seminaire impersonnels Patricia Cabredo Hofherr Paris 8
soarelena at GMAIL.COM
Tue Oct 4 13:28:38 UTC 2011
Les projets de la Fédération TUL
Structure Argumentale et Structure Aspectuelle
Langues avec Articles Langues sans Articles
et l'UMR 7023 Structures Formelles du Langage Equipe
Architecture Grammaticale
ont le plaisir de vous inviter à un exposé de
Patricia Cabrebo Hofherr (UMR 7023 Structures Formelles du Langage)
« Il pleut / Ca pleut : demonstratives with impersonal predicates
Date : le 10 octobre 2011
Heure : 10h30 12h30
Lieu : Université de Paris 8 Vincennes Saint Denis, salle D143
Plan d'accès :,672.html
Some languages but not others allow the alternation of the unmarked
weather pronoun
with a second pronoun belonging to the demonstrative paradigm
(1) fr: il / ça pleut
(2) all: es /das regnet
(3) angl : it /*that rains
The emphatic alternation between expletive and weak deictic subject is
also attested for other constructions such as smell- and sound-emission
verbs, situational adjectives and other predicates.
In this talk, I will address two questions
1. - Do the impersonal constructions that allow alternations form a
natural class?
2. - How can cross-linguistic variation with respect to this alternation
be explained?
On the basis of comparative Germanic data, I will argue that several
types of impersonal constructions have to be distinguished.
I will also argue that the variation concerning the alternation with
weather verbs can be traced
back to a difference in feature content between the deictic pronouns in
French, German and English.
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