10 jan : Dynamique du langage, phonologie, Ching Pong Au, Lyon
Clara Romero
ulysse21fr at YAHOO.FR
Wed Jan 4 11:16:07 UTC 2006
>> De: "ccoupe" <ccoupe at ish-lyon.cnrs.fr>
>> Meilleurs vœux pour l’année 2006.
>> Christophe Coupé.
>> ***************************
>> Annonce de conférence :
>> ***************************
>> Dans le cadre des séminaires de recherche du laboratoire Dynamique du
>> Langage,
>> le Dr. Ching-Pong AU
>> Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage
>> CNRS – Université Lyon 2, Lyon (France)
>> donnera une conférence intitulée:
>> Acquisition and Evolution of Phonological Systems
>> le mardi 10 Janvier 2006
>> de 10:00 à 12:00
>> en salle Élise RIVET (4° étage)
>> Institut des Sciences de l'Homme
>> 14, avenue Berthelot 69363 Lyon 07
>> ***************************
>> Résumé de la Conférence :
>> ***************************
>> Acquisition and Evolution of Phonological Systems
>> In the late 19th century, the Neogrammarians thought that a sound change
>> affect all lexical items simultaneously when their phonetic environments
>> are the same (e.g. Osthoff and Brugmann, 1878). On the contrary, in the
>> late 60s, Wang proposed that sound change is initiated by a single word
>> or a small group of words and then spreads to the other words with a
>> similar phonological environment, namely lexical diffusion (1969), based
>> on the observation that different sound changes can happen even if the
>> phonological conditions are similar for the words or morphemes. The
>> issue is still controversial because various empirical studies provide
>> evidence for both hypotheses (see Labov, 1994).
>> A dynamic computational model linking up the cognitive- developmental
>> properties of the human beings (“local” mechanisms) and the transition
>> patterns of sound changes (“global” phenomena) was built, in order to
>> seek for possible solutions to resolve the preceding controversial
>> issue. In the simulation results of the model, two opposing transition
>> patterns can be found under different conditions. During a shift without
>> fusion of sounds, the pronunciations of the lexical items change
>> regularly as described in the Neogrammarian hypothesis; during a merger,
>> the spoken forms display at the beginning a regular pattern as in a
>> shift. Then the changing pattern becomes irregular lexically as
>> described in lexical diffusion when the two perceptual categories are
>> fusing together. These conditions are primarily matched with the
>> empirical data reported in the literature. Besides, the simulation
>> results also support the existence of another controversial phenomenon,
>> near-merger (Labov, 1994): individual speakers in the population cannot
>> perceptually distinguish two sounds but can produce them differently.
>> References:
>> Labov, W. (1994), Principles of Linguistic Change, vol. 1: Internal
>> Factors. Oxford: Blackwell.
>> Osthoff, H. and Brugmann, K. (1878), Morphologische Untersuchungen auf
>> dem Gebiete der indo-germanischen Sprachen, Vorwort I. iii- xx. (English
>> Translation in Lehmann 1967)
>> Wang, W. S-Y. (1969), Competing Changes as a Cause of Residue. Language.
>> 45:9-25.
>> *******************************
>> Contact :
>> *******************************
>> Christophe COUPE
>> DDL - ISH
>> 14, avenue Berthelot 69363 Lyon 07 - France
>> Tel : 04 72 72 64 63
>> Fax : 04 72 72 65 90
>> website : www.ddl.ish-lyon.cnrs.fr
>> -------
>> Message redirigé par le relais d'information sur les sciences de la
>> cognition (RISC) sans virus
>> http://www.risc.cnrs.fr
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