conférence BORGONOVO 16/6
Bridget Copley
bridget.copley at SFL.CNRS.FR
Wed Jun 4 15:02:58 UTC 2008
Le programme "Temporalité: Typologie et Acquisition" (temptypac) de la
Fédération "Typologie et Universaux Linguistiques" du CNRS a le
plaisir d'annoncer un exposé :
Claudia Borgonovo (Université Laval)
"Tense, aspect, and modality in Spanish and French"
Date : lundi 16 juin 2008
Lieu : 59 rue Pouchet, salle 159
Heure : 14h00-16h00 (*heure exceptionnelle)
Métro : ligne 13, Guy Moquet ou Brochant
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Résumé :
In this talk I investigate the interaction of tense, perfectivity and
modality in Spanish and French, languages in which modal verbs exhibit
full tense and aspect distinctions. I examine the possible
interpretations of past indicative tenses, perfective and
imperfective, on the modals of possibility and obligation.
Imperfective tenses exhibit the expected modalized readings but
perfective past tenses have unexpected entailments and implicatures,
involving the (non) realisation of the embedded event. In Spanish
there are three readings with a preterit modal: epistemic, implicative
and counterfactual; only the first one has the expected averidicality
of modals. French exhibits the first two but lacks the counterfactual
reading, absent also in the Spanish perfecto. The semantic and
pragmatic ingredients responsible for these readings are analyzed. I
appeal to the relative scoping of the different operators, Kratzer’s
(1991) theory of modality, and the effect of the modal on the domain
of quantification to explain these readings. The analysis is confirmed
by the interaction of Tense, Modality and Negation. The absence of the
counterfactual reading in the French passé composé and the Spanish
perfecto is explained by their semantics, which adds a persistent
state incompatible with counterfactuality.
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