First issue of Journal of Language Contact
Clara Romero
ulysse21fr at YAHOO.FR
Fri Apr 6 13:10:39 UTC 2007
La revue "Journal of Language Contact" vient de sortir son permier numéro en ligne.
Robert Nicolaï
Dear Colleagues,
The first issue of the Journal of Language Contact (JLC), entitled :
"Contact: Framing its Theories and Descriptions / Contact : descriptions,
théorisations, cadrages"
has now appeared and can henceforth be downloaded from:
The complete issue as well as each separate article can be accessed
"Issues & Articles".
Table of Contents
JLC general informations
Robert Nicolaï. Le contact des langues : point aveugle du
‘linguistique’ / Language Contact: A Blind Spot in ‘Things Linguistic’
Donald Winford. Some Issues in the Study of Language Contact
Sarah G. Thomason. Language Contact and Deliberate Change
Salikoko S. Mufwene. Population Movements and Contacts in Language Evolution
Bernard Py. Apprendre une langue et devenir bilingue:
un éclairage acquisitionniste sur les contacts de langues
Petr Zima. Why Languages and Contacts?
Malcom Ross. Calquing and Metatypy
Marianne Mithun. Grammar, Contact and Time
Lorenza Mondada . Le code-switching comme ressource pour
l’organisation de la parole-en-interaction
Robert Nicolaï. Contacts des langues et contact dans la langue
: hétérogénéité, construction de l’homogène et émergence du ‘linguistique’
We hope you will also visit our site for more
information on JLC. We would also like to invite you to distribute this
announcement to all your colleagues who might be interested. Thank you very
much in advance for your prospective support, comments and suggestions.
Publisher: Robert Nicolaï
(Chaire ‘Dynamique du langage et contact des langues’ de l’Institut
universitaire de France (nicolai at
Managing Editor and Webmaster of Henning Schreiber
(Institut für Afrikanische Sprachwissenschaften of the J.W. Goethe-
Mailing Listes de l'Université de Metz
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