Parution: Russo (ed.) Prosodic Universals. Comparative Studies in Rhythmic Modeling and Rhythm Typology
Michela Russo
michela.russo at UNIV-PARIS8.FR
Wed Nov 10 18:50:41 UTC 2010
Michela Russo (éd.) Prosodic Universals. Comparative Studies in Rhythmic
Modeling and Rhythm Typology. Rome : Aracne (Biblioteca di linguistica
dirigé par Massimo Arcangeli).
isbn 978-88-548-2710-3, format 14 x 21 cm, 300 pages, 24 euros
This book deals with Speech and Language Rhythm and the problems of
measuring it. What lies behind Rhythm? Are Speech Rhythm and Language
Rhythm (Typology) the same thing? It is theoretically unsatisfactory not
to see speech and language as related entities. So, we must assume that
what we find in the structure of speech is a(n imperfect) reflection of
(an ideal) language structure. Therefore, differences of rhythmic type
between languages should be auditorily apparent, quantitatively
demonstrable; and if rhythm is part of language, they should be relatable
to phonology. Unfortunately, auditory impressions are difficult to
communicate, and instrumental measures are notoriously unreliable
What is
actually meant by rhythm in different contexts is rarely specified in
any precise way, though one may assume that it is primarily an auditory
property. However, phonetic studies of rhythm have concentrated on
measurable properties, more specifically on durational properties of
speech. But, much as we use the word rhythm when talking about the
measures, we cannot be sure that what we are actually capturing is
rhythmically relevant
Table des matières
Michela Russo
William J. Barry and Bistra Andreeva
Losing the trees in the wood? Reflections on the measurement of
spoken-language rhythm
Pier Marco Bertinetto and Chiara Bertini
Towards a unified predictive model of Natural Language Rhythm
Antonio Romano and Paolo Mairano
Speech rhythm measuring and modelling: pointing out multi-layer and
multi-parameter assessments
Petra Wagner
A Time-delay Approach to Speech Rhythm Visualisation, Modeling and
Elinor Payne, Brechtje Post, Lluïsa Astruc, Pilar Prieto and Maria del Mar
Rhythmic modification in Child Directed Speech
Michela Russo and William John Barry
Il Pairwise Variability Index (PVI e PVIs): valori ritmici per i dialetti
italiani e per litaliano regionale. Implicazioni tipologiche
Antonio Pamies Bertrán
Quelques malentendus à propos du concept de rhythme en linguistique
Haike Jacobs
Quantity-Insensitive Stress and the Need for OT with Candidate Chains
Michela RUSSO
UFR Sciences du Langage
Université Paris 8
2, rue de la Liberté
F-93526 St-Denis Cedex
UMR 7023 CNRS 'Structures formelles du langage'
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