conf N.Richards
Lea Nash
leanash at WANADOO.FR
Sun May 21 10:28:37 UTC 2006
L'UMR 7023 (SFL)
a le plaisir d'annoncer un exposé
(lieu et heure modifiés)
Date : lundi 29 mai 2006
Lieu : ENS, 29 rue d'Ulm, 75005, Salle Lapie, 1er étage gauche
Heure : 13:30-15:00
RER: Luxembourg
"Beyond Strength and Weakness"
Norvin W. Richards
In this talk I will try to develop an account which predicts on the
basis of
independently observable facts about a language what strategy for forming
wh-questions it will use (rather than using strong and weak features, or
features and their absence, to stipulate that wh-movement is overt in
languages and covert in others). The account is inspired by recent
work on the prosody of wh-in-situ in Japanese (Deguchi and Kitagawa
2002, Ishihara 2003,
Sugahara 2003...) which suggests that wh-in-situ involves the creation
of a
prosodic domain containing both the wh-phrase and the complementizer
where it
takes scope. The proposal will be that this prosody reflects a universal
condition; wh-phrases and their complementizers must always share a
domain. Variation between languages then follows from variation in the
rules for how syntactic structures may be mapped onto prosody.
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