Call for papers Workshop on languages with and without articles 2011

Patricia Cabredo Hofherr pcabredo at UNIV-PARIS8.FR
Thu Sep 30 23:28:51 UTC 2010

Call for papers

Workshop on Languages with and without articles 2011

Fri 4th March 2011
CNRS Pouchet - Paris - France

Invited speaker:

-- Tania Ionin (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)

Call ddl: December 1, 2010.

The workshop is organised by the project "Calcul de la référence  
nominale : langues avec et sans articles" of the Fédération Typologie  
et Universaux du Langage (CNRS RRE 2559) which brings together  
researchers in L1 and L2 language acquisition, sign language  
linguistics and comparative syntax and semantics.

We encourage submissions exploring the linguistic means used to  
establish the reference of a nominal expression,
focusing on the following questions:
- what is the role of definite and indefinite articles in establishing  
the reference of the DP?
- how are the effects of definite and indefinite articles achieved in  
languages that lack those articles?
We invite submissions for 25-minute presentations (plus ten-minute  
discussions). Abstracts should be at most 2 pages in length (including  
examples and references) written in French or English.

Abstracts must be anonymous and should be sent by e-mail (plain ASCII,  
rtf, ps or pdf) to : pcabredo //AT//

Please write the (first) author’s name plus the word ’abstract’ in the  
subject line of your message (e.g., ’Dupont abstract’), and include  
author name(s), affiliation, contact information and the title of the  
abstract in the body of the email. For co-authored papers indicate the  
email address that we should use for correspondence.

Abstracts should reach us by December 1, 2010.

For more information :
Website :
E-mail : pcabredo //AT//

Abstract Submission Deadline : Dec 1th, 2010
Notification of Acceptance : Dec 20th, 2010
Workshop : Mar 4th, 2011

We gratefully acknowledge the support of
-- the project "Calcul de la référence nominale :  langues avec et  
sans articles" of the Fédération Typologie et Universaux du Langage  
(CNRS FRE 2559)
-- the research lab Structures formelles du langage (UMR 7023 CNRS /  
Paris 8)

Selection committee:
Muhsina Alleesaib (Paris 8 - CNRS UMR 7023)
Marion Blondel (CNRS UMR 7023 -Paris 8)
Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (CNRS UMR 7023 - Paris 8 & SMG)
Ewa Lenart (Paris 8 - CNRS UMR 7023)
Anne Zribi-Hertz (Paris 8 - CNRS UMR 7023)

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