Piltlahcuiloltzin ixitlauhca

ANTHONY APPLEYARD a.appleyard at btinternet.com
Tue Sep 28 06:05:05 UTC 2010

--- On Tue, 28/9/10, John Sullivan <idiez at me.com> wrote:
> .... Long vowels are shown here with a colon, as the macron has demonstrated
> in the past its ability to send nahuat-l into the land of giberish. ...

Probably because the macroned letters are not in the initial (zero'th) set of 256 Unicode letters and thus cause the message to be sent as one of the Unicode variants and not as plain ascii, e.g. a-macron is Unicode 0101, o-macron isĀ  014D (hexadecimal), but plain a is 0061. Separate macron as a combining character is Unicode 035E.


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