Séance spéciale, 10 Juillet (!), Brian Ball

Arapinis Alexandra arapinis_alexandra at YAHOO.FR
Thu Jul 5 16:17:05 UTC 2007

Cher-e-s collegues,

Dans le cadre de la 'Chaire d'Excellence Structure Ontologique et  Structure Sémantique', nous avons le plaisir  d'annoncer une séance spéciale, le mardi 10 Juillet, 14h-16h, animée  par Brian Ball (Oxford University).

Tuesday, July 10, 2007
13 rue du Four
75006 Paris

Title: Truth and Reference

Abstract: In this talk I draw a distinction between truth as correspondence
and truth and coherence. I begin by sketching two common accounts of the
relationship between truth and reference. I then present Davidson’s argument
for the inscrutability of reference – a kind of instrumentalism about the
reference relation. I give a response to this argument which I claim succeeds
in empirical domains, but fails in the case of mathematical discourse. I then
argue that where a non-instrumental reference relation explains  truth (e.g. in
empirical domains), truth obtains by a kind of correspondence to reality; but
where the semantic notion of reference is of merely instrumental value (for
instance, in the case of pure mathematics), the truth of a claim may be taken
to consist in its coherence with other truths
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