Conference on Transitivity and tense/aspect in Wan

Stéphane Robert robert at VJF.CNRS.FR
Thu Jan 6 16:12:33 UTC 2011

Le Llacan a le plaisir de vous inviter à assister à la *conférence 

*Tatiana Nikitina*
Transitivity and tense/aspect in Wan (Southeastern Mande, Côte d'Ivoire)
*jeudi 13 janvier de 10H30 à 12H00*
*Salle de conférences du bâtiment D
Campus CNRS de Villejuif
Accès :*

*Résumé *: This paper surveys the relatively little-studied relation 
between tense/aspect and transitivity of the verb in Wan, a Southeastern 
Mande language of Côte d'Ivoire. Like other Mande languages, Wan makes 
use of a rich system of labile verbs, which can be used transitively or 
intransitively without additional morphological marking. I argue that 
two types of lability should be distinguished in Wan: the ambitransitive 
use of lexically polysemous verbs, which does not depend on context, and 
the passive use of transitive verbs, which is restricted to clauses with 
specific temporal-aspectual and discourse-pragmatic properties. Drawing 
on parallels from other languages, I suggest that a comprehensive 
approach to transitivity alternations should take into account both 
temporal-aspectual and information structure properties of the clause.


*                 Jeanne ZERNER**
*/           Direction  Administrative//
/*    Laboratoire LLACAN - UMR 8135 du CNRS**
*Langage, Langues et Cultures d'Afrique Noire**

*Campus CNRS de Villejuif
7, rue Guy Môquet
Tél: 01 49 58 36 94 Fax : 01 49 58 38 00

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