Geography Question

Richley Crapo RCRAPO at HASS.USU.EDU
Wed Feb 4 22:31:01 UTC 2004

Thanks. I did *not* know that, and it fits the context of a move from the Valley of Mexico to Tlaxcala. One reason I was looking for a location is that Sahagun seems to identify a town or province by the name and Simeon (perhaps drawing on Sahagun) identifies it as both a province and a town "toward the south sea."

>>> mdmorris at INDIANA.EDU 02/04 2:18 PM >>>

Of course, as you know, Luis reyes Garcia translated "teotlixco" as "east"
in his introductory study to Zapata y Mendoza's ""Chronologia."  best,


La muerte tiene permiso a todo

MDM, PhD Candidate
Dept. of History, Indiana Univ.

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