
r. joe campbell campbel at
Tue Feb 19 19:52:23 UTC 2002


   I have a morphological doubt about words involving bleeding (self and
otherwise).  I have a hypothesis, but no supporting evidence for it.

Could someone shed some light on the 'i' in "m[o]izoya" 'he bled himself"?
If it matches my hypothesis, I'll call it 'supporting' and say thank you.

Best regards,



1. in campa cochizque, oncan quitilquetza, ixpan tlamacehua,
     *mizo*, quicopaltemilia, inic quitlauhtia in inteouh iyacateuctli,
     inic quitlanilia, inic quimatataquilia, iteicneliliz:.
      wheresoever they would sleep, there they set them up;
     before them they did penances, drew blood, offered incense
     to render service to their god yiacatecutli, in order to
     win, to implore his favor. (b.1 f.2 p.41).

2. a. in icuac huel oquiquetz iteouh: niman ixpan tlamana, ixpan
     monacaztequi, *mizo*, quitlatlauhtia:.
      a. when he hath properly set up his god, then before him
     he layeth an offering; before him he cutteth his ears,
     he bleedeth himself, he offereth him prayers. (b.1 f.3

3. auh in aquin itto, in amo *mizo* quipepetlahuaya, aocmo quimaca
     in itilma,.
      and if anyone was seen who did not anoint himself with
     his blood, they repeatedly stripped him; nevermore did
     they give him his cape. (b.2 f.8 p.135).

4. oncan ixpan tlamacehua, *mizo*, monacaztequi, tlacoquixtia,.
      here, before him, they did penances, bled themselves,
     cut their ears, and drew straws through them; (b.5 f.1

5. tlateomatini, in yoalli ic quitlaza tlapia, teponazoa, cuicatoque,
     *mizo*, motetequi, mohuitztlalia, tlapitza, apan temo..
      they were devout: they held vigil, held watch, played
     the two-toned drum, sat singing, bled themselves, mutilated
     themselves, inserted maguey spines, blew the trumpet shell,
     entered into the water. (b.10 f.11 p.176).


6. auh in ihcuac yoalnepantla: in ye tlapitza *mizoc*, in mozauhqui,
     tlamacazqui: niman iciuhca quintlalia tlecuilixcuac, in
     oncan onoc petlatl,.
      and when it was midnight, when [it was the time to] blow
     shell trumpets, [to] draw blood, those who fasted, the
     priests, then quickly placed [the victims] before the hearth,
     where a straw mat lay spread out. (b.9 f.5 p.63).


7. yehuatl in amo tlatziuhqui, in yeel, in tlamocuitlahuiani,
     in cochizani, in tlahceliani, in tlamacehuani, in mozahuani,
     in *mizoni*,.
      one who was not lazy; diligent and careful, vigilant,
     a receiver of [ritual] benefits, a doer of penances, one
     who fasted and bled himself; (b.4 f.1 p.5).


8. oncan tlatlapitztoque, ihuan *mizotoque*:.
      there they each sat blowing shell trumpets, and they sat
     bleeding themselves. (b.2 f.8 p.134).


9. ixquich tlacatl, *mizoya*:.
      everyone anointed himself -- with his blood. (b.2 f.8

10. in *mizoya* inic quichihuaya itztli ica in contequia in
     inacazco, auh niman ic quihualpipiloyaya in eztli in innacaztitlan..
      when they bloodied themselves, thus did they do it: with
     an obsidian blade one cut [the lobes of] one's ears, and
     then they let the blood flow from about the ears. (b.2
     f.12 p.198).

11. zan ye no yehuatl in nezoliztli in nenacaztequiliztli in
     *mizoya* in monacaztequia..
      likewise the bloodying was a cutting of the ear [lobes]
     when one bloodied oneself, when one cut one's ear [lobes].
     (b.2 f.12 p.198).

12. auh mochi tlacatl *mizoya*,.
      and everyone drew blood. (b.2 f.14 p.216).

13. huel mochi tlacatl in oquichtli, in cihuatl, im piltzintli,
     monacaztequia, *mizoya*,.
      verily, everyone--men, and women, children--cut their
     ears and drew blood. (b.4 f.1 p.6).

14. auh yece inic huel quicnopilhuiz imahcehual, inic huel quittaz
     tlahmachtli, cenca tlamacehuaya, mozahuaya, *mizoya* in
     ihcuac moquetzaya ce xochitl tonalli:.
      but nevertheless, in order to gain her deserts, and to
     achieve skill in embroidering, she should do great penances,
     and fast, and draw blood when the day sign one flower set
     in. (b.4 f.3 p.25).

15. ca i yehuanti tlenamacaque, tlamacazque catca ihcuac quizaya
     in tlacuauhtlapoyahua, in mitoaya yancuican tlatlapitzalo,
     achto *mizoya* in ixpan tlacatecolotl ica huitztli, in
     metl ihuitzo, niman ceceyaca quizaya, zan petlauhtihuia,.
      for these who were fire priests and other priests, when
     they came forth well into the night, and when, as was said,
     the shell trumpets were newly blown, first drew their blood
     before the devil, with thorns, the spines of the maguey;
     then each one separately set forth, going quite naked.
     (b.8 f.5 p.81).

16. in inteopan oncan nenca in tlamacazque: ihuan oncan huapahualoya
     in pipiltotonti, oncan tlamacehuaya, yohualli quitlazaya,
     apan temoya mohuitztlaliaya, *mizoya*, motequia, mozahuaya,.
      there in their temples lived the priests, and there the
     small boys were reared; there they did penance, passed
     the night, entered the bath; maguey spines were placed,
     they bled themselves, they cut themselves, they fasted.
     (b.10 f.11 p.177).


17. mitoaya, *momazaizo*,.
      it was said: "they anoint themselves with blood because
     of the deer." (b.2 f.8 p.134).


18. *nixochizo*,.
      I thread a flower. (b.11 f.21 p.214).


19. *nixochizozo*:.
      I string flowers. (b.11 f.21 p.214).


20. auh in ye iuhqui in *omizoc*, in oconquixti iiezzo: no ipan
     conchichipitza in amatl, oncan mani ithualnepantla:.
      and when this was done, when blood had been offered, when
     he had made his blood flow, also he spattered it profusely
     on the papers which lay in the middle of the courtyard.
     (b.9 f.1 p.11).


21. auh in yehuantin teopixque papahuaque, quintlacoaantihui,
     in quihuica, icpac huitzilopochtli, inic *ommizo* yohualnepantla,.
      and these keepers of the gods, the long-haired ones, took
     them in their midst---they took them above, to [the temple
     of] uitzilopochtli, to offer blood at midnight. (b.8 f.4

22. zan ompa ommocahuaya, inic nauhcampa *ommizo*..
      just there they stopped offering blood to the four quarters.
     (b.9 f.1 p.10).


23. in oipan *ommizoc* niman ye ic hualquiza in ithualnepantla:.
      when the blood had been offered on [the papers], thereupon
     they went out into the middle of the courtyard. (b.9 f.1


24. zan no izquiyoal, in yoalnepantla tlenamacaya, ihuan *onmizoa*
     in ixpan huitzilopochtli, ihuan maltiaya..
      likewise, for as many nights, at midnight, they offered
     incense and made blood offerings before [the image of]
     uitzilopochtli, and they bathed themselves. (b.8 f.4 p.64).


25. in *oommizoco*: niman ye no ceppa calaqui in ichan, ixpan
     moquetza in tletl,.
      when he came to make blood offerings, then once more he
     entered his home, stood before the fire, [then took the
     paper, raised it up--raised it as an offering toward the
     fire]. (b.9 f.1 p.11).


26. in olli ic *quizo* coyolomitl: niman ye ic contlecuinaltia,.
      they impaled the [lump of] rubber on a [copper] spit;
     thereupon they set it on fire. (b.9 f.1 p.9).

27. in oconquechcotonque, niman ye ic huitzauhqui ic *quizo*
     in innacaz, anozo innenepil in quizo..
      when they had beheaded it, thereupon, with pointed obsidian
     blades, they pierced their ears, or they pierced their
     tongues. (b.9 f.1 p.10).

28. in oconquechcotonque, niman ye ic huitzauhqui ic quizo in
     innacaz, anozo innenepil in *quizo*..
      when they had beheaded it, thereupon, with pointed obsidian
     blades, they pierced their ears, or they pierced their
     tongues. (b.9 f.1 p.10).

29. iyacac quitlalia, iyacac *quizo*, in acatl:.
      at the tip of the arrow he places it; with its tip he
     pierces it. (b.11 f.1 p.3).


30. *quizoaya*, in itlanitz inic quezhuiaya in huitztli,.
      he bled the calf of his leg to stain thorns with blood.
     (b.3 f.2 p.14).

31. inic mitoa quetzalcalli, xiuhtotocalli, tilmatitech, anozo
     matlatitech quitecaya, quizaloaya in quetzalli, in xiuhtototl:
     niman caltech *quizoaya*,.
      for this reason was it called the house of quetzal feathers,
     the house of blue cotinga feathers: they placed --they
     pasted --the quetzal feathers, the blue cotinga feathers,
     to capes or nets [and] then hung them on the wall. (b.10
     f.10 p.166).


32. in tlahueliloc ichcanamacac: quinacazana in ichcatl, ichcazohzo,
     in ichcacacallotl quinacazaquia, *quizohzo*..
      the bad cotton seller takes some cotton from each section;
     he fluffs the cotton with a needle; into each cotton boll
     he introduces [other cotton]; he fluffs it with a needle.
     (b.10 f.4 p.75).


33. in mixcoapan tzompantli: oncan *quizoya* in intzontecon,
     in miquia mixcoatempan..
      mixcoapan skull rack: there they strung up the severed
     heads of those who died in the temple of mixcoatl. (b.2
     f.11 p.180).

34. in yopico tzompantli: onca *quizoya* in intzontecon mamalti:
     auh yehuantin in quinhuahuanaya ipan tlacaxipehualiztli:.
      yopico skull rack: there they strung up the severed heads
     of captives and those whom they striped [slew in gladiatorial
     sacrifice] at the time of [the feast of] tlacaxipeualiztli.
     (b.2 f.12 p.189).

35. auh oncan *quizoya* in intzontecon mamalti, in icpac miquia
     iyacateuctli iteopan: ipan in cemilhuitlapoalli xocotl
      and there they strung up the severed heads of captives
     who died above on the [pyramid] temple of yiacatecutli
     at the time of the first day of [the month of] xocotl uetzi.
     (b.2 f.12 p.189).


36. in zan tepiton quitlacoa *quizozo* in inacazco, in iyomotla
     in imetzpa, huitztica, anozo omitica..
      if he sinned only lightly, they drew blood from his ears,
     his flanks, his thighs with maguey spines or with a [sharpened]
     bone. (b.3 f.4 p.66).


37. no *quizozoque* in cahuallosme intzontecon,.
      also they strung up the horses' heads. (b.12 f.7 p.104).


38. auh intla ce axihua, telpochtli, in tlamacazque *quizozoya*
     huitztica in inacazco, in iacolpan, in ielpan, in imetzpan,.
      and if one of the youths were taken, the offering priests
     bled his ears with a [maguey] thorn, [and] his shoulders,
     his breast, his thighs. (b.2 f.9 p.149).

39. ayac oncan maxixaya, auh in aquin oncan omaxix, niman quitzitzquiaya,
     quicalaquiaya calitic, ompa quitlatzacuiltiaya *quizozoya*..
      no one urinated there; but if anyone did urinate there,
     they then seized him, they took him within; there they
     punished him, they bled him. (b.2 f.13 p.212).

40. *quizozoya* inacaztitech, iyelpan, imetzpan, itlanitzco.
      they drew blood from his ears, his breast, his thighs,
     the calves of his legs. (b.3 f.4 p.66).

41. in aquin amo huellatoz, in amo huel tetlapaloz niman *quizozoya*..
      he who spoke not well, who greeted others not well, they
     then drew blood from [with maguey spines]. (b.3 f.4 p.67).


42. auh *timizoz*:.
      and thou art to draw blood. (b.6 f.3 p.33).

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