r. joe campbell
campbel at indiana.edu
Fri Feb 15 19:05:15 UTC 2002
Here are all the occurrences of "-ixtlil-" .
1. *ixtlilco* teohua..
the keeper of the god at the temple of ixtlilton (b.2
f.13 p.212).
2. in *ixtlilco* teohua ipan icaca, ipan tlatohuaya, quitzatziliaya
in huentli inic motenmamalia pipiltzitzinti in in ahzo
oquichtin, in anozo cihua.
the keeper of the god at the temple of ixtlilton presided
over, issued directions, made public announcements [concerning]
the gifts, when the small children, whether men [children]
or women [children], began to talk. (b.2 f.13 p.212).
3. auh manozo ihuian, yocoxca intech onaciz in tiacahuan in
yaomicque, in tepilhuan: in quitziccuacuatzin, in maceuhcatzin,
in tlacahuepantzin, in *ixtlilcuechahuac*, in ihhuitl temoc
in chahuacuetzin: auh in ye mochintin, in ye ixquichtin,
in cuauhti in ocelo, in ilhuicatl itic, in ompa cahuiltia
in tonatiuh, in xippilli in tiacauh in yaomicqui in ompa
and may they in peace, in repose, arrive among the valiant
warriors, those who died in war, the noblemen, quitzicquaquatzin,
maceuhcatzin, tlacauepantzin, ixtlilcuechauac, ihuitl temoc,
[and] chahuacuetzin; and all, all the several eagle warriors,
the ocelot warriors who are in the heavens where they gladden
the sun, the turquoise prince, the valiant warrior, the
one who died in war--they cry out to him there. (b.6 f.1
4. mimiltontli: cequintin huel tliltique, cequintin *ixtlilcuichectique*:.
they are small and cylindrical [worms]; some are deep
black, some smoky black. (b.11 f.19 p.190).
5. zan *ixtlilectic*, zan oc iuhquin ezhuaqui, ololtic, ololtontli,
pahpatzpil, huahuacalpil,.
it is of quite dark surface, still like dried blood --
round, small and round, a little spongy, a little dry.
(b.11 f.23 p.238).
6. in ihcuac, cualo metztli: *ixtlilehua*, ixcuichehua, cuichehuatimomana,
when the moon eclipsed, his face grew dark and sooty;
blackness and darkness spread. (b.7 f.1 p.8).
7. zan nel achi *ixtlilehuac*..
it is really a little dark-surfaced. (b.11 f.22 p.223).
8. in zan mixcahuia, zan oc achi cuichehuac, achi *ixtlilehuac*:.
it is only a little dark, a little blackish. (b.11 f.23
9. tlalchichilli; tlalli chichiltic, poxahuac, *ixtlilehuac*,
tlalchichilli is chili-red earth, spongy, dark, dark-surfaced.
(b.11 f.25 p.257).
10. tliltic, *ixtlilehuac*,.
it is black, dark. (b.11 f.25 p.258).
11. *ixtlilihui*.
face blackens (b.10 f.6 p.112b).
12. ixcuappachtic, nextic, achi *ixtliltic*:.
its feathers are tawny, ashen, somewhat dark. (b.11 f.4
13. yahualtotonti: in ixiuhyo xoxoctic in inelhuayo *ixtliltic*.
its leaves are round, small, green; its root blackish
on the surface. (b.11 f.15 p.150).
14. auh in inelhuayo, achi *ixtliltic* im pani: ehuayotilahuac,
in iyollo iztac,.
and its root is somewhat black on the surface, thick-skinned:
it is white in its interior. (b.11 f.16 p.168).
15. im pani achi *ixtliltic*, in tlani achi ixcoztic,.
It is somewhat black on its surface, somewhat yellow within.
(b.11 f.17 p.172).
16. auh in inelhuayo totomahuac, totomactotonti: im pani *ixtliltic*,
in iitic iztac: amo ehuayotilahuac, neucticachichic,.
and its roots are thick, small and thick, black on their
surfaces, white on the inside, thin-skinned, bitter-sweet.
(b.11 f.17 p.176).
17. ehuayotilahuac, in pani achi *ixtliltic*, in tlani iztac,
the skin is thick, somewhat black on the surface, white
underneath, bitter. (b.11 f.18 p.182).
18. im pani achi *ixtliltic*, in tlani cenca iztac:.
it is somewhat black on the surface, very white beneath.
(b.11 f.18 p.185).
19. tlalchichilli; tlalli chichiltic, poxahuac, ixtlilehuac,
tlalchichilli is chili-red earth, spongy, dark, dark-surfaced.
(b.11 f.25 p.257).
20. inic caxtolli oce capitulo itechpa tlatoa, in teotl in itoca,
catca, *ixtlilton*, tlaltetecuin..
sixteenth chapter, which telleth of the god named ixtliton
(little black face), tlaltetecuin (the earth-stamper).
(b.1 f.2 p.35).
21. auh in aquin mococoaya, piltontli, ompa quihuicaya in iteopan
and whenever a child sickened, they brought him to the
temple of ixtliton. (b.1 f.2 p.35).
22. in otlacualoc, niman mitotia, in *ixtlilton*:.
after the eating, then ixtliton danced. (b.1 f.2 p.35).
23. amo teotl in xiuhteuctli: macuilxochitl amo teotl; omacatl
amono teotl: *ixtlilton*, tlaltetecuin, amono teotl: in
opochtli, amono teotl: xipe totec amono teotl:.
xiuhtecutli is no god, macuilxochitl is no god, nor is
omacatl a god, nor is ixtlilton tlaltetecuin a god, nor
is opochtli a god, nor is xipe totec a god. (b.1 f.4 p.64).
24. b. oc no ce diablo quimoteotitiaque, in huehuetque, in quitocayotique,
*ixtlilton*, ihuan xochipilli:.
b. still another devil whom the ancients worshipped they
named ixtliton and xochipilli. (b.1 f.5 p.72).
25. zan no yehuatl *ixtlilton*, anozo tlaltetecuin, inteouh
catca in huehuetque:.
likewise one ixtlilton or tlaltetecuin was a god of the
ancients. (b.1 f.5 p.73).
26. oc no miec tlamantli, itech tlamiloya: ihuan miec tlamantli,
neahuiltiliztli, in quichihuaya, in inchan, quihuicaya,
in *ixtlilton*;.
many other things were ascribed to him, and they did many
things as recreation [when] they took ixtlilton to their
homes. (b.1 f.5 p.73).
27. auh inic ei, tlatoani mochiuh acolhuacan yehuatl in huehue
and the third who became ruler of acolhuacan was ixtlilxochitl
the elder. (b.8 f.1 p.9).
28. inic chiconhahui tlatoani mochiuh tetzcoco yehuatl in *ixtlilxochitzin*
in tlatocat chicuexihuitl.
the ninth who became ruler of texcoco was ixtlilxochitzin,
who ruled eight years. (b.8 f.1 p.10).
29. auh ihuin in mochichihuaya, motlilozac, mixtlilpopotz, *mixtlilhui*,
and thus was he arrayed: he was anointed with black; his
face was covered with soot; it was blackened; his face
was [spotted] with [a paste of] amaranth seed dough. (b.1
f.2 p.46).
30. *mixtlilpopotz*,.
his face was covered with soot. (b.1 f.1 p.9).
31. auh ihuin in mochichihuaya, motlilozac, *mixtlilpopotz*,
mixtlilhui, michchiahuiticac,.
and thus was he arrayed: he was anointed with black; his
face was covered with soot; it was blackened; his face
was [spotted] with [a paste of] amaranth seed dough. (b.1
f.2 p.46).
32. auh omentin in tiachcahuan *mixtlilpopotzque*, ahco mani,
tlexictli ixpan,.
and two masters of youths who had spread black paint on
their faces stood above, before the hearth. (b.2 f.3 p.74).
33. mozahua, ic mitoa motlilzahua, *mixtlilpopotztinenca*,.
[the impersonator] fasted; hence it was said: "he fasteth
in black," [for] he went with his face smoke-black. (b.2
f.3 p.69).
34. inic mochichihuaya, mozac, *mocemixtlilpopotz*, mixtizatlatlali,
in icamapa:.
thus was [ixtliton] arrayed: he was spread over with unguent;
his face was covered with soot; about his lips white clay
was placed. (b.1 f.2 p.36).
35. in oconhuicaque, niman cohza tliltica, huel *quixtlilpopotza*,.
when they had taken [the children] there, then they anointed
them with black, they blackened their faces well with soot.
(b.3 f.4 p.63).
36. *teixtlileuh*, teixtlilo, teixcapotzo, teixtlecaleuh..
he turned men's skins brown, darkening them, blackening
them, blistering them. (b.7 f.1 p.1).
37. teixtlileuh, *teixtlilo*, teixcapotzo, teixtlecaleuh..
he turned men's skins brown, darkening them, blackening
them, blistering them. (b.7 f.1 p.1).
38. auh inic mochichihuaya, *tlaixtlilpopotzalli*, tlaixolhuilli,
motlilozac, ixmichihuahue, ixmichihuauhyo,.
and he was thus arrayed: his face was covered with soot;
his face was painted with liquid rubber; it was anointed
with black; his face was [spotted] with [a past of] amaranth
seed dough. (b.1 f.1 p.7).
On Fri, 15 Feb 2002, Michael Mccafferty wrote:
> Does anyone recognize <ixtlilli> as a particular substance? I do not have
> the word in my database.
> tlaxtlahui,
> Michael McCafferty
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