references to 'book'/'archive'/'library' in Flo.Codex?

Coon, Brad bcoon at
Wed Jan 2 18:39:13 UTC 2002

My current library does not have a copy of the Anderson and Dibble
translation of the Florentine Codex.
I am researching books and book collections/libraries/archives in Mexica and
Mayan societies.  If you are aware of
which volumes contain any references to these items, I would appreciate the
information as would my
Interlibrary Loan staff!

If you know of references in other sources, that infomation would be
appreciated as well.

I don't expect any of you to do the work for me, I just don't want to miss
any of the either the obvious
or the obscure sources.
Thanks for your assistance,

Brad Coon
Reference Librarian
The Libraries-Montana State University
bcoon at       (406) 994-6026

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