Conférence sur les systèmes d'accord et de cas dans le s langues de Bolivie
Rose Françoise
rose at VJF.CNRS.FR
Tue Mar 13 05:22:43 UTC 2007
Chers collègues,
Veuillez trouver ci-dessous le programme dune conférence ayant lieu en
avril sur le campus de Villejuif.
Vous êtes tous bienvenus.
Françoise ROSE
Argument coding systems in Bolivian lowland languages
Conference program (provisional / 9 March 07)
5th - 7th April 2007
Centre d'Etudes des Langues Indigènes d'Amérique
CNRS Campus, 7 rue Guy Môquet, 94801 Villejuif
Building D, ground floor level
Organized by Françoise Rose & Antoine Guillaume
Thursday 5th April
afternoon Arawak and Tupi-Guarani languages
13:30 Welcome to participants
14:00 Françoise ROSE (CELIA-CNRS/IRD, Paris)
Agreement in Mojeño Trinitario: specifying or not who the 3rd
person is.
15:30 Swintha DANIELSEN (MPI Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Argument marking in Baure
17:00 Östen DAHL (University of Stockholm, Sweden)
Argument coding in Sirionó
friday 6th April
morning Isolates / Unclassified languages
9:30 Mily CREVELS (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
The indexability hierarchy and voice in Itonama
11:00 Katharina HAUDE (University of Cologne, Germany)
Argument coding and alignment in Movima
afternoon Tacanan languages
14:00 Marine VUILLERMET (DDL-CNRS/University Lyon 2)
Double Object Constructions and -ka Suffix: Two Special
Features of Ese Ejja
15:30 Carola EMKOW (University of Berlin)
Grammatical relations in Araona
17:00 Antoine GUILLAUME (DDL-CNRS/University Lyon 2)
Interpreting person marking in Reyesano
Saturday 7th April
morning Isolates / Unclassified languages
9:30 Rik van GIJN (MPI Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
The case of non-canonically marked subjects in Yurakaré
11:00 Jeanette SAKEL (University of Manchester, UK)
Mosetén and Chimane argument coding
afternoon Panoan languages
14:00 Oliver Iggesen (RCLT, La Trobe University, Australia)
Case-marking in Chacobo: Alignment splits, a suprasegmental
marker, and how tone sandhi messes it all up
15:00 Discussion: planning for future events, collective publication, etc.
L'adresse f.rose at est temporaire. Vous pouvez toujours
m'écrire a rose at
The f.rose at address is temporary. Please keep writing to me at
rose at
Françoise ROSE
Centre d'Etudes des Langues Indigènes d'Amérique
BP 8
94801 Villejuif Cedex
(33) 1 49 58 38 08
Currently at the RCLT, LaTrobe University (until the end of March)
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