(Correction de dates ) Conférences de Danny Fox à l'ens

Département d'Etudes Cognitives de l'ENS decltf at YAHOO.FR
Tue May 9 10:32:24 UTC 2006

Le département d''études cognitives de l'école 
normale supérieure a le plaisir d'annoncer

Danny Fox
Topics in the theory of Scalar Implicatures

Ces conférences ouvertes à tous auront lieu les:
Jeudi 25 mai       de 12h à 14h
Mercredi 31 mai     de 12h30 à 14h30
Jeudi 1er Juin        de 12h à 14h
à l'école normale supérieure, 45 rue d'Ulm,  en salle Weil


In this series of lectures, we attempt to deal 
with four empirical puzzles related to the theory of Scalar Implicatures:

    * Scalar Implicatures can be computed in 
embedded positions (Chierchia, Cohen, Horn, Hurford, Recanati, passim)
    * The ordering on alternatives relevant for 
the computation of Scalar Implicatures is that of 
logical strength rather than pragmatic informativity (Fox and Hackl, Magri)
    * Disjunctive sentences receive a conjunctive 
interpretation when embedded in certain 
existential contexts, a phenomena which should be 
derived as a Scalar Implicature (Kratzer and 
Shimoyama), but is not predicted within neo-Gricean systems.
    *  The cumulative interpretation of 3 boys 
ate 6 apples has the Scalar Implicature that it’s 
false that 4 boys ate 7 apples, a fact not 
predicted within neo-Gricean systems (Landman, Krifka).

We will use these puzzles to motivate theories in 
which scalar implicatures are derived within the 
linguistic system by virtue of a covert operator 
with meaning akin to that of only.
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