D écès de Nick Clements

Sophie Wauquier sophie.wauquier at ORANGE.FR
Tue Sep 1 20:08:06 UTC 2009

> Date: Tue, 01 Sep 2009 09:05:56
> From: Elizabeth Hume [ehume at ling.osu.edu]
> Subject: Obituary: G. Nick Clements
> E-mail this message to a friend:
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> It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of G. Nick
> Clements, who died on Sunday, August 30, 2009 in Chatham,  
> Massachusetts
> from cancer.
> Nick Clements's career as a linguist spanned nearly forty years,  
> during
> which time he contributed to our understanding of phonetics, of
> phonological theory, and of a range of languages of Africa and Europe.
> After receiving his PhD from the School of African and Oriental  
> Studies in
> 1973 for a study of Ewe syntax, he spent nine years in Cambridge,
> Massachusetts, working first at MIT and then at Harvard. He moved to
> Cornell University in 1982, where he was professor of Linguistics and
> director of the phonetics laboratory. In 1992, he became Directeur de
> Recherche at the CNRS in Paris, France, which became the home of his  
> work
> from that time forward. He was an invited professor and lecturer  
> around the
> world, and taught at many linguistics institutes both in the United  
> States
> and abroad. Nick's contributions to the field of linguistics were
> innovative and influential, and an inspiration to many. Guided by keen
> insights and a rigorous scientific method, his search for the truth  
> about
> aspects of language advanced our understanding of the categorization  
> and
> organization of phonological features, of African syntax and tone,  
> of vowel
> harmony systems, of the phonetics-phonology interface, among many  
> others
> topics. His studies were always the epitome of careful research and  
> elegant
> argumentation.
> Those among us who were honored to have been associated with Nick will
> forever remember him as a man of tremendous humility, a sincere and  
> careful
> listener, and a creative thinker with the ability to masterfully  
> synthesize
> ideas and data so as to bring clarity to some long-standing problem.  
> His
> kind and fun-loving spirit touched many, but none more so than the  
> family
> he loved: his life partner, Annie Rialland, his children, William and
> Célia, and his brothers, sisters and their families.
> I know that I speak for so many in saying that it was an honor and a
> privilege to have been associated with such a great man.
> Elizabeth Hume
> Professor and Chair
> Department of Linguistics
> The Ohio State University
> Linguistic Field(s): Not Applicable
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> LINGUIST List: Vol-20-2937
> -- 
> Michela RUSSO
> UFR Sciences du Langage
> Université Paris 8
> 2, rue de la Liberté
> F-93526 St-Denis Cedex
> UMR 7023 CNRS 'Structures formelles du langage'
> Site Internet : http://www.umr7023.cnrs.fr/spip.php?rubrique85
> Tél. Bureau +33.(0)
> Tél. Domicile +33.(0)
> Portable  +33.(0)

Sophie Wauquier
Directrice de l'UMR 7023
Université Paris 8
UMR 7023
UFR de Sciences du Langage
2, rue de la Liberté
93526 Saint Denis cedex 02
Phone mobile : 06 84 58 22 79
Phone : (33) 02 40 48 68 56
(33) 08 79 02 03 09
mail : sophie.wauquier at orange.fr

J'appartiens à un laboratoire en lutte
et je m'associe aux actions d'alerte de
  l'opinion et de soutien à la recherche
et à l'enseignement supérieur

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