
Campbell, R Joe campbel at
Fri Mar 2 06:22:12 UTC 2007


   I know that everyone has problems, but somehow mine seem worse than 
anyone else's.  I'm hoping to get widespread help and suggestions on 
the ones that I have included below.  Actually, this is a small sample 
of the items from Molina and the Florentine Codex that are troubling me 
-- all of the rest of them are back at the ranch.

   I would appreciate any ideas that y'all can offer.



The prefixes follow the stem and are marked with '=".

Most items are from Molina.

I have been explicit about some of my doubts...

** I assume that "-toca" is 'believe', but what is "ahui-"?

  ahuitoca =nin.  pensar alguno que le reprehenden otros y que le rin~en.
  ahuitoca =nin.  tomar por si la reprehension que se da a
    todos en general.  71m2-2
  ahuitoca =nino.  sentirse dela reprehension,tomando porsi lo que en
    general  se amonesta atodos.  71m1-19

** This looks like it should mean 'I melt something', but what does
   that have to do with 'stringing a bow'?

  atilia =nitla.  frecher el arco.  55m-10

** I can't account for the "x"

  axtic.  moist; watery.  b.10 f.7

** "ninotzincuepa" would be transparent, but what is "ayo-"?

  ayotzincuepa =nin.  boltear al modo de espan~a.  55m-2
  ayotzincuepa =nin.  boltear o trepar al modo de espan~a.  71m2-1

** At one time I wondered if this was related to "chica:hua", but...

  chiccaloa =nonte.  echar por fuerza de casa a alguno.  55m-6
  chiccalolli =tla.  echado assi; echado fuera de casa por fuerza.
  chiccanahua =nite.  echar por fuerza de casa a alguno.  55m-6

** can this be related to "nequi"?
   ...but what is the "chi-"?

  chinequiztli.  nin~o que llora mucho.  71m1-16

** probably "i:xtli" and "tetl", and the "-uh" is a possessive marker,
   but what is the "o"?
  ixteouh =to.  nin~a del ojo.  71m1-16

** apparently "pozo:ni" and "atl", but the "l" doesn't fit;
   when does "-ni" get lost like this?

  pozolatl.  beuida de mayz cozido.  71m2-14

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