corrigé : conférence MAHAPATRA lundi 12/2 14h30

Bridget Copley copley at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 6 15:02:41 UTC 2007

Désolée pour le "inbox clutter"; l'exposé aura bien lieu lundi 12/2 
(plutôt que lundi 29 janvier, comme a dit le message précedant).

Le calendrier complet du séminaire se trouve sous


Le programme "Temporalité: Typologie et Acquisition" (temptypac) de la
Fédération "Typologie et Universaux Linguistiques" du CNRS a le
plaisir d'annoncer un exposé:

"The Parameter of Aspect for Odia"

Bibhuti Bhushan Mahapatra

Date : **lundi 12 février 2007**
Lieu : Université Paris 8, Bâtiment D, Salle 143, 93200 Saint-Denis
Métro : Saint-Denis Université, ligne 13
Heure: 14h30-16h30

A standard assumption in the study of aspect is that situation types
(aktionsarts) are internal to the lexical  meaning of the predicate.
However, contrary to such an assumption, Odia marks situation types
(aktionsarts)  morphologically, with a closed set of auxiliaries. So far
as viewpoint aspects are concerned, Odia grammatically  marks the
imperfective; it shows a temporal focus marker, with a neutral
viewpoint; but, it does not show a  perfective viewpoint marker. The
present analysis shows that perfectivity in Odia is marked by the
sequence of  an eventive verb and a copular auxiliary; that is, when an
event is followed by a state. The present analysis  proposes that if
events are juxtaposed they are either in a temporal sequence or they are
concomitant. Their being  in a sequence presupposes their event
boundaries to be discrete, hence the perfectivity of one with respect to
the  other. If they are concomitant, they overlap; and one has the
manner function for the other. The language marks  the concomitance of
events by reduplicating one of the verbs.  Theoretically, the situation
types are universal for their semantic values do not change from
language to  language. However, Smith (1997: 2) assumes that viewpoint
categories have a parameterized structure in the  sense that they may
deviate from their universal content in a particular language. Thus,
parametric differences  between languages are tuned to viewpoint
aspects. As per Smith (op. cit.), the universal content of the viewpoint
  aspects are as follows:

Perfective:    “focuses on the situation as a whole”
Imperfective  “focuses on part of a situation”
Neutral:    “provides a flexible point of view”

However,  Odia  facts  suggest  that  the  morpheme  responsible  for
imperfective  viewpoint  has  the  underlying function [+Dynamic] and
triggers the binary feature distinction [±Dynamic]; examined from the
same  perspective  the  English  imperfective  has  the  underlying
function  [-Telic]  and  triggers  the  binary  feature  distinction
[±Telic]. Assuming that underlying functions tend to be universal,
universally the grammatical  aspects, labelled as viewpoints, trigger
the binary features either [±Dynamic] or [±Telic] as the primary
aspectual  distinction. By choosing one of the binary features as the
primary aspectual distinction, a language sets the  aspectual parameter
for its grammatical aspect.

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