EVOLANG 6 in Rome La Sapienza - CFP

Clara Romero ulysse21fr at YAHOO.FR
Thu Sep 22 16:58:21 UTC 2005

>>Evolution of Language: Sixth International Conference, 2006
>>University of Rome La Sapienza (Conference Centre) Rome, Italy.
>>Wednesday April 12th --- Saturday April 15th, 2006
>>Website: www.plymouth.ac.uk/evolang6
>>Call for papers
>>Papers and Abstracts are now solicited.
>>CONTENT: The conference welcomes substantive contributions relating to the
>>  evolution of human language from any relevant discipline, including
>>Anthropology, Genetics, Population Biology, Linguistics, Psychology,
>>Primatology, Ethology, Paleontology, Archeology, Artificial Life, 
>>Modelling. Normal standards of academic quality apply. Thus, submitted 
>>should aim to make clear their own substantive claim, relating this to
>>scientific literature, and briefly setting out the method by which the
>>claim is
>>substantiated, the nature of the relevant data, and/or the core of the
>>theoretical argument concerned.
>>DEADLINE: Papers/Abstracts should be submitted by October 1st, 2005
>>Authors can submit:
>>1. A paper for standard oral presentation
>>2. or an abstract for short oral presentation and/or poster
>>Papers can have a length of between 6 and 8 pages using the World 
>>Publishing format.
>>Abstracts can have a length of maximum 2 pages, using the same format.
>>All formatting guidelines (including word and latex style files) are 
>>in the conference submission webpage:
>>1. Email your paper/abstract to evolang6 at ling.ed.ac.uk as PDF or Word file 
>>2. Include proforma in which you specify the paper/abstract areas (form
>>available in the conference submission paper)
>>Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent to authors by December
>>1st, 2005.
>>All revised, camera-ready papers will have to be sent to
>>evolang6 at ling.ed.ac.uk
>>not later than January 3rd, 2006.
>>All accepted papers and abstracts will be published in the Conference
>>that will be distributed at the conference
>>After the conference, some papers will be selected for an
>>extended submission to the journal Mind & Society.
>>(provisional list)
>>Luigi Cavalli Sforza, University of Stanford (US)
>>Tecumseh Fitch, University of St. Andrews (UK)
>>Vittorio Gallese, University of Parma (Italy)
>>Steven Mithen, University of Reading (UK)
>>Domenico Parisi, CNR Rome (Italy)
>>Luc Steels, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) and SONY Computer Science
>>Lab (France)
>>Michael Tomasello, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology,
>>Leipzig (Germany)
>>Leonard Talmy, University of Buffalo (US)
>>Further information
>>Further information, about plenary speakers, accommodation, conference
>>fees, etc.
>>will be forthcoming from time to time by email, and by updating of the web
>>If you would like to be included in further emailings, please subscribe to
>>EvoLang email list. You can do this by sending an email to
>>majordomo at ling.ed.ac.uk with the following single-line message (not in the
>>subject header):
>>subscribe evolang
>>Conference Organizing Committee:
>>Angelo Cangelosi (University of Plymouth)
>>Bernard Comrie (Max Planck Institute, Leipzig)
>>Jean-Louis Dessalles (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications,
>>Tecumseh Fitch (University of St Andrews)
>>James R Hurford (University of Edinburgh)
>>Chris Knight (University of East London)
>>Domenico Parisi (ISTC-CNR, National Research Council Rome)
>>Maggie Tallerman (University of Durham)
>>Alison Wray (Cardiff University)
>>Message redirigé par le relais d'information sur les sciences de la 
>>cognition (RISC)


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