Programme journées d'étude pluralité nominale et verbale Paris 7-8 nov 2008

Patricia.Cabredo at UNIV-PARIS8.FR Patricia.Cabredo at UNIV-PARIS8.FR
Mon Oct 6 10:28:38 UTC 2008

Journées d’étude sur la pluralité nominale et verbale 2008

7 et 8 novembre 2008
CNRS Pouchet, 59 rue Pouchet, 75017 Paris.

Métro : ligne 13, stations Guy Môquet ou Brochant ; bus 66

Conférenciers invités / Invited speakers :

 * Martina Faller (Manchester)
 * Paul Newman (Indiana/ Michigan)

Programme sous

Vendredi 7 novembre / Friday 7th November

9h30-10h30 Conférence invitée/ invited speaker
      Martina Faller (Manchester)
      Pluractionality in Cuzco Quechua

10h30-11h05 Ana Müller & Esmeralda Vailati Negrão (São Paulo)
      Distributivity in Karitiana

11h05-11h25 Pause café /Break

11h25-12h00 Yael Greenberg (Department of English, Bar Ilan University)
      Summed eventualities with Nominal and Verbal Additive particles

12h00-12h35 M.Donazzan (Paris 7 - UMR 7110 LLF) S.Schwer (Paris 13 - ILPN)
& L.M.Tovena (Paris 7 - UMR 7110 LLF)
      "Le pape est encore mort"

12h35-13h10 Urtzi Etxeberria (IKER-CNRS) & Anastasia Giannakidou
(U of Chicago)
      Definiteness, indefinites, and plurality : Domain restriction versus
specificity across languages :

13h10-15h00 Déjeuner/Lunch

15h00-15h35 Gerhard Schaden (CNRS UMR 7110 — LLF)
      How Plural is Mass ?

15h35-16h10 Anne Zribi-Hertz (U Paris 8/ UMR 7023) & Dana Cohen (U
Paris-8/UMR 7023)
      The Singular Indefinite Article with Mass nouns : sorting out a
French paradox via English/Hebrew comparison

16h10-16h35 Pause café /Break

16h35-17h10 Muhsina Alleesaib (UMR 7023 - Paris 8 / ZAS Berlin)
      Lumps aplenty : a look at noun doubling constructions in Mauritian

17h10-17h45 Abdelkader Fassi Fehri (U Mohammed V Rabat Maroc)
      How plural can verbs be ?

Samedi 8 novembre /Saturday 8th November

9h30-10h30 Conférence invitée / invited speaker
      Paul Newman (Indiana / Michigan)
      The "pluractional verb" concept : A few answers and many questions

10h30-11h05 Alice Vittrant (U Aix - CNRS LACITO) & Sylvie Voisin (U Aix -
      Pluractionnalité des moments en birman et wolof

11h05-11h25 Pause café/Break

11h25-12h00 Andrey Shluinsky (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary
Anthropology, Leipzig/Germany & Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy
of Sciences, Moscow/Russia)
      Verbal plurality and aspect : ways of interaction

12h00-12h35 Lucia Tovena (Paris 7 / UMR 7110 - LLF)
      Expressing event internal pluractionality

12h35-13h10 Patricia Amaral (Stanford) & Chad Howe (U of Georgia)
      Nominal and verbal plurality in the diachrony of the Portuguese
Present Perfect

13h10-14h30 Déjeuner/Lunch

14h30-15h05 Asya Pereltsvaig (Stanford)
      Variations in Distributivity

15h05-15h40 Alda Mari (CNRS Institut Jean Nicod)
      Each other and (un)certain predicates

15h40-16h00 Pause café/Break

16h00-16h35 Delphine Beauseroy & Marie-Laurence Knittel (Atilf & Nancy 2)

16h35-17h10 Artemis Alexiadou (Stuttgart), Gianina Iordachioaia
(Stuttgart) & Elena Soare (Paris 8 - UMR 7023)
      Nominalisations and aspect

Communication en réserve / Alternate

    * Denis Paillard (CNRS UMR 7110 - Université Paris 7) & Deth Thach
(INaLCO, Paris - URBA, Phnom Penh)
      Réduplication nominale et pluralité qualitative en khmer

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