conference Paul Smolensky
Sharon Peperkamp (by way of Ora Matushansky <>)
matushan at UNIV-PARIS8.FR
Mon Jun 14 16:02:41 UTC 2010
Le Dйpartement d'Etudes Cognitives de l'ENS a le plaisir de vous inviter а
la confйrence de clфture de la Chaire Blaise Pascal de Paul Smolensky
le mercredi 16 juin а 17h
Salle des Actes
Ecole Normale Supйrieure
45, Rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris
Grammatical structure in neural activation: Bridging discrete and
continuous computation in the mind/brain
Paul Smolensky
Johns Hopkins University
A central element of the mind-brain problem can be stated, ‘how can the
continuous, numerical nature of neural computation give rise to the
discrete, categorical and abstract nature of mental computation?’ A
homomorphism between vector space operators and symbolic functions provides
the foundation of an approach to resolving this dilemma. The
superpositional character of neural representations (activation patterns or
vectors) helps explain why mental sub-processes need to compute discrete
outputs. The approach is illustrated by computational models of neural
networks that contain grammatical knowledge and discretization processes,
and compute grammatical representations. These models offer explanations
for a number of general empirical findings concerning speakers’ production
of phonological sequences.
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