
Rikke Marie Olsen dr.rom at DANSEMUS.DK
Thu May 26 22:34:42 UTC 2005

Dear Joe and Galen

I belive my teacher Una Canger told me that the -tla in òtla actually is the
pure form of the absolutive suffix. The -a- is normally not strong enough to
hold and usually transforms to an -i-. But in this particular incorporation
of òtli into ò-tla-toca, the -a- can hold its position.

I think Joe is right about some forms being lexicalized to always appear
with the inanimate object of -tla. But in this case that would give you two
objects - first the incorporated root of ò- and second the inanimate object
og -tla-. But -toca only takes one object...?!

Rikke Marie

-----Original Message-----
From: Nahua language and culture discussion [mailto:NAHUAT-L at LISTS.UMN.EDU]
On Behalf Of campbel at INDIANA.EDU
Sent: 27. maj 2005 00:18
Subject: Re: Chimalpahin

Quoting José Rabasa <jrabasa at CALMAIL.BERKELEY.EDU>:

> As you point out the otlatoca is attested by
> Molina, and figures earlier in the passage. I
> cannot answer the question you pose as to the
> passage from -tli in otli to -tla- in otlatoca.


   I collected some examples of "ohtlatoca" last night and I think I've
out (most of) the irrelevant ones.  Galen's commentary has covered beyond
what I
could have said when onicochmic.  I just wanted to add a comment to the
about the mysterious "tla".   The active morphology of Nahuatl involves
such as the following:

  ni-c-toca     I follow him

  ni-tla-toca   I follow something

And, as in the case with other verbs, "tla-" sometimes fuses to form a new
intransitive verb "tlatoca" (to follow or continue along).  The noun stem
is then prefixed adverbially.  "Tla-" fusion is sometimes recognizable by
placement of those adverbial nouns -- the position inside the adverbial noun
(close to the verb) is an indication of fusion, just as is the reduplication
the "tla-", since objects don't reduplicate, but something fused and made
an integral part of the verb stem will.




1. inic matlactli capitulo: oncan mitoa in quenin espa¤oles zan
     ihuian, huallalhuaccaquizque, *huallotlatocatiaque* ihuan
     in quenin moteuczoma quicauh in huei tecpan,.
      tenth chapter, in which it is told how quite slowly the
     spaniards came forth to dry land, [how] they followed along
     the road, and how moctezuma left the great palace; (b.12
     f.2 p.27).


2. achtopa hualquiza in eztli, ic neci ca ye *hualotlatoca*,
     ye quihualtopehua in piltzintli:.
      first the blood comes out, which shows that the baby is
     about to follow, about to be forced out. (b.11 f.18 p.180).

3. auh in ohuallalhuacaquizque yequene ic huitze: in ye hualolinizque,
     in ye hualolini, in ye *hualotlatoca*, cenca necuitlahuiloque,
      and when the spaniards came forth to dry land, [when] finally
     they so came, when already they were to move, when already
     they moved, when already they followed the road, they were
     well cared for, they were held in esteem. (b.12 f.2 p.23).


4. zan temac in huallatiaque, in *hualotlatocaque*,.
      it was completely in [the emissaries'] hands that they
     went along, that they followed the road along. (b.12 f.2


5. auh quin oncan maco: in inneoquichitol in apozonaltentetl,
     ihuan quetzalcoyolnacochtli, quetzalichayatl coxoli, ehcacehuaztli:
     zacuantica tlatzimpacholli, xahuactopilli, toztlapilollo,
     cuitlacochio, in ipan *hualotlatocaya*, inic hualahcia in
     nican mexico..
      and then [and] there they were given their symbols of conquest--the
     amber lip plugs, and the green, shell-shaped ear pendants;
     the netted maguey fiber capes; the crested guan feather
     fans covered with troupial feathers at the bottom; the black
     staves with tassels of curve-billed thrasher feathers, with
     which they took the road to arrive here in mexico. (b.9
     f.2 p.22).

6. auh inic hualmocuepaya anahuac: inic *hualotlatocaya*, inic
     hualhuia, ye oticteneuhque,.
      and how they returned from anauac, how they followed the
     roads, how they came back, we have already told. (b.9 f.3


7. quitlaquentiaya amatica: in intopil, imotlatopil, in inenemia,
     in *imotlatocaya*,.
      they arrayed in paper their staves, their stout traveling
     staves with which they journeyed, with which they traveled.
     (b.1 f.2 p.41).


8. huellaixnextia, inic quitemoa, icochca, ineuhca, in icemilhuitiaya,
     in *iotlatocaya*, in inenca, in nencayotl, in nemoani, in
     nemoaloni, in otlatoconi,.
      he labored industriously to gain sustenance, his daily
     bread his trail rations, his livelihood, his maintenance,
     the source of life, the means of living, and provisions
     for traveling. (b.4 f.12 p.125).


9. auh in nel otlatlan in motacatzin, in *motlatocaya*:.
      for verily thy provisions have ended--that with which one
     hath traveled. (b.4 f.6 p.62).


10. inic cecencalpan *ohuallotlatocac*, in ye mochi tonalli omoteneuh,
     in ipan otlatlatoloc, otlatlatolloac..
      [so] each group proceeded on its way; all the day signs
     mentioned, of which there hath been discourse and discussion.
     (b.4 f.12 p.132).


11. inic inca *ohualotlatocatia*, inic ohualmacantia in inteucyo,
     in intlatocayo.
      thus, through them, their dignity, their patrimony, advanced
     [and] spread. (b.9 f.3 p.32).


12. auh quen *onotlatocaz*.
      but how will he go on his way? (b.2 f.13 p.216).


13. in yehuantin tlaamahuia, ihcuac pehua, in ihcuac ompehua,
     *otlatoca* painal..
      those who rolled up the paper began at the time that paynal
     had begun to follow his path. (b.2 f.9 p.145).

14. auh in ye iuhqui, niman ye ic ompehua niman ye ic *otlatoca*,.
      and when this was done, thereupon he departed, thereupon
     he followed the road. (b.3 f.3 p.33).

15. nican za cencamatica, cententica onmonextia, in quenin cenca
     ye miyecpa omito, in iuhqui inenezca, itoloca, itenehualoca,
     itlatollo, itlatlatollo: in quenami cecemilhuitl tonalli
     ipan mochihua, in iuh tecpantihui, ic *otlatoca*: in oncan
     cualtitiuh, ihuan in amo cualli, in amo yeccan,.
      here, in only a word, a statement, is made plain, as hath
     many times been told, the manner of its significance, its
     account, exposition, history, and discussion; and in what
     manner the sign of each day came to pass, how they proceeded
     in order, so following along; those which came good; and
     the evil, of unfavorable time. (b.4 f.12 p.129).

16. auh in ohualquiz tonatiuh, in ye *otlatoca*, in ye cahuiltitihuitze,
     in ye coyohuitihuitze yaomicque in tiacahuan, in ye otlatocatiuh
     in yehuatl tonatiuh: niman mocencahua in cihua, moyaochichihua
     concui in chimalli, in tlahuiztli:.
      and when the sun had emerged, when already it had advanced
     along its course, when those who had died in war, the brave
     warriors, already came gladdening it, came giving cries
     for it, when this sun had already advanced along its course,
     then the women arrayed themselves, armed themselves as for
     war, took the shields, the devices. (b.6 f.13 p.163).

17. auh in ye iuhqui: in ihcuac ye omomanaco onteixtin, ye no
     cuele ahuel olini, *otlatoca*,.
      and when this was done, when both appeared [over the earth]
     together, they could, on the other hand, not move nor follow
     their paths. (b.7 f.1 p.7).

18. quin yehuatl huel colini, niman ye ic *otlatoca*..
      at once he could move him, who thereupon went on his way.
     (b.7 f.1 p.8).

19. auh in ihcuac, ye *otlatoca*, zan ompa ommocauh in metztli:.
      and when he had already followed his course, only the moon
     remained there. (b.7 f.1 p.8).

20. ihuiyan, yocoxca, in *otlatoca*..
      they followed the road slowly and carefully. (b.8 f.3 p.52).

21. auh inic nenemi, amo cemilhuitl: in *otlatoca*: zan yoaltica..
      and so they journeyed not by day when they traveled, but
     by night. (b.9 f.2 p.18).

22. auh in ye *otlatoca*, in ye yauh painalton, niman ye ic quinhuica
     in tlatlaaltiltin, oncan quihualnamiquia in tlaamahuiaya,
     in inacaztlan cohuatlan, oncan momanaya in teoithualco..
      and as he was already following the road, as painalton
     already went, thereupon they conducted the bathed slaves
     to the outskirts of [the calpulli of] coatlan, where they
     came upon the place of encirclement situated there at the
     temple courtyard. (b.9 f.5 p.64).

23. auh in axcan, macihui in aocmo cenca monequi tlahuiztli:
     ca zan ye iuh *otlatoca*, zan ye iuh motocatiuh in tlachihualli,
     in tlachichihualiztli:.
      but today, although devices are no longer much required,
     in the same way the making, the ornamenting, of articles
     proceed; they advance. (b.9 f.7 p.92).

24. za za ye yauh in ye yauh, ca zan ye *otlatoca*,.
      he goes to no purpose when he goes; he travels the road
     to no purpose. (b.10 f.4 p.60).

25. auh in ihcuac canapa hui, in *otlatoca*, za ce in teyacana,
     zan motecpana, za cempanti, ompa onmotztihui in tezcac in
     intzintempan mamantiuh:.
      and when they went somewhere, as they made their way, following
     a single leader, in order, in line, there they went looking
     into the mirror which [the one ahead] went bearing in the
     middle of his back. (b.10 f.10 p.173).

26. auh inic *otlatoca*, inic nenemi amo huel yauh in tlalnemiuhyan:
     hueli patlania in zacatl, in tlacotl, in tlein huapahuac..
      and thus it advances, thus it travels: it cannot go on
     bare ground; it can fly on grass, on shrubs, on anything
     rough. (b.11 f.8 p.76).

27. inic nenemi zan motitihuana, inic *otlatoca* zan necoc motlaloa..
      to travel, it just stretches itself out; to go along its
     way, it just runs on both ends. (b.11 f.8 p.79).

28. in ihcuac omacic, za onoc acampa *otlatoca*:.
      when mature, it only lies somewhere, where they travel
     the road. (b.11 f.8 p.79).

29. inic *otlatoca* mopetzcoa, auh in quenman zan momimiloa iuhquinma
      as it travels, it slithers, and sometimes it only rolls
     like a mano. (b.11 f.8 p.82).

30. auh in campa *otlatoca* ompa ihyaxtiuh, cololhuitihui in
     zayolti, quicahuatztihui:.
      and wherever it travels the road, there it goes stinking;
     with it the flies go swarming, they go along buzzing. (b.11
     f.9 p.83).

31. inic mitoa ehcacohuatl: in ihcuac *otlatoca* moquetztehua,.
      it is called hecacoatl because when it travels it raises
     itself erect. (b.11 f.9 p.83).

32. zan iyo xopan in nemi, auh inic nemi, inic *otlatoca* zan
     ixtotomahua, ahuic motlatlaloa..
      only in the summer does it go about, and when it goes about,
     as it goes on its way, it just wanders aimlessly; it keeps
     running here and there. (b.11 f.9 p.88).

33. auh inic *otlatoca*, zan motecpana, mohuipana, patlahuatihui:
     anozo zan cempanti..
      and as they travel along their way, they go in good order,
     in procession, in a wide stream or only in single file.
     (b.11 f.9 p.90).

34. inic *otlatoca*, patlahuatihui:.
      when they follow their path, they go in a wide stream.
     (b.11 f.9 p.91).

35. auh inic nenemi, inic *otlatoca* mocuecuelpachotiuh, mococototztlalia,
     iuhquinma itla quitamachihua..
      and as it travels, as it goes its way, it goes by doubling
     itself, by looping itself, as if measuring something. (b.11
     f.10 p.97).

36. auh in quenman zan motecpana inic *otlatoca*..
      and sometimes they just form a line as they travel along.
     (b.11 f.10 p.100).

37. motoca, mopixoa, camahua, ciahua, poxcahui, monelhuayotia,
     nelhuayohua, tlapani, tlacati, yacaomi, huallaxiponoa,
     achichilacachti, itzmiquiltia, ce iix quihualquetza mozcaltia,
     mana, motitihuana, achi quitoca, tetzahua, chicahuac, *otlatoca*,
     mantiuh, mozcallotia, moquillotia, mahuazhuayotia, momatia,
     momaxallotia, momamaxallotia, momamatia, mozcallotia, izcalloa,
     momiyahuayotia, miahuayoa,.
      it is planted, sown; it matures; it is wetted, moistened;
     it forms roots; it takes root, bursts, germinates, sprouts,
     pushes up, emerges at the surface, forms a shoot, sends
     out a shoot, sets a node, grows, develops, extends, continues
     a little, grows firm, strengthens, grows bigger, enlarges,
     puts on terminal growth; forms foliage, leaves, branches,
     forms a crotch; forms crotches; forms branches in different
     places; puts on terminal growth, forms terminal growth,
     puts on terminal buds, forms terminal buds. (b.11 f.11 p.113).

38. mohuilana, mohuihuilana, *otlatoca*, moyacatlaza, moquillotia,
     mexoyotia, exoyoa..
      it creeps, constantly creeps, travels, sends out a shoot,
     forms foliage, produces a bean, forms a bean. (b.11 f.21

39. yehuatl in zan mani atl, in amo *otlatoca*,.
      it is water which is just flat, which does not run. (b.11
     f.24 p.250).

40. ye ic *otlatoca*,.
      already they followed the road. (b.12 f.5 p.77).

41. auh in ye iuhqui in ye olini in ye *otlatoca* in espanoles:
     niman ye ic hualtzatzi in yaotlachixque:.
      and when this was done, when the spaniards already moved,
     already followed the road, thereupon the spies shouted out;
     (b.12 f.5 p.78).


42. auh quitoa, in manel mochintin teteo omicque, za nel amo
     ic olin, amo huel ic *otlatocac* in teotl tonatiuh:.
      and they say that though all the gods died, even then the
     sun god could not move and follow his path. (b.7 f.1 p.8).


43. xiccaqui: ayac aquetzqui, ayac cuecuenotl, ayac cuecuech,
     anozo mitoa cuecuetz in *otlatocat*:.
      note that no brazen one, no vain one, no dissolute one,
     or as is said, shameless one hath become ruler. (b.6 f.9

44. inic matlactli omei tlatoani mochiuh tetzcoco, yehuatl in
     axcan tlatoani don hernando pimentel in *otlatocat* achi
      the thirteenth who became ruler of texcoco [is] the present
     ruler, don hernando pimentel, who hath governed nearly twenty
     years. (b.8 f.1 p.11).


45. zan moch iuh *otlatocatihui*,.
      so all went traveling in their course. (b.4 f.6 p.57).

46. ipampa in zaiyo tonalpehuallotl, achitzitzin tlatolli ic
     toconnextia, inic mottaz, in izquipa huetzi cempoalpa, inic
     cecencalpan *otlatocatihui*: ihuan hualmotoquilitihui:.
      hence a few short words concerning only the beginning day
     sign, whereby we make manifest how it was to be considered
     all the twenty times it fell, as each group marched along
     its course and went following in order. (b.4 f.9 p.96).


47. zan quiztinemi, zan *otlatocatinemi*, zan panotinemi, zaza
     ye hui in ye hui,.
      they only went about traveling, wandering; they went about
     crossing the streams; they only went here and there. (b.10
     f.10 p.171).


48. zan iuh *otlatocatiuh*, cecexiuhtica, zan ic nemamacotiuh,
     zan necacahuililotiuh, nepapatlalotiuh, nepapatlalo:.
      just so they went following, each year; just so there was
     the coming to share [functions], just the going leaving
     [them] to others, the going to exchange [them]: there was
     the exchange [of functions]. (b.3 f.1 p.8).

49. in iuhqui cecentetl semana ic mopoaya, matlatlaquilhuitl
     omeei motlalitiuh, inic *otlatocatiuh* ce xihuitl:.
      just as each week was reckoned, so each of the thirteen-day
     periods went taking its place until one year had passed.
     (b.4 f.1 p.1).

50. auh in ohualquiz tonatiuh, in ye otlatoca, in ye cahuiltitihuitze,
     in ye coyohuitihuitze yaomicque in tiacahuan, in ye *otlatocatiuh*
     in yehuatl tonatiuh: niman mocencahua in cihua, moyaochichihua
     concui in chimalli, in tlahuiztli:.
      and when the sun had emerged, when already it had advanced
     along its course, when those who had died in war, the brave
     warriors, already came gladdening it, came giving cries
     for it, when this sun had already advanced along its course,
     then the women arrayed themselves, armed themselves as for
     war, took the shields, the devices. (b.6 f.13 p.163).

51. in ihcuac omozalo omihuictica tlahuatzalli: niman ixco onmoquetza
     in tlazoihhuitl, motecpantiuh, mozalotiuh, omihuictica onmoquetztiuh,
     zan iuh *otlatocatiuh*, mopepechotiuh in ihhuitl commopechtitiuh
     in tlahuatzalli:.
      when the glue-hardened feathers had been fastened down
     with the bone blade, then on its surface were set the precious
     feathers, going placed, glued in order, set in position
     by means of the bone blade; just so proceeding, the covering
     continuing, the feathers proceeding to cover the glue-hardened
     ones. (b.9 f.7 p.96).


52. auh in ihcuac *otlatocaya* quetzalcoatl quitlapichilitihuia..
      and when quetzalcoatl followed the road, they went blowing
     flutes for him. (b.3 f.3 p.33).

53. auh inic *otlatocaya* moyaochichiuhtihuia:.
      and as they traveled the road, they went girt for war.
     (b.9 f.2 p.17).


54. iuh mitoa, quilmach intla aca mocehuiz otlica: ayoc huel
     yaz, ayo huel mehuaz, ayoc huel *otlatocaz*:.
      it was so said and affirmed that if any of them rested
     by the road, he could no longer go, rise up, nor travel.
     (b.4 f.10 p.104).


55. cuix onteixtin *otlatocazque*,.
      will they perchance both together follow the same path?
     (b.7 f.1 p.7).


56. auh ca tehuatzin, nohuian *timotlatocatilia*: ihuan in ixquich
     in cualli yectli, motechpatzinco quiza,.
      and thou rulest everywhere; and all that is good, proper,
     issueth from thee. (b.1 f.4 p.67).


57. quilhuia. izcatqui inic *tonotlatocaz*,.
      they said to him: "here is wherewith thou wilt travel."
     (b.3 f.3 p.43).


58. auh inic tiaz, inic *totlatocaz*, inic otli ticnamiquiz:
     amo titoloz, amo no taquetzaz: ca anezcalicayotl, quitoznequi:.
      "and as thou art to go, as thou art to travel the road,
     as thou art to come upon the road, thou art not to bow thy
     head, nor art thou to raise thy head in pride; it meaneth
     ill-breeding." (b.6 f.8 p.100).

59. auh inic ontlamantli: timimatiz in ipan monehnemiliz, ihuian,
     yocoxca, matca, tlamach in tiaz, in *totlatocaz*, in tinenemiz:.
      "and second: thou art to be prudent in thy travels; peacefully,
     quietly, tranquilly, deliberately art thou to go, to take
     to the road, to travel. (b.6 f.10 p.121).


60. auh cenca moyolic in xiauh, in *xotlatoca*..
      and go, follow the road, with utmost tranquility. (b.6
     f.8 p.100).

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