Nahua educational projects

Ian Mursell Ian.Mursell at
Sat Mar 22 19:01:04 UTC 2008

Dear Listeros,

Our team work with many hundreds of schools in the UK studying the Aztecs as
a history unit (usually 8-11-year-olds).  A good number of these schools are
interested in linking to/supporting an educational project in Mexico of some
kind, with relevance to this topic.  In recent years we have sought in vain
for a suitable partner.

Please could any of you let us know if you could recommend -

1. an educational project or service based in a Nahua community (this could
be literacy, community library service, Nahuatl language classes...)
2. a pioneering individual/group looking to set up such a project
3. someone in or out of Mexico who might be in a good position to recommend
the above

Our horizons are very modest and low-key, and we¹re open to ideas of all
kinds.  We¹re determined to harness the goodwill that we constantly tap into
in the schools where we work, but we have precious few contacts on the other
side of the Atlantic...

With thanks in anticipation, and good wishes,


Ian Mursell

MirandaNet Fellow, Institute of Education, London University

Director, 'Mexicolore'
28 Warriner Gardens
London SW11 4EB, U.K.
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7622 9577
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7498 0173
Ian.Mursell at
info at

1980-2005: 25 years of bringing Mexico and the Aztecs to life in schools and
museums throughout England.  Team visits, online teaching resources and
services, live interactive videoconferencing sessions, and much more - all
from Mexicolore, the 'highly successful teaching team' (British Museum
Education Service)

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