conf=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9rence_d'Ora_Matushansky_=E0_?=Paris 8 le 21 mars

elenasoleil soarelena at GMAIL.COM
Mon Mar 14 11:23:22 UTC 2011

L'UMR 7023 Structures Formelles du Langage
(Séminaire Structure Argumentale de la Fédération TUL, Equipe
Architecture Grammaticale)

a le plaisir de vous inviter à une conférence de

Ora Matushansky

(travail en collaboration avec Tania Ionin)

intitulée: "Uncle Vania meets three sisters"

DATE : lundi 21 mars 2011
HEURE : 15:30-17:00
LIEU :  Salle D-143
        Bâtiment D
        Université Paris 8

METRO: St Denis Université

Plan d'accès sous


Relational  nouns, such as uncle or sister, are known to possess an
internal  argument slot, which may be left unsaturated in plurals,
leading to a  reciprocal interpretation (Eschenbach 1993, Hackl 2002,
Staroverov  2007):

(1)          Three sisters walked in.

We  will argue that the apparently reciprocal reading is actually a 
reflexive one, and that exactly the same mechanism is involved with 
conjoined nouns (Staroverov 2007):

(2)          A mother and daughter are here.

The  existence of valency reduction mechanisms for nouns as well as
verbs  will be shown to have interesting repercussions for the treatment
of  reflexive markers and similar phenomena.

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