale.edu (203/432-3420).

Co-sponsored by the Yale University Summer Programs and Council on Latin
American and Iberian Studies, and the University of Chicago Center for
Latin American Studies through funding from the William and Flora
Hewlett Foundation and the U.S. Department of Education.

Jonathan D. Amith
Visiting Researcher
Linguistic Data Consortium
University of Pennsylvania
3615 Market Street, Suite 200
Philadelphia, PA  19104
Phone: 215/898-4116

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