[parislinguists] Ecole thématique "Modèles pour les systèmes complexes en sciences humaines et sociales"
Stephane Robert
robert at VJF.CNRS.FR
Thu Mar 25 17:19:45 UTC 2004
Summer School :
Models for Complex Systems in Human and Social Sciences
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lettres et Sciences Humaines , Lyon FRANCE
July 19-31 2004
Web site :
Important dates
Deadline for application : May 7 2004
Acceptation : May 28 2004
School : July 19-31 2004 at the Ecole Normale Supérieure Lettres et
Sciences Humaines
Although complex systems based methods are more and more used to model
social phenomena, there is no place in Europe where there are thought as a
The aim of the school will be to develop the technical abilities of the
participants to build a simple model and to use it at its maximal potential.
The following aspects will be studied:
Description of the problem, modelling process, scaling aspects.
Choice of experimental protocols and of the best "measures"
in order to highlight observable phenomena via simulations.
Presentation of the main methods and their practical application,
without hoping exhaustivity during the 12 days of the school.
As we have just said, there is no place in Europe where are taught
in a systematic way the methods that can be used to model complex systems
in human and social sciences. Since these methods usually come
from other fields (mathematics, physics, computer science...),
they are often unknown.
The school we propose to organize will have the role to fill
this gap by proposing lectures given by world specialists
of the domain and directed to an audience of researchers
(including graduate students) working on modeling problems
in human and social sciences.
The contents of the courses will relate more to the methods
rather on the application fields. Of course, the presented methods
will be illustrated on examples coming from human and social sciences,
but our wish is to focus on the methods rather than on specific particular
Computer simulations and experimentations will be studied under the format
of mini-projects.
Lectures will be given in english, following the format of
4 sessions of 3 hours for each course, by
Robert Axtell, Brooking Institution, USA,
Agent-Based Computational Modeling in the Social Sciences with Applications
to Economics
Rama Cont, Ecole Polytechnique, France,
Agent-based models of financial markets
Sorin Solomon, Jérusalem University, Israël, Multi-agent theory,
simulation and phenomena in Human and Social systems
Alessandro Vespignani, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Orsay, France,
Structure and function of complex networks
Sara Franceschelli (ENS LSH),
Michel Morvan (ENS Lyon)
and Gérard Weisbuch (ENS Ulm)
will also teach and will ensure the scientific animation of the school.
The summer school will be organized by Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
and hosted by the Ecole Normale de Lettres et Sciences Humaines.
It will take place from July 19 to 31 2004 (22 half days)
in the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lettres et Sciences Humaines, in Lyon,
It will be one of the major event organized in 2004 by the
Institut des Systèmes Complexes (Complex Systems Institute)
of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon.
The two Ecoles Normales Supérieures in Lyon are two of the most prestigious
places for
higher education in France. One is specialized in sciences and the other in
literature and human sciences.
The summer school will be one of the first steps
in the creation of long term collaborations between them.
They are installed on two campuses in the south of Lyon
(close one to the other) and own residences allowing
to propose good quality accomodations to the participants.
The organisation committee is composed by
Sara Franceschelli (ENS LSH), Michel Morvan (ENS Lyon) and Gérard Weisbuch
(ENS Paris).
The participants will mainly be modelers having reasonable
mathematical skills (graduate education in Mathematics, or Computer Science
or Physics).
Researchers from human or social sciences already having
collaboration experiences with modelers
and so having some basic mathematical culture can also apply.
The school will be organized for both junior and senior researchers.
The number of participants is limited to 50, mainly coming from european
Please send your short CV (no more than 2 pages)
and a half page of motivations to scshs at freesurf.fr before Mai 7 2004.
Financial support
Partial financial support (travel and/or accomodation)
will be available for participants on request.
The school is supported by the ACI from the French CNRS and Ministère de la
"Systèmes Complexes en Sciences Humaines et Sociales"
and (tentative) by the European network Exystence.
A low financial participation will be requested from participants.
More specific information will be given in the next call for participation.
Gérard Weisbuch Laboratoire de Physique Statistique ENS
weisbuch at lps.ens.fr 24 rue Lhomond 75005 Paris France
phone 331 44 32 34 75 Fax 44 32 34 33
Stéphane ROBERT
Fédération "Typologie et Universaux linguistiques"
CNRS - FR 2559
44, rue de lAmiral Mouchez
75014 Paris - FRANCE
Tel. : + 33 1 43 13 56 47
fax : + 33 1 43 13 56 59
e-mail : secretariat.tul at ivry.cnrs.fr
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