Offering Flowers

Kier Salmon k_salmon at
Fri Jun 22 14:13:57 UTC 2007

Hopefully some of the more senior members can answer this question.   
Some time ago I ran into a vague reference to a book called "Offering  
Flowers" by Jerome Rothenberg.  After months of effort I finally,  
with a lot of help tracked it down as the title of a book, 8 copies  
of which are on worldcat and none of which is allowed into the stream  
of ILL.
Some more help from a friend has turned up a single edition (and the  
information that it is a translation by Anderson and Dibble   
arrainged by Rothenberg) for sale (apparently only 350 were ever  
printed) at $110.
So the question is... what is this?  Is it just things extracted from  
the massive Florentine Codex by A&D or is it part of Bierhorsts  
University of Utah does not have anything listed, and I'd like some  
more knowledge before I spend that much money.  My goal is to be able  
to portray my early 16th century characters as Mexica (not Cuautemoc  
as Bonnie Prince Charlie) and to understand how they spoke and  
thought.  Will this book aid in this or is it more useful to pick up  
the Cantares?
Thanks for any help on this thorny problem.
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