Syntactic Structures

Alain Rouveret arobur at CLUB-INTERNET.FR
Fri Dec 7 08:03:41 UTC 2007

Le Professeur Robert FREIDIN

de l'Université de Princeton

chercheur invité par le Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle

donnera une conférence sur le thème suivant

"Syntactic Structures:  1951-2007"

le lundi 10 décembre 2007

UFRL.  Université Paris-7

30 rue du Château des Rentiers

75014. Paris.

Métro Porte d'Ivry

à 17h

salle 134

To more fully appreciate the enormous contribution that Syntactic 
Structures made to the study of syntax when it was published half a 
century ago, we will consider the following three questions.

1.  In syntax, what was there before there was Chomsky?

2.  How is Syntactic Structures a clarification of Chomsky's earlier 
work in generative grammar (i.e. MMH and LSLT)?

3.  To what extent have the technical devices and analyses in Syntactic 
Structures been (almost entirely) superseded?

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