omichicahuaztli and the miccacuicatl
Campbell, R. Joe
campbel at
Fri Jul 18 03:05:27 UTC 2014
Dear Susana,
I thought that the actual usage of "micca-" and "-chicahuaztli"
might be helpful. The material quoted here is from Dibble and
Anderson's edition of the Florentine Codex. The original extremely
variable spelling has been regularized a la Andrews. "b." numbers refer
to Book and "p.", of course, to page, and "f." to my own file structure.
1. zatepan cecentetl quintlatlaliliaya, quimmamanilia in *immiccahuan*,
in oncan totoctoque:.
then they set them in place, they laid them as offerings
for each of their dead, there where they each lay buried.
(b.2 f.10 p.166).
2. auh in yehhuatl *micca* cihuatl ye no cempoalxihuitl oce inen
ihuan oc ce quichiuh iconeuh oquichtli:.
and this woman who had died lived another twenty-one years,
and once more bore a son. (b.8 f.1 p.3).
3. huexotl, ahuexotl, *miccaahuexotl*.
willow (b.11 f.11 p.110).
4. auh izcatqui ic quitlatlauhtiaya in *miccahua*..
and here is that with which they entreated the mourner:
(b.3 f.3 p.42).
5. chocatinemi, tehcoyouhtinemi, iuhquin *miccahuati*, quinchoquilia
in otlacotique, in ommicque..
he went weeping, he went howling like one bereaved; he
wept for those who had suffered, who had died. (b.2 f.1
6. auh inic quitoca, cenca quimahuiztilia, omilhuitl, eilhuitl
in *miccahuati*, mitotia, cuica:.
and when they buried him, they paid him great honor; two
days, three days, they mourned; there was dancing, there
was singing. (b.10 f.10 p.174).
7. in cualli teezyo, *miccahuatini*, tlamacehuani, tlatlatlauhtiani,
tlateomatini, teoyo, neconi, temoloni, ilnamiconi..
the good one of noble lineage [is] a mourner for the dead,
a doer of penances, a gracious speaker; devout, godly, desirable,
wanted, memorable. likely that it is related to praying
(b.10 f.2 p.22).
8. ic quitemachitia, inic nahuilhuitl ilnamicoz, *miccahuatizque*
in ichantlaca,.
thus they made it known that during four days there would
be remembrances; his household would mourn. (b.4 f.7 p.67).
9. monnantli, *miccamonnantli*,.
mother-in-law -- mother-in-law of a deceased person (b.10
f.1 p.7).
10. montatli *miccamontatli*.
father-in-law --- father-in-law of a deceased person (b.10
f.1 p.7).
11. ihuan itoca in *miccanacatl* in opalan, in otlaltic..
and it is the name of the body of the dead which has decayed,
which has become dust. (b.11 f.24 p.251).
12. *miccatlalli*:.
miccatlalli (b.11 f.24 p.251).
13. tenitzintli *miccatzintli*,.
[he is] stupid, torpid. (b.10 f.2 p.25).
14. in amo cualli zoquichiuhqui, xolopitli, nextecuili, *miccatzintli*.
the bad potter [is] silly, stupid, torpid. (b.10 f.3 p.42).
15. in ahuiyani, ca cihuatlahueliloc, inacayo ic mahuiltiani,
nacanamacac, nanacanamacac, ichpochtlahueliloc, ilamatlahueliloc,
tlahuanqui, xocomicqui, tequixocomicqui, tequitlahuanqui,
iellelacic, tlacamicqui, xochimicqui, tlaaltilli, teomicqui,
teopoliuhqui, *miccatzintli*,.
the carnal woman is an evil woman who finds pleasure in
her body; who sells her body -- repeatedly sells her body;
an evil young woman [or] an evil old woman, besotted, drunk
-- very drunk, much besotted; dejected, perverse; [like]
a sacrificial victim, a bathed slave, a captive; full of
affliction, mortal. (b.10 f.3 p.55).
16. niman imac contequilia, in itlema, no *miccatzontecomayo*,
inic tlacuilolli, amacuitlapile..
they placed in his hand his incense ladle, also painted
with the skulls of the dead, and with paper pendants [on
the handle]. (b.8 f.4 p.62).
17. mazo yehhua, momitzmahuilti in macehualli: auh mazo mitztlacaahuilo
in *miccauh*, in machcauh: in axcan ca otiteot,.
"although the common folk have gladdened thee, and although
thy younger brother, thy older brother have put their trust
in thee, now thou art deified." (b.6 f.5 p.52).
18. oc ye centlamantli, amo zan *miccauh*, amo zan machcauh:
in iyollo, amo zan no iuhquin moyollo,.
still another thing: is not the heart of thy younger brother,
of thy older brother the same as thy heart? (b.6 f.6 p.73).
19. a ca nechhualmihuali, onechhualtopeuh in tlacatl in *miccauhtzin*,
in tlatoani in n: in nachca in tlapializtli mitzommochihuililia
in n:.
verily the lord, thy younger brother, the ruler n., who
out there serveth as guard for thee in [the city of] n.,
sent me, dispatched me here. (b.6 f.15 p.189).
20. ca commitalhuia. tla xoyatiuh: xichualmottili in tlacatl,
in *miccauhtzin*: in tlacoti, in tequiti:.
"he said: 'o, see the lord my younger brother who serveth,
who governeth.'" (b.6 f.15 p.189).
21. cequi itoca *miccaxochitl*; ihuan itoca: tlahuancaxochitl,.
some are called miccaxochitl, and some are called tlauancaxochitl.
(b.11 f.20 p.205).
22. *miccaxoxocoyoli*:.
miccaxoxocoyoli (b.11 f.14 p.138).
23. chamahuac iuhquin *miccaxoxocoyoli*, yece huelic, ahuiac,
it is thick like the miccaxoxocoyoli; however, it is tasty,
savory, good. (b.11 f.14 p.139).
24. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl, tzitziquilitl, tepicquilitl,
mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, ahuexocaquilitl, chilquilitl,
huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli, xoxocoyoli, xoxocoyolpapatla,
xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli, *miccaxoxoyoli*, xoxocoyolcuecuepo
ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl, mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl,
calahuauhquilitl, itzmiquilitl.
she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl, tepicquilitl,
matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl, chilquilitl,
amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of sorrel,
ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. miccaxoxocoyoli; D
25. *miccazayoli*:.
miccaayolin (b.11 f.10 p.101).
26. inic mitoa *miccazayoli* quil intonal in tomiccahuan:.
it is called miccaayolin because it is said it is the
lot of corpses. (b.11 f.11 p.101).
27. ic mitoa, *momiccaaltia* inic compopoloa, coniilcahua intlaocol:.
thus it was said, the deceased was bathed; and thereby
they destroyed and banished their grief. (b.4 f.7 p.67).
28. auh in cequintin intlan momaquixtique, intlan cacalacque
in ohuelmicque, zan *momiccanenequia*,.
and some escaped [the spaniards] among [the dead]; they
got in among those really dead, only by feigning to be dead.
(b.12 f.4 p.56).
29. zan niman yolmiqui, zotlahua, chapantihuetzi, *momiccatlaza*:
quinequi, macuelyeh ihiyotl onquiza, macuelyeh conihiyohui,
macuelyeh ompolihui, macuelyeh commotlaxili, in imiquiztequiuh..
at once he faltered, he fainted, he fell on the surface,
he threw himself down as if dead, he wished that breath
might end, that he might endure it, that he might perish,
that he might cast off the burden of death. (b.2 f.1 p.53).
30. in cualli cuachi micalini milacatzoani, *momiccatlazani*
tlacemoliniani, teochpahuazhuiani.
the good shorn one [is] a skirmisher, an aggressor, who
hurls himself to his death; a vanquisher, a sweeper away
[of the foe]. (b.10 f.2 p.23).
31. tlaaltilnemi, *moxochimiccanenequi*, aquetztinemi, tlaxocotinemi
mihuintitinemi momixihuitinemi, monanacahuitinemi,.
she lives like a bathed slave, acts like a sacrificial
victim; she goes about with her head high -- rude, drunk,
shameless -- eating mushrooms. (b.10 f.3 p.55).
32. ic nichoca ic nitlaocoya ic ninentlamati in niquilnamiqui
ac ye in *nomamiccatzin*, ac ye in notenhuacauh..
thus I weep, I am saddened, I am discontent when I reflect
upon which one is my sluggard, which one my incoherent one.
(b.6 f.7 p.87).
33. in iuhqui *omimicca* cocoliztica: oncan acohuetzi, chicahua:.
those who are as if faint with sickness are there calmed,
strengthened. (b.11 f.19 p.191).
34. ihuan miequintin in ommotlacomayahuia yaoc *ommomiccatlazaya*,
inca ommomotlaya in inyaohuan,.
and many withdrew themselves as enslaved, cast themselves
to their deaths in war, threw themselves against their foes.
(b.3 f.1 p.7).
35. poxacuatl, poxacuatlacectli, poxacuacihuatl, xochicihuatl,
*tlacamiccacihuatl* tlacamicqui.
[she is] a sleepy-head, a dried-out sleepy-head, an oversleeping
woman; a pervert, a perverted woman, perverse. (b.10 f.3
36. f. ointlahueliltic, in yehhuanti, in *tlacamiccapopol*, in
quimoteotique, in tetlaxintli, in cuahuitl tlaxintli, in
teixiptla, in tepatillo: in teocuitlatl, in anozo tepoztli,
ic tlachiuhtli: in anozo ye oquimoteotique, in manenemi,
in patlantinemi, in atlan nemi: in anozo imixiptlahuan,
in quinxinque, in cuauhxinque, in tetzotzonque, in anozo
in teocuitlapitzque, oquipitzque..
f. unhappy are they, the accursed dead who worshipped as
gods carvings of stone, carvings of wood, representations,
images, things made of gold or of copper, or who indeed
worshipped as gods four-footed animals, creatures which
fly, those which live in the waters, or their representations
which carpenters or lapidaries carved, or metal-workers
molded. (b.1 f.3 p.57).
37. ahuilquiza, ahuilhuehueti, teopilti xohxoloti, *tlacamiccati*..
he is reviled; he becomes decrepit, senile, feeble, perverted.
(b.10 f.2 p.37).
38. ca tilamatque in tontonotza, ca anquimotztiliticate in ixquich
*tomicca* ticihuatzitzinti, in ipan tititzin:.
for we are the old women who consult among ourselves; you
are seeing all of the mortality among us women in our wombs.
(b.6 f.13 p.158).
39. cuix ah *tomicca* in ticihuatzitzinti ca toyaoyouh: ca oncan
miquiztequiti in cihuacoatl, in quilaztli in tonantzin..
certainly it is our mortality, we who are women, for it
is our battle, for at this time our mother, ciuacoatl, quilaztli
exacteth the tribute of death. (b.6 f.15 p.180).
40. inic mitoa miccazayoli quil intonal in *tomiccahuan*:.
it is called miccaayolin because it is said it is the
lot of corpses. (b.11 f.11 p.101).
41. zan cuel itla mopan huallaz, *topilmiccayo* techmaitiliz
in toteucyo:.
soon something will befall thee; our lord will bring about
for us the death of our child. (b.6 f.12 p.142).
42. pipillo, coconeyo, ihuincayotl, *xocomiccayotl*:.
babyishness, childishness, besottedness, drunkenness (b.6
f.20 p.250).
43. in ihcuac aca huel itla quichihua, anozo huellatoa: amo quitoaya
in aquin. in cenca huel onoconchiuh, anozo huel onitlato:
zan quitoa. onoconchiuh, anozo onoconito in pipillotl, in
coconeyotl, in ihuincayotl, *xocomiccayotl*: anozo in chocholocayotl,
in aaccayotl:.
when one did something well or spoke well, he did not say:
"I did it very well," or, "I spoke well"; he just said:
"I have performed, or I have said a thing of babyishness,
of childishness, of besottedness, of drunkenness; or of
folly, of imperfection. (b.6 f.20 p.250).
1. *ayauhchicahuaztica*,.
with mist-bringing rattles (b.2 f.14 p.225).
2. *ayauhchicahuaztica*,.
with mist-bringing rattles (b.2 f.14 p.225).
3. ihuan ce cuacuilli conquechpanoa, *ayauhchicahuaztli*:.
and an old priest bore upon his shoulders the mist rattle
board. (b.2 f.4 p.85).
4. *ayochicahuaze*, cacalaca;.
she carried the mist rattle-board, which she sounded. (b.1
f.1 p.22).
5. quiquechpanotiuh, *ayochicahuaztli*, no itoca nahualcuahuitl,.
he went bearing on his shoulders the mist rattle board,
also called the sorcerer's staff. (b.2 f.3 p.81).
6. auh in ocontepeuh, niman commaca in *ayochicahuaztli*,.
and when he had scattered it, then they gave him the mist
rattle board. (b.2 f.4 p.87).
7. ce tlacatl quiquechpanoa, in *ayochicahuaztli*, excan in cacalaca:.
a man carried the mist rattle board upon his shoulders;
it rattled in three places. (b.2 f.5 p.105).
8. *cayochicahuaz* ilhuitinemi, quicuicatia in calpoleque, icuicacahuan..
with the mist rattle-board they went speaking; the elders
of the calpulli, her singers, sang for her. (b.1 f.1 p.22).
9. ic *chicahuaz* in monacayo,.
with it thy body will gain strength. (b.3 f.2 p.18).
10. ihuan ichicahuaz yetiuh, *chicahuazotiuh*,.
and his rattle stick went with him; he went rattling his
rattle stick. (b.2 f.1 p.46).
11. auh intla ceme anoya, in tezaloani, quinhuihuitequi in xipeme,
in *chicahuaztica*,.
and if some of the interceptors were taken, the xipeme
beat them repeatedly with the rattle sticks. (b.2 f.1 p.50).
12. *chicahuaztica*, motlaquechizca..
on rattle stick upraised (b.2 f.14 p.236).
13. *chicahuaztica* motlaquechizca..
on rattle stick upraised (b.2 f.14 p.236).
14. *chicahuaztli* concacalachiliaya.
they shook the rattle-boards for him. (b.1 f.2 p.37).
15. *chicahuaztli* in imac icac..
his rattle stick was in his hand. (b.1 f.2 p.40).
16. quitilquetztiuh in *chicahuaztli*, chachalaca, cacalaca..
he went planting the rattle stick forcefully [on the ground];
it rattled; it jingled. (b.2 f.1 p.46).
17. ixpan quihualtilquetza in *chicahuaztli*, quicacalatza: ihuan
iyauhtli ic quihualnamiqui, ihuicpa quihualchayahua..
before her he set up the rattle board; he rattled it, and
with yauhtli went forth to receive her, and scattered it
toward her. (b.2 f.5 p.105).
18. *chicahuaztli* motlaquechizca..
like rattle stick upraised (b.2 f.14 p.236).
19. ihuan *ichicahuaz* yetiuh, chicahuazotiuh,.
and his rattle stick went with him; he went rattling his
rattle stick. (b.2 f.1 p.46).
20. motlaloa mochimalcaltitiuh, quicacalatztiuh *ichicahuaz*.
he ran; he went sheltering himself under his shield; he
went rattling his rattle board. (b.2 f.2 p.59).
21. in ichimal ihuan in *ichicahuaz* chichiltic,.
her shield and her rattle stick were chili-red. (b.2 f.5
22. *ichicahuaz* yetiuh. anozo itzpapalotl. anozo quetzalcomitl
teocuitlayo in quimama.
he had his rattle stick with him, or the obsidian butterfly
or quetzal feather cup [device] set with gold, which he
carried upon his back. (b.8 f.5 p.84).
23. ihuan *ichicahuaz* cacalacaya, imayauhcampa quitzitzquiaya:
in ihcuac tlalpan quitilquetza cacalaca,.
and his rattle stick rattled as he grasped it in his right
hand; when he thrust it in the ground it rattled. (b.9 f.5
24. auh inic tetlattitiaya, mitotiaya, momamamantinemi in ichimal:
ihuan quitilquetztinemi in *ichicahuaz*..
and thus [the impersonator] exhibited [the devices]: he
danced, he went brandishing his shield; and he went thrusting
his rattle board into the ground. (b.9 f.5 p.70).
25. inchimal immaccuauh yetiuh *inchicahuaztopil*..
they had their shields, their war clubs, and their rattle
sticks. (b.8 f.5 p.85).
26. ma moloni *iyauhchicahuaztli* ma huihuixahui in ayachcuahuitl:.
may mist rattle boards billow; may cloud rattle boards
shake. (b.6 f.4 p.39).
27. *omichicahuaztli*..
the bone rasp. (b.6 f.19 p.239).
28. quinnahuatiaya in cuicanime: inic quiyehecozque inic *quichicahuazque*
in cuicatl, ihuan teponaztli, olmaitl, huehuetl: ihuan in
ixquich macehuallatquitl,.
he commanded the singers to rehearse and practise the song
and [to prepare] the two-toned drums, the rubber drum hammers,
and the ground drums, and all the properties used in the
dance. (b.8 f.3 p.56).
29. oc cenca timoyollotechihuaz, oc *tichicahuaz*, oc timaciz:.
"especially art thou to become courageous, art thou yet
to become strong, art thou yet to reach maturity." (b.6
f.10 p.116).
30. oncan o, ic ipan *tichicahuaz* in tlapaliuhcayotl in nenamictiliztli:.
then, thereby, thou wilt become strong in the union, in
the marriage. (b.6 f.10 p.116).
Quoting Susana Moraleda <susana at>:
> A pupil of mine has to do a research on the Miccacuicatl and the
> omichicahuaztli which was used to accompany the song. She is asking
> me where can she find detailed descriptions of both, but I really do
> not know what to tell her since this is not my specific field of
> expertise.
> Could anyone please advise?
> Thanks mil,
> Susana
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