Cuauhtemoc's last speech?

Mario E. Aguilar micc2 at
Thu Jan 26 18:43:13 UTC 2012

Piyali everyone,

First of all I want to apologize for having my e-mail address taken over 
by a spambot!

I have been working on trying to find the roots of two "historical" 
myths related to Mexi'ca identity and Danza Azteca ideology in particular.

One is the origin of the "tomb of Cuauhtemoc in Ichaceotpan"  I have 
found four books and several magazine articles from Mexico that describe 
the fictitious nature of this claim.

The other is the "last message of our young grandfather Cuauhtemoc"

I understand the message appeared in the 1960s in Xochimilco.  I have 
heard that it was brought out as part of a campaign by a local member of 
the PRI party.
But I cannot find any reliable factually based citations for the message 
or its provenance.

I have included the message as I found it online at

I am interested to know from persons far more experienced than me in 
Nahuatl what they think of the Nahuatl used in this version.

Totonal yomotlatih
Totonal yoixpolih
iuan zentlayohuayan
o tech kahteh
mach tikmatik manka okzepa uala
man ka okzepa kizakin
iuan yankuiotika tech tlauilikin
mach inoka ompa kah miktlan maniz
manzanueliui tozentlatikan
totechtechokan iuan tozolnepantla
tiltlatikan nochi intlen toyolkitlazohtla
ki hueyi tlatktiomati
man tikin pohpolokan teokalhuan
tokal mekahuan totlachkohuan
totelpochkahuan tokuikakalhuan
man mozelkahuakan tohumeh
iuan man tochan zakua
kin ihkuak ki xouaz toyankuiktonal
in tahtzinzin iuan in nantzintzin
man aik kikuakan kimilhuizekeh
itelpochhuan iuan matechnazkech mo
pipilhuan inoka nemizkeh
uel kenin yoko xin axkan totlalzoh anauak
in tlanekilizihuan tlapeluilliz in
tonech toltilliz uan za ye
nopampa tokenmauiliz iuan tokem
poliuiz oki zelihkeh totlachkatzintzinhuan
iuan tlen totahtzinzin auik
yolehkayo pan oki xi nachtokatech
toyelizpan axkan tehuan tikin
tekimakah in topilhuan
amo kin ilkauazkeh kin nonotzazkeh
kin mopilhuan
uelkenin yez kenin imakokiz
iuan uelkenin kiktzon chikahllauiz
iuan uelkenin kiktzon kixtikin iueyika
nehtoltiliz inin toltlazohtlalnantzin ANAHUAK

Nuestro sol se ocultó,
Nuestro sol se perdió de vista
y en completa oscuridad nos ha dejado,
pero sabemos que otra vez volverá
que otra vez saldrá
y nuevamente nos alumbrará,
pero mierntas allá esté
en la mansión del silencio,
muy prontamente nos reunamos
nos estrechemos
y en el centro de nuestro corazón
todo lo que nuestro corazón ama
y que sabemos es gran tesoro,
ocultemos nuestros recintos de la energia,
nuestras escuelas, nuestros campos de pelota,
nuestros recintos para la juventúd y
nuestras casas para el canto....
y que nuestros corazones nos encierren
hasta cuando salga NUESTRO nuevo sol.
los papacitos y las mamacitas,
que no olviden conducir a sus jovenes
y enseñarles a sus hijitos mientras vivan,
como buena ha sido hasta ahora
nuestra amada ANAHUAK.
Al amparo y proteccion de nuestros destinos
por nuestro gran respeto y buen comportamiento
que recibieron nuestros antepasados
y que nuestros papacitos muy
entusiastamente sembraron en nuestro ser,
ahora nosotros, indicaremos a nuestros hijos,
no olviden informar a sus hijos,
como buena será, como se levantará
y como bién alcanzará fuerza....
y como bien realizará su gran destino
esta nuestra amada madrecita tierra.... ANAHUAK!!!

Our Sun has gone down
Our Sun has been lost from view
and has left us
in complete darkness
But we know it will return again
that it will rise again
to light us anew
But while it is there in
the Mansion of Silence
Let's join together, let's embrace each other
and in the very center of our being hide
all that our hearts love
and we know is the Great Treasure.
Let us hide our Temples
our schools, our sacred soccer game
our youth centers
our houses of flowery song
so that only our streets remain.
Our homes will enclose us
until our New Sun rises.
Most honorable fathers
and most honorable mothers,
may you never forget to guide your young ones
teach your children, while you live
how good it has been and will be.
Until now our beloved Anahuac
sheltered and protected our destinies
that our ancestors
and our parents enthusiastically received
and seeded in our being.
Now we will instruct our children
how to be good
They will raise themselves up and gain strength
and as goodness make real their great destiny
in this, our beloved mother Anahuac.

I live for reasoned, enlightened spirituality:

"Tlacecelilli", tranquilidad, paz

Mario E. Aguilar, PhD

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