staff = topilli
campbel at INDIANA.EDU
campbel at INDIANA.EDU
Sat Jun 11 17:44:41 UTC 2005
Quoting "John F. Schwaller" <schwallr at MORRIS.UMN.EDU>:
> It would be staff of office
> On 10 Jun 2005, =?iso-8859-1?q?Rita=20Monta=FFfffff1o?= wrote:
cómo se dice bastón de mando
> > en inglés ? y ¿usos y costumbres? Muchas. Gracias. Ángeles.
...and if you want to consider the uses of "topilli" in the Florentine:
1. *aztapiltopile*..
he had a stout reed staff. (b.1 f.2 p.46).
2. auh in icuac ilhuiquixtililoya, atl, tlacualli, octli, in
huentli mochihuaya: ihuan *cintopilli*, xochitl, iyetl,
copalli, iyauhtli,.
and when his feast day was celebrated the offering became
drink, food, wine, and the cane of maize plants, flowers,
tobacco, incense, sweet-smelling herbs. (b.1 f.2 p.37).
3. inic mochichihuaya, inic mihtotiaya, zan tlanenel, zan nepapan
tlatquitl, papalomatlatl, michpanitl, ocholli, tzohcoyotl,
tzoalli, tlachichihualli, xonecuillaxcalli, teomimilli,
zan no tzoalli ic quipepechohuaya, quimomochiotiaya pani:
ihuan huauhchichilli, zan tlapalihhuitl catca, ihuan *cintopilli*,
eloyo, anozo xiloyo..
they adorned themselves, they danced in quite mixed things,
quite various arrays: butterfly nets, fish banners, clusters
of ears of maize, coyote heads made of a paste of amaranth
seeds, s-shaped tortillas, thick rolls covered with a dough
of amaranth seeds which they covered on top with toasted
maize, and red amaranth [only it was red feathers], and
maize stalks with ears of green or tender maize. (b.2 f.2
4. netotilo, ica *cintopilli*:.
there was dancing with dried maize stalks. (b.2 f.11 p.178).
5. *cintopiltica* mitotia,.
with green maize stalks they danced. (b.7 f.2 p.18).
6. auh in quiyacana quitquitiuh *icoatopil*, xihuitl ic tlaquimilolli..
and he who led [the god] went carrying his serpent staff
covered with turquoise. (b.2 f.11 p.176).
7. ixicol, tlachalchiuhicuilolli: in icozqui chalchiuhcozcapetlatl
no teocuitlacomallo, no tezcacuitlapile, in iuhqui omito,
no tzitzile; tenchilnahuacayo in tilmatli inic molpia: ihuan
icxicoyolli teocuitlatl: ihuan *icoatopil*, xiuhtica tlachiuhtli..
his sleeveless jacket with a design of green stone; his
neck ornament, a plaited, green stone neck band, also with
a golden disc; also with a mirror at the small of the back,
as was said; and likewise with rattles; the cape with red
rings on the border which was tied on; and golden shells
for the ankles; and his serpent staff of turquois [mosaic]
workmanship. (b.12 f.1 p.12).
8. ihuan *ihhuitopil*, ihuan ichimal ihhuichachapanqui nauhcampa.
and [he had] his feathered staff, and his shield with feather
patches on the four sections. (b.9 f.6 p.79).
9. auh in icozqui cuappayahualolli, teucciztli, no *ihhuitopil*,
ihuan ichimal tlauhtemalacayo:.
and [he had] his necklace of wooden discs with shells,
as well as his feathered staff [and] his shield provided
with red discs. (b.9 f.6 p.80).
10. niman ye ixiuhtlanex contlaliticac *ihhuitopil*: ihuan ichimal,
itzitzil ihuan ipozolcac..
then he had placed on his radiating ornament of turquoise,
his feathered staff, and his shield, his rattles, and his
foam sandals. (b.9 f.6 p.84).
11. no quetzalcomitl in quimama ixiuhtlanex, *ihhuitopil*, ichimal,
itzitzil, ipozolcac:.
also he bore upon his back the olla with quetzal feather;
[he had] his radiating ornament of turquoise, his feathered
staff, his shield, his rattles, his foam sandals. (b.9 f.6
12. no quimamaticac in quetzalcomitl, xoquiuhtimani in quetzalli,
ihuan *ihhuitopil*, ichimal, itzitzil, ipozolcac:.
also he bore upon his back the olla with quetzal feathers
in which the feathers scattered out, and [he had] his feathered
staff, his shield, his rattles, his foam sandals. (b.9 f.7
13. niman ye ic hualpehua quitquitihuitz in *ihhuitopilli* yez:.
then he set forth taking that which would be the feathered
staff. (b.9 f.5 p.53).
14. intla ome: intla ei, intla nahui quimictia: nahuixti quitlecahuia
in *ihhuitopilli*..
whether they slew two, [or] three, [or] four, they took
up feathered staves in fours. (b.9 f.5 p.66).
15. auh intla onca icihuauh in tealtiani: omextin tleco, ohome
quitqui in *ihhuitopilli*, inmac tetentiuh, quetzalli in
imimiyahuayo yetiuh..
and if the wife of the bather of slaves were there, both
ascended, carrying the feathered staves in couples, each
holding them in their hands, each [staff] with its quetzal
feathers arranged like corn tassels. (b.9 f.5 p.66).
16. auh intlacayac icihuauh in tealti: intla ye onca itlatzin,
omextin tlehco, ohome quitqui in *ihhuitopilli*..
but if the bather of slaves had no wife, if his beloved
uncle were there, both of them ascended; in couples they
carried the feathered staves. (b.9 f.5 p.66).
17. auh intlacayac itatzin, intla onca ipiltzin: yehuatl quihuica
omextin tleco: ohome quitqui in *ihhuitopilli*..
and if he had no uncle, if his beloved son were there he
took him; both went up; in couples they bore the feathered
staves. (b.9 f.5 p.66).
18. auh intla nozo onca iiahuitzin: anozo icoltzin, anozo icitzin,
anozo itiachcauh, anozo iteiccauh: yehuatl quitlecahuia
in ome *ihhuitopilli*, in icpac huitzilobochtli.
and also, if perhaps there were his beloved aunt, or grandfather,
or grandmother, or elder brother, or younger brother, he
took up the two feathered staves to the top [of the temple
of] uitzilopochtli. (b.9 f.5 p.67).
19. ihuan *imaccuauhtopil* itztzo, ihuan iyotlachimaltentexoyo,
ihuan quetzalcomitl in quimamaticac,.
and his sword-shaped staff was set with obsidian blades,
and his shield of bamboo sticks had a [light] blue border,
and he bore an olla with quetzal feathers upon his back.
(b.9 f.6 p.83).
20. in immayauhcampa quitquiticaca *imacpaltopil*: auh in iopochcopa
ichimal yeticac inic tlacuilolli ichimal itech icac ce icxitl,.
at her right she bore her hand-staff, and at her left rested
her shield: a foot stood on it. (b.9 f.6 p.79).
21. quitlaquentiaya amatica: in intopil, *imotlatopil*, in inenemia,
in imotlatocaya,.
they arrayed in paper their staves, their stout traveling
staves with which they journeyed, with which they traveled.
(b.1 f.2 p.41).
22. auh in ixquich. in innechichihual, in intlaquen, in imamaneapan,
in *imoztopil*, in intlapetlanilcuauh, in imayauhcocol:
ihuan in inchalchiuhxical, ihuan in intlacuaya molcaxtotonti,
cuauhcaxtotonti, zoquitecontotonti, mochi ompa concahuaya
and all their adornment--their clothing, their paper shoulder-sashes,
their stout reed staves, their lightning sticks, their cloud-bundles,
and their green-stone bowls and their dishes, the little
sauce bowls, the little wooden bowls, the clay cups, all
these they left at tepetzinco: (b.1 f.3 p.49).
23. inchimal immaccuauh yetiuh *inchicahuaztopil*..
they had their shields, their war clubs, and their rattle
sticks. (b.8 f.5 p.85).
24. huel ixquich tlacatl in tiachcahuan, in telpopochti, in iyaque,
ihuan in tequihuaque, *incicintopil*:.
verily everyone, the masters of the youths, the youths,
the leaders, and the seasoned warriors had, each one, their
maize stalk. (b.2 f.5 p.104).
25. omextin inmac oonoc, *incicintopil*.
in the hands of both of them lay their maize stalk staves.
(b.9 f.7 p.85).
26. *incintopil*,.
they had their maize staves. (b.2 f.4 p.84).
27. in *intepoztopil*, in intzinacantopil iuhquin tlapepetlaca:
auh in intepozmacuauh, iuhquin atl monecuiloa,.
their iron lances, their halberds seemed to glisten, and
their iron swords were wavy, like a water [course]. (b.12
f.2 p.30).
28. inic ontlamantitihuitze, inic ompantitihuitze cahuallos temamatihuitze,
imiichcahuipil, imeehuachimal *intetepoztopil*, ihuan intetepozmacuauh
inquezpan pipilcatihuitz in cahuallosme,.
there came as the second group, as the second file, horses
which came each carrying [a soldier] each [with] his cotton
cuirass, his leather shield, his iron lance, and his iron
sword, each hanging at the horse's neck. (b.12 f.3 p.38).
29. quitlaquentiaya amatica: in *intopil*, imotlatopil, in inenemia,
in imotlatocaya,.
they arrayed in paper their staves, their stout traveling
staves with which they journeyed, with which they traveled.
(b.1 f.2 p.41).
30. auh intla cana oimpan yoac, cana cuahuitl itzintlan, anozo
atlauhcamac, ommololoa, onmocemololoa, ommotepeuhtitlalia,
monechicoa, quicuitlalpia, quicencuitlalpia, quicemilpia,
quicemmana in *intopil*, in ipan quixehuaya in inteouh:
and if somewhere night fell, they gathered, joined, crowded,
and assembled themselves somewhere at the foot of a tree
or the opening of a gorge, and bound and tied, fastened
together, and placed on the ground, all their staves, which
represented their god yiacatecutli. (b.5 f.1 p.155).
31. in oztomeca, in campa oya, in campa calaquia, inic ozoztomecatizque,
quitquitihuia in *intopil*,.
the vanguard merchants, wherever they went, wherever they
penetrated to engage in trade, went carrying their staves.
(b.9 f.1 p.9).
32. tepoztli in *intopil*,.
iron were their lances. (b.12 f.2 p.19).
33. auh no oncan quiza, in quilhuia achcauhtli, in axcan ipan
pohui, ipan momati in alguacil, in topile, ca no *intotopil*
catca, ihuan in za ye yehuantin in onteilpiaya, in cuauhcalco
and also from there issued the one they called achcauhtli
(constable), who today is the equal, the equivalent, of
the alguacil, the staff-bearer, for also [in times past]
there were there staves, and it was just these who arrested
one, who confined one. (b.3 f.4 p.55).
34. ic tlaxixiltihui in *intzanatopil*:.
they went striking their grackle-staves [on the ground].
(b.2 f.3 p.75).
35. ihuan *intzatzanatopil*, tzanaihhuitl, in iuhqui itecomayo,
auh in itzinteloloyo, zan no tzanaihhuitl:.
and their various grackle-staves had grackle feathers;
they were like their cups, and their round balls at the
base were likewise of grackle feathers. (b.2 f.3 p.75).
36. in intepoztopil, in *intzinacantopil* iuhquin tlapepetlaca:
auh in intepozmacuauh, iuhquin atl monecuiloa,.
their iron lances, their halberds seemed to glisten, and
their iron swords were wavy, like a water [course]. (b.12
f.2 p.30).
37. ihuan *ioztopil* tlaamayotilli, ahamayo,.
and her reed staff was hung with papers; it had papers.
(b.2 f.4 p.92).
38. ce quixilico in tlatilolca. auh in oquixilico, oc huel can
in *itepoztopil*:.
one of these came spearing a tlatilulcan, but when he had
come spearing him, [the tlatilulcan] could still grasp his
iron lance. (b.12 f.6 p.86).
39. cenca quimahuiztiliaya in *itopil*, in itlaczaya iyacateuctli:.
they paid great honor to the cane, to the walking staff,
of yiacatecutli. (b.1 f.2 p.43).
40. timetl in *itopil*.
his staff was the timetl. (b.1 f.5 p.79).
41. auh in teixiptla, in ixiptla ilama teuctli: inic mitotiaya
tzitzintlacza, itzintlampa in coniahua icxi: ihuan ic motlatlaquechitiuh
*itopil*, ohtlatl:.
and the impersonator, the likeness of ilama tecutli, thus
danced: he kept stepping back; he raised his legs up behind
him; and he kept supporting himself upon his staff, a cane.
(b.2 f.9 p.156).
42. ometochchimale, *itztopile*, tecpatopile,.
he carried the wine gods' shield, the obsidian staff, the
flint staff. (b.1 f.3 p.51).
43. tlauhyo, *iyollotopil*,.
red was his staff, upon which was a heart. (b.1 f.2 p.36).
44. manozo ic no nilpitinemiz in macuil, in matlac, auh ma noneellacuauh
mochihuaz, *notopil*, nonetlaquechil nicchihuaz:.
may I also live bound by it for a time; and may it become
my inspiration, may I make it my staff, my rod. (b.6 f.5
45. itlaczaya imac onoc, *otlatopile*..
his traveling staff was in his hand; he had a stout cane
staff. (b.1 f.2 p.44).
46. yehuatl in *otlatopilli*, quicencuitlalpiaya:.
they wrapped completely the stout traveling cane. (b.9
f.1 p.9).
47. auh in iyacateuctli inemac, conquentia in *otlatopilli*,.
but as the gift of yiacatecutli they covered the stout
traveling canes. (b.9 f.1 p.10).
48. niman ic quitotoma in *otlatopilli*,.
then he unwrapped the stout traveling canes. (b.9 f.4 p.51).
49. conquentia in itlatqui yeticac, in amatl ixpan contema petlapan
in *otlatopilli*..
he covered them with their corresponding array, [and] laid
down paper on the reed mat before the staves. (b.9 f.4 p.51).
50. *oztopilcuahuitl*, necoc, nenecoc, necoccampa tlatlalacticac,
at both ends cans of fat, round reeds were set in the ground,
supported by the ground. (b.1 f.2 p.47).
51. auh in ixquich aztapilpetlatl in ipan onoca, ihuan *oztopilcuahuitl*,
ihuan in ixquich in tlacuaya in caxtotonti ihuan in chalchiuhtecomatl
moch ompa concahua in ayauhcalco..
and all the reed mats on which they had stood, and the
reed staves, and all the little vessels from which they
had eaten, and the "green stone" jars, all [these] they
left in the mist house. (b.2 f.9 p.153).
52. auh amatl in quinquequentiaya, ihuan inmac quintequiliaya
and they placed a paper cape over each one, and in their
hands they put large wooden staves. (b.3 f.3 p.47).
53. moch ic quinotzaya, quitocayotiaya, ayauhcocolli, tlapetlanilcuahuitl,
they addressed it as, and named it, many things -- the
mist which went winding [like a serpent], the thunderbolt,
the reed staff. (b.7 f.1 p.15).
54. in itzin in iztac, itoca aztapili, anozo *oztopili*..
the name of its white base is aztapili, or oztopili. (b.11
f.19 p.195).
55. ometochchimale, itztopile, *tecpatopile*,.
he carried the wine gods' shield, the obsidian staff, the
flint staff. (b.1 f.3 p.51).
56. in tlanauhcayotitihui, *tepoztopileque*, tzinacantopileque..
fourth went the lancers, the halberdiers. (b.12 f.4 p.62).
57. niman ic quinhualmacac ehuachimalli, ihuan tepozmaccuahuitl,
ihuan *tepoztopilli*:.
then he gave them leather shields, and iron swords, and
iron lances. (b.12 f.1 p.16).
58. ihuan cequi oncan tepehuac, oncan tepeuh in tlequiquiztlalli,
in tepozmacuahuitl, in *tepoztopilli* in tzinacantopilli,
in tepoztlahuitolli, in tepozmitl:.
and some things lay strewn there; gunpowder, iron swords,
iron lances, halberds, iron bolts, iron arrows were strewn
there. (b.12 f.5 p.72).
59. auh in ohuel iyollo macic, in oinyollopachiuh. niman ic quihualyacatzopinique
in acalli, *tepoztopiltica*, ic quinhualtilinique:.
but when they were assured, when they were satisfied, then
they hooked the prow of the boat with an iron pole, in order
to draw [the messengers] toward them. (b.12 f.1 p.13).
60. niman ye mochintin texixili *tepoztopiltica*, ihuan tehuihuiteque
then they all pierced the people with iron lances and they
struck them each with iron swords. (b.12 f.4 p.54).
61. ca onoconchihuato in tetlamamaliliztzintli: in *tetopil*
in tecacax oitlan nonaquito:.
I have gone to perform the carrying of burdens on the back;
I have gone using the staff, the carrying frame. (b.9 f.3
62. ihcuac mitoa: intla itla za itech *titopiloa*, tictocuitlahuia:
za huel ticmati, macihui in ohui: in iuhqui cuauhximaliztli,
tetzotzoncayotl, anocitla oc centlamantli toltecayotl: auh
anoce itla tlamatiliztli, cuicatl, grammatica. etc:.
this is said at this time: if we persevere in something,
[if we] give it our care, we become able in it even if it
is difficult, like wood carving, stone sculpturing, or still
other crafts, or something in the arts--song, grammar, etc.
(b.6 f.18 p.221).
63. mazo titotlacapo, mazo titocniuh, mazo *titopiltzin*, manozo
titiccauh titachcauh ca aocmo titotlacapo ca amo timitztlacaitta,.
although thou art human, as are we, although thou art our
friend, although thou art our son, our younger brother,
our older brother, no more art thou human, as are we; we
do not look to thee as human. (b.6 f.5 p.52).
64. *tlachieltopile*..
he carried the staff with the device for seeing. (b.1 f.2
65. auh no oncan quiza, in quilhuia achcauhtli, in axcan ipan
pohui, ipan momati in alguacil, in *topile*, ca no intotopil
catca, ihuan in za ye yehuantin in onteilpiaya, in cuauhcalco
and also from there issued the one they called achcauhtli
(constable), who today is the equal, the equivalent, of
the alguacil, the staff-bearer, for also [in times past]
there were there staves, and it was just these who arrested
one, who confined one. (b.3 f.4 p.55).
66. niman tiquixpantiliz, in jiusticia in sancta iglesia, in
teopixque: in anozo iiusticia in audientia real: in *topileque*,
oc cenca yehuantin in padreme: amo zan neyolmelahualizpan,
huel neteilhuilizpan..
thou shalt then expose it before the justice of the holy
church, the priests, or the justice of the royal audiencia,
the alguaciles, especially the padres, not only as a confession
[but] verily as an accusation. (b.1 f.5 p.75).
67. quicuazque quizque in *topilhuan*, in toxhuihuan amo cempolihuiz..
"our children [and] grandchildren shall eat; they shall
drink; they will not perish forever." (b.9 f.4 p.40).
68. motolinia in *topilhuantzitzin*..
miserable are our small children! (b.2 f.5 p.98).
69. quitoaya. inin *topilhuantzitzin* nican tiquimitta,.
they said: "these are our beloved sons whom we see here."
(b.2 f.7 p.123).
70. cuix ye itlan amonaqui in *topilli*, in cacaxtli:.
are ye diligent with the staff, with the carrying frame?
(b.6 f.7 p.90).
71. ma intlan xonmaquiti in *topilli*, in cacaxtli:.
exert thyself with the staff, the carrying frame. (b.6
f.11 p.133).
72. cuix huel *topilli*, cacaxtli ticmochihuiliz:.
perhaps thou wilt use well the staff, the carrying frame.
(b.6 f.16 p.193).
73. cuix noce ye tlatotonian, ye tlayamayan tonmotecaz, ma xoconcuitihuetzi,
ma itlan xonaqui, in *topilli* in cacaxtli:.
shalt thou rather deliver thyself to comforts? quickly
take up, without fail, the staff [and] the carrying frame.
(b.9 f.4 p.43).
74. zan cuel itla mopan huallaz, *topilmiccayo* techmaitiliz
in toteucyo:.
soon something will befall thee; our lord will bring about
for us the death of our child. (b.6 f.12 p.142).
75. canel nozo *topilneccayo* techmaitilia in toteucyo,.
for truly our desire for a child is fulfilled by our lord.
(b.6 f.12 p.142).
76. cuix itla ic onoliniz, *topilneccayo* techonmaitiliz in toteucyo:.
perhaps something will cause it to be stillborn; our lord
will leave us [still] desiring a child. (b.6 f.12 p.147).
77. *topilneccayo* techmaitiliz: amechonmotomililiquiuh in icozcatzin,
in iquetzaltzin..
he will deal with us [because of] our desire for the child;
he will unclasp from you his precious necklace, his precious
feather. (b.6 f.15 p.182).
78. ihuan anquitocayotiaya, *topiltzin*..
and you named him topiltzin. (b.1 f.4 p.69).
79. auh in quinapaloa, itoca *topiltzin* quetzalcoatl: cenca
mochichihuaya, iyapanecayouh:.
and he who bore it in his arms was titled topiltzin quetzalcoatl;
he was richly bedight with his feather device from shoulder
to flank. (b.2 f.11 p.175).
80. in axcan ihuictzinco tiquitoa in tlacatl in *topiltzin* in
quetzalcoatl, in tlilpotonqui, calaquiz in calmecac, in
choquizcali, in ixayocali, in tlaocolcalli, in oncan izcaltilo,
huapahualo in toteucyohuan in tepilhuan..
now we speak to the master, topiltzin quetzalcoatl, tlilpotonqui,
that he may enter the calmecac, the house of weeping, the
house of tears, the house of sorrows, where there is instructing,
there is educating of the sons of our lords. (b.3 f.4 p.62).
81. ca zan tictotlacaquililia in toteucyo in *topiltzin* in quetzalcoatl,
in tlilpotonqui.
we only hear on behalf of our lord topiltzin quetzalcoatl
tlilpotonqui. (b.3 f.4 p.62).
82. quenmach ami in itolo, omotlamali, anoce ohuicoc, ocalaquiloc
oontlama in tonatiuh ichan in n. in *topiltzin*, in tiacauhtzin:
in nozo tomachtzin oncatca,.
"fortunate is he of whom it is said, he hath taken a captive,
or he hath been carried away; he hath been imprisoned; he
hath known the home of the sun: n., who was our son, the
valiant warrior, or our cousin." (b.6 f.6 p.74).
83. ca nican quicui, cana: in toteucyohuan in tepilhuan, in tetzonhuan,
in teiztihuan, in tlazoti in chalchiuhtin, in maquizti in
impilhuan: auh in itlahpitzalhuan, in itlaxoxalhuan in *topiltzin*
in quetzalcoatl:.
"here the sons, the noble sons, the precious ones, the
precious green stones, the precious bracelets, the sons
of our lords, and the descendants of topiltzin quatzalcoatl--those
under his spell--take it, receive it." (b.6 f.7 p.83).
84. cuix ye nelli, cuix oquimacauh in tlacatl in *topiltzin*
in quetzalcoatl in teyocoani, in techihuani:.
perhaps it is true that, perchance, the lord, our prince,
quetzalcoatl, the creator, the author, hath permitted it?
(b.6 f.12 p.141).
85. auh izcatqui ihuan: manozo quicactic in cuauhtli ocelotl,
quitoznequi, in inamic, in *topiltzin* in cuauhtli in ocelotl
in n. in mehuiltitica:.
and behold also: may the eagle, the ocelot hear it, that
is to say, her husband, our son, the eagle, the ocelot,
n., who is seated [here]. (b.6 f.12 p.142).
86. omitzpitz, omitzmamal, in monan, in mota, in ome teuctli,
in ome cihuatl: auh nelli yehuatl, ah in tlacatl in *topiltzin*
in quetzalcoatl..
thy mother, thy father, ome tecutli, ome ciuatl, and verily
the master, topiltzin quetzalcoatl, have cast thee, have
perforated thee. (b.6 f.15 p.183).
87. otehuatzin motechtzinco ocozcatlapan, oquetzalpoztec, in
*topiltzin* in quetzalcoatl..
topiltzin quetzalcoatl hath torn a precious necklace, rent
a precious feather from thee. (b.6 f.15 p.185).
88. omitzmomacahuili in tloque, nahuaque in *topiltzin* in quetzalcoatl..
the lord of the near, of the nigh, topiltzin quetzalcoatl,
hath given thee. (b.6 f.16 p.202).
89. mitzpouh in ochpanhuaztli, in tlacuicuiliztli ticmochihuililiz
in tlacatl, in toteucyo, in *topiltzin* in quetzalcoatl:.
they assigned thee to the sweeping, to the cleaning for
the lord, our lord topiltzin quetzalcoatl. (b.6 f.17 p.213).
90. ayac in maca tlatlacama, mochintin olinque, inic ya, inic
calac, in atl iitic, in tlapallan, in ompa polihuito: in
yehuatzin *topiltzin* quetzalcoatl..
no one failed to obey; all moved when topiltzin quetzalcoatl
went to enter into the water at tlapallan, where he went
to disappear. (b.10 f.10 p.170).
91. quil yehuantin in quinchachayauhtehuaque tolteca, in ihcuac
yaque, in ihcuac atlan calac *topiltzin* quetzalcoatl, in
ya in motecato in tlapalla in tlatlaya..
it is said these caused the tolteca to disperse when they
went away, when topiltzin quetzalcoatl entered the water,
when he went to settle in the place of the red color, the
place of the burning. (b.10 f.10 p.176).
92. auh in ointech ompachihuito espa¤oles: niman imixpan ontlalcuaque
acalyacac, in momatque, ca yehuatl in quetzalcoatl *topiltzin*,
in oacico,.
and when they had drawn near to the spaniards, then before
them they performed the earth-eating ceremony at the prows
of the boats: they thought it was quetzalcoatl topiltzin
who had come to arrive. (b.12 f.1 p.5).
93. in iuh quima, in iuh moma, ca yehuatl in *topiltzin* quetzalcoatl
in oquizaco:.
thus he thought -- thus was it thought -- that this was
topiltzin quetzalcoatl who had come to land. (b.12 f.1 p.7).
94. in zan yeh iyo tomio, tonacayo, in zan ye iyo *totopil* tonetlaquechil,
in zan ye iyo tonelpil tochicahuaca: in quicemmaceuh macehualli..
it is the same as our bones, our flesh; the same as our
staff, our rod, the same as our girdle, our strength, which
the common folk have received as collective merit. (b.6
f.3 p.38).
95. no motocayotia icuitlacochcho, in *tzanatopilli*..
the grackle-staves were also called their thrasher[-staves].
(b.2 f.3 p.75).
96. inique i, quititlani in mitl, in pitzahuac, in tlahuitolli:
ihuan quilhuia *tzaptopilli*,.
these used the slender arrow, the bow; and they called
it the tipped arrow. (b.10 f.11 p.185).
97. in tlanauhcayotitihui, tepoztopileque, *tzinacantopileque*..
fourth went the lancers, the halberdiers. (b.12 f.4 p.62).
98. ihuan cequi oncan tepehuac, oncan tepeuh in tlequiquiztlalli,
in tepozmacuahuitl, in tepoztopilli in *tzinacantopilli*,
in tepoztlahuitolli, in tepozmitl:.
and some things lay strewn there; gunpowder, iron swords,
iron lances, halberds, iron bolts, iron arrows were strewn
there. (b.12 f.5 p.72).
99. yehuatl in apozonaltentetl, ihuan quetzalcoyolnacochtli:
ihuan *xahuactopilli*, ihuan coxolyecacehuaztli..
these amber lip plugs, and curved, green, ear pendants
with bells, and black staves, and crested guan feather fans.
(b.9 f.1 p.4).
100. auh quin oncan maco: in inneoquichitol in apozonaltentetl,
ihuan quetzalcoyolnacochtli, quetzalichayatl coxoli, ehcacehuaztli:
zacuantica tlatzimpacholli, *xahuactopilli*, toztlapilollo,
cuitlacochio, in ipan hualotlatocaya, inic hualahcia in
nican mexico..
and then [and] there they were given their symbols of conquest--the
amber lip plugs, and the green, shell-shaped ear pendants;
the netted maguey fiber capes; the crested guan feather
fans covered with troupial feathers at the bottom; the black
staves with tassels of curve-billed thrasher feathers, with
which they took the road to arrive here in mexico. (b.9
f.2 p.22).
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