Programme du colloque D éterminants: référence et degrés de connaissance

L. M. Tovena tovena at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
Fri Apr 16 15:20:32 UTC 2010

[toutes nos excuses pour les envois multiples]

Chers tous,

Veuillez trouver ci-dessous le programme du colloque

Determiners: reference and degrees of knowledge /Déterminants :   
référence et degrés de connaissance

Date: mercredi 5 mai 2010
Lieu: Université Paris VII
	30 rue du Château des  Rentiers
	75013 Paris 13eme
Métro: Olympiades ou Porte d'Ivry
Salle: 134, 1er étage
Colloque organisé par ANR ELICO (dir. L.M.Tovena)
Programme disponible à


9h10 	Accueil 	
9h15 - 10h15 	Christiane Marchello-Nizia Ecole Normale Supérieure Lyon 	
				De -moult fort- à -tres fort- : le processus de changement des  
marqueurs d'intensité en français comme type d'évolution du système
Pause café 	
10h30 - 11h30 	Julia Pozas Loyo Queen Mary, University of London 	
				From Numeral to Indefinite Marker: the Evolution of Spanish -un-
11h30 - 12h30 	Johan van der Auwera et Lauren van Alsenoy Universiteit  
				Mapping the West Germanic any's
Pause déjeuner 	
14h15 - 15h15 	Angelika Port University of Amsterdam, ILLC 	
				-Irgend- -indefinites and Specificity
15h15- 16h15 	Yoonhee Choi Université Paris VII 	
				A comparative study of methods for computing free choice
Pause café 	
16h30 - 17h30 	Donka Farkas	University of California Santa Cruz 	
				titre à venir


Christiane Marchello-Nizia
De moult fort à tres fort : le processus de changement des marqueurs  
d'intensité en français comme type d'évolution du système.

Un changement exemplaire en français concerne la disparition du  
quantifieur-intensifieur roman moult. A l'origine variable dans  
certains de ses emplois, il a été remplacé par deux morphèmes, très et  
beaucoup, invariables et s'opposant par la portée. Cette évolution  
s'est faite sur plusieurs siècles : entamée au 12e s., elle s'achève  
au 16e s. Nous présenterons la première étape de ce changement, qui  
concerne très : nous exposerons dans quels emplois et quelles  
constructions la concurrence s'amorce, et nous proposerons une  
explication diachronique à ce type de substitution.

Julia Pozas Loyo
 From Numeral to Indefinite Marker: the Evolution of Spanish -un

It is a well-known fact that unitary cardinals often become markers  
for singular-indefinite nouns. This phenomenon can be attested in  
Germanic, Romance, Mandarin, Hungarian, Neo-Aramaic, Persian, Turkish,  
Creoles and various Amerindian and Austronesian languages, among  
others. This paper is a quantitative diachronic study of the  
development of Spanish un, from its cardinal value to its use as an  
indefinite article. Based on a corpus comprising texts from the  
thirteenth to the seventeenth century, I present an analysis and  
chronology of the main changes undergone by un(os) throughout this  
period, notably its increasing use as a marker of non-specific  
indefinites, and its further incorporation in generic noun phrases and  

Johan van der Auwera et Lauren Van Alsenoy
Mapping the West Germanic any's.

As different from English 'any', its etymological counterparts in the  
other West Germanic languages have received much less attention, and  
yet they are no less interesting. All these items started as negative  
polarity items in Old West Germanic, but they developed in different  
directions at a different speed. In this talk we offer a comparative  
analysis, focusing on their semantic development. We will make a  
critical use of Haspelmath's (1997) typology of indefinites and of the  
Aristotelian Square of Oppositions.

Angelika Port
Irgend-indefinites and Specificity.

First I will present the results of a synchronic corpus study of the  
irgend-indefinites and their distribution on the implicational map of  
Haspelmath (1997). In the second part I will concentrate on the  
specific area using the framework of Conceptual Covers (Aloni, 2001)  
and show how we can account for the two notions associated with  
specificity: knowing who vs. having someone in mind.

Yoonhee Choi
A comparative study of methods for computing free choice.

In this talk, I present an overview of the previous studies on methods  
for computing Free Choice, concentrating on Kadmon and Landman (1993),  
Kratzer and Shimoyama (2002), Chierchia (2006), Aloni and van Rooij  
(2005) and Jayez and Tovena (2005), and discuss if each case can be  
extended to the FCIs in Korean or French which are relatively  
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