Temptypac - Conf. A. Mari - 16/3
Bridget Copley
bridget.copley at SFL.CNRS.FR
Thu Mar 12 21:47:46 UTC 2009
Et le titre de l'exposé:
« On the interaction between aspect and verbal polysemy :
(Im-)perfectivity and (Non-)implicativity »
Désolée de l'omission !
On Mar 12, 2009, at 22:39 , Bridget Copley wrote:
> Le programme "Temporalité: Typologie et Acquisition" (temptypac) de la
> Fédération "Typologie et Universaux Linguistiques" du CNRS a le
> plaisir
> d'annoncer un exposé:
> Alda MARI
> Institute Jean Nicod/ENS
> Date : lundi 16 mars 2009
> Lieu : 59 rue Pouchet, salle 159
> Heure : 14h30-16h30
> Métro : ligne 13, Guy Moquet ou Brochant
> Un plan d'accès se trouve à :
> http://www.umr7023.cnrs.fr/article.php3?id_article=86
> Vous pouvez consulter le site web de temptypac à :
> http://www.ivry.cnrs.fr/~7023web/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=31
> Résumé :
> In French as in other languages differentiating the perfective and
> the imperfective morphologically, modal verbs sometimes behave like
> implicative verbs in perfective sentences. The account of the data
> presented here is purely semantical and pragmatical in nature,
> contrary to Hacquard's (2006, ao) one who proposes a structural
> account in terms of a scopal difference between the aspectual and
> the modal operator. Our account relies on an ontological distinction
> between classical dispositions (incl. abilities) and ephemeral ones.
> This ontological distinction also applies to categories other than
> modality in natural language and in particular to psych verbs and
> dispositional adjectives like 'intelligent'. We present and discuss
> a new set of data in relation with these two categories and
> ultimately argue that the abilitative 'pouvoir' cannot be treated in
> a traditional kratzerian framework but is arguably to be classified
> along verbs expressing a natural tendency of their experiencer/
> perceiver towards action.
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