LabPhon 10 - Call for papers

Cécile Fougeron cecile.fougeron at UNIV-PARIS3.FR
Thu Oct 20 08:54:33 UTC 2005

2nd Call for Papers
The Tenth Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon 10)
“Variation, Detail and Representation”
29 June-1 July 2006 -  Paris, France

The 10th Conference on Laboratory Phonology is to be held in Paris, hosted 
by the LPP/Paris, the LPL/Aix-en-Provence, the ICP/Grenoble and the, 
The aim of the conference, entitled “Variation, Detail and Representation”, 
is to better understand and define the linguistic relevance of patterns of 
variation in speech production, perception and acquisition; their range and 
limitations in normal and pathological speech; their implications for 
language universals; and their impact on phonological theories.

Information about the conference and abstract submission are available at
Contact information: labphon10 at

Abstract submission: December 5, 2005
Notification of acceptance: February 15, 2006
Submission of accepted papers: April 14, 2006

* Variation, phonetic detail and phonological modeling: What is phonetic 
detail? How to determine the language-specific interpretation of phonetic 
detail and its importance for both speech production and perception? How to 
distinguish it from intrinsic low level variation of the motor system? To 
what extent is phonetic detail relevant for phonological theories and 
Invited speaker & discussant: Sarah Hawkins (U. Cambridge, UK) & Edward 
Flemming (MIT, USA)
Invited speaker & discussant: Maria-Josep Solé (UA. Barcelona, Spain) & 
Jean-Luc Schwartz (ICP, France)
* Variation at the crossroad between normal and disordered speech: Where 
does ‘normal’ variation stop and ‘pathological’ variation start? Can we 
distinguish the two? What does pathological variation tell us about 
phonological representations? What do pathological patterns of emergence 
tell us about the normal learning paths?
Invited speaker & discussant: Grzegorz Dogil (U. Stuttgart, Germany) & 
Raymond Kent (U. of  Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
* Variation and the emergence of phonology: How is variation dealt with 
during the acquisition process? What are the interactions between 
production and perception in the build-up of phonological representations? 
Is the acquisition process sensitive to phonetic detail?
Invited speaker & discussant: Paula Fikkert (Radboud U. Nijmegen, 
Netherland) & Frank Ramus (LSCP, France)
* Variation and language universals: To what extent are phonological 
universals rooted in phonetics? Are there universal patterns in variation? 
Can they be formalized? What is the relationship between phonological 
markedness and phonetic variation?
Invited speaker & discussant: Ian Maddieson (UC Berkeley, USA) & Nick 
Clements (LPP, France)
* Twenty-one years after its first edition, LabPhon 10 will celebrate the 
occasion with a Special 10th anniversary session. In this session, we 
expect submissions on: how laboratory research has changed our conception 
of phonetic and phonological representations; the need to re-evaluate the 
relationship between the two; what models based on phonetic detail and 
probability effects tell us about the nature of the interface.
Invited speaker: Abigail Cohn (U. Cornell, USA)

Cecile Fougeron, chair   (Lab. de Phonétique et Phonologie, CNRS/U. Paris 3)
Mariapaola D'Imperio, co-chair   (Lab. Parole et Langage, CNRS/U. de Provence)
Lise Crevier-Buchman   (Lab. de Phonétique et Phonologie, CNRS/U. Paris 3; 
Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou Hôpital Georges Pompidou)
Barbara Kuhnert   (Inst. du Monde Anglophone, U. Paris 3; Lab. de 
Phonétique et Phonologie, CNRS/U. Paris 3)
Noel Nguyen   (Lab. Parole et Langage, CNRS/U. de Provence)
Annie Rialland   (Lab. de Phonétique et Phonologie, CNRS/U. Paris 3)
Nathalie Vallée   (Inst. de la Communication Parlée, CNRS/U. Stendhal/INPG 
Jacqueline Vaissière   (ED268 «Langage et Langues», U. Paris 3; Lab. de 
Phonétique et Phonologie, CNRS/U. Paris 3)
Sophie Wauquier-Gravelines  (Lab. de Linguistique, U. de Nantes)
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