Trans.: conférences de Alex Grosu

Jean Lowenstamm jean.lowenstamm at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
Mon Aug 20 07:27:37 UTC 2007

Alexa Grosu de l'Université de Tel Aviv donnera deux conférences, les mercredi
12 et jeudi 13 Septembre à 10 heures à l'Université Paris 7, au 30 rue du
Château des Rentiers, 1er étage (la salle sera indiquée à la sortie de

Les communications porteront sur les sujets ci-dessous:

Mercredi 12 septembre, 10 heures:

[1] Multi-dimensional vs. bi-dimensional trees for capturing the
pre-theoretical notion 'pivot': The (dis)preferred status of 'Grafting'.

    This is a talk that deals with the syntax-semantics interface, with
emphasis on syntax. It will look at five syntactic constructions (the "far
from simple" construction, free relatives, transparent free relatives, Horn
amalgams, Andrews amalgams) and compare the relative merits of multi- vs.
bi-dimensional analyses. The talk will argue for the conclusion that the
bi-dimensional approach is at least as good in all cases, and empirically
and conceptually superior in some of them.

Jeudi 13 septembre, 10 heures:

[2] "The gifted mathematician that Bill is supposed to be"; reconstructing
'reconstruction' effects. [co-authored by Manfred Krifka]

    This talk is primarily semantic, and offers a substantial number of
analytical novelties over the talk given in January 2005. A detailed
compositional analysis will be presented, emphasizing the need for an
equational construal of the copula, and showing why this construction,
although not derivable from superficially similar predicative DPs, as in "he
acted like [the idiot that he is]", nonetheless shares a 'strong'
definiteness requirement with the latter, and stands apart from other
relative constructions whose quantification force is restricted (the so
called 'strange relatives of the third kind' of Grosu & Landman 1998), as
well as from other constructions that exhibit 'reconstruction' effects. The
talk will also emphasize the strong interaction between semantics and
pragmatics in determining the (in)felicity of this construction.
    The talk is based on an article accepted by Linguistics and Philosophy,
and noe forthcoming.

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