Programme CSSP 2011 21-23 sept 2011 correction
Patricia Cabredo Hofherr
pcabredo at UNIV-PARIS8.FR
Tue Sep 13 10:08:54 UTC 2011
9ème Colloque de syntaxe et sémantique à Paris
(CSSP 2011)
21-23 sept 2011
Amphi D02
Université Paris 8
2 rue de la liberté
St Denis
Métro St Denis - Université
Si vous comptez assister, svp envoyez un message à
info at avec votre nom et affiliation.
Programme mis à jour en ligne sous :
Mercredi 21 septembre 2011
9h4510h Ouverture
10h11h Conférence invitée:
Danièle Godard (UMR7110 LLF Paris 7)
Indicative and subjunctive mood in complement sentences:
Formal semantics and grammar writing
11h11h40 Emilie Destruel (UT Austin)
The meaning and use of the French c'est-cleft
11h4012h Pause café
12h12h40 Yusuke Kubota (U Tokyo) & Robert Levine (Ohio State)
Against ellipsis: Arguments for the direct licensing of
'non-canonical' coordinations
12h4013h20 Gabriela Bilbiie & Anna Gazdik (Paris 7)
Coordination of unlikes in multiple questions
13h2014h45 Pause déjeuner
14h4515h25 Valentina Bianchi (Siena) & Giuliano Bocci (Bologna)
''Should I stay or should I go?'' Optional focus movement in
15h2516h05 Theresa Biberauer (U Cambridge/ Stellenbosch U) &
Hedde Zeijlstra (U Amsterdam)
Inherent instability and spontaneous change: an Afrikaans case study
16h05-16h35 Pause café
16h3517h15 Elizabeth Coppock (U Lund) & David Beaver (UT Austin)
Exclusivity, Uniqueness and Definiteness
17h1517h55 Sonia Cyrino (Unicamp) & M.Teresa Espinal (UA Barcelona)
Object BNs in Brazilian Portuguese. More on the NP/DP analysis
18h10 Réception
Jeudi 22 septembre 2011
10h11h Conférence invitée:
Cleo Condoravdi (Zukunftskolleg, U Konstanz)
Imperatives: Meaning and Illocutionary Force
10h10h40 Anamaria Falaus (U Basque Country /UPV-EHU)
Modal indefinites and free-choice inference in imperatives
11h4012h Pause café
12h12h40 Huy Linh Dao (Paris 3)
Polarité positive et concordance modale : le cas de la particule
''injonctive'' di en vietnamien
12h4013h20 Wataru Uegaki (MIT)
Content nouns and the semantics of question-embedding predicates
13h2014h30 Pause déjeuner
14h3015h30 Conférence invitée:
Jean-Pierre Koenig (U Buffalo)
The (non)-universality of syntactic selection and functional
15h3016h10 Laura Kallmeyer & Rainer Osswald (Heinrich-Heine-U
A Frame-Based Semantics of the Dative Alternation in Lexicalized
Tree Adjoining Grammars
16h0516h35 Pause café
16h4017h20 Anne Dagnac (CLLE-ERSS, U Toulouse 2)
How do you double your C? Evidence from a Gallo-Romance dialect
17h2018h Thomas Grano (U Chicago)
Exhaustive control is not control: Cinque's IP and the raising/
control divide
Vendredi 23 septembre 2011
10h11h Conférence invitée:
Jim McCloskey (UC Santa Cruz)
Polarity and case licensing
11h11h40 Gabi Danon (Bar-Ilan U)
Agreement features and non-agreeing copulas in Modern Hebrew
11h4012h Pause café
12h12h40 Eric Potsdam (U Florida)
The Syntax of Malagasy Phrasal Comparatives
12h4013h20 Thomas Grano & Chris Kennedy (U Chicago)
Severing the degree argument from the adjective:
Evidence from Mandarin transitive comparatives
13h2014h45 Pause déjeuner
14h4515h25 Yusuke Kubota (U Tokyo)
Revisiting the progressive/ perfect ambiguity of -te iru in
Japanese: A scale-based analysis
15h2516h05 Artemis Alexiadou & Gianina Iordachioaia (U Stuttgart)
Causative Nominalizations from Psych Verbs
16h0516h45 Sergei Tatevosov & Ekaterina Lyutikova (Lomonossov U Moscow)
A finer look at predicate decomposition: evidence from
En réserve
Stephen Wechsler (UT Austin) Polysemy and Pancakes
Patrick Grosz (Massachussets Institute of Technology) On the Role of
Epistemic Contexts in Root Clause Phenomena
Janna Lipenkova (U Stuttgart) Obligatory event modifiers and lexical
licensing in the Chinese ba-construction
Yasutada Sudo (Massachussets Institute of Technology) Towards a Unified
Account of Anti-Uniqueness Inferences
Andreea Nicolae (Harvard U) Situating PPIs within an alternative-based
framework of the Polarity System
CSSP 2011 remercie les organismes suivants pour leur soutien matériel ou
financier :
Le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Le Conseil scientifique de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris 4) Le
Conseil scientifique de l'Université Paris 8
L'EA 4503 de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris 4)
L'UFR de linguistique de l'Université Paris-Diderot (Paris 7)
L'École doctorale Concepts et Langages (U. Paris 4)
L'École doctorale Sciences du langage (U. Paris 7)
Le Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle (UMR7110 CNRS & U. Paris 7)
Le Laboratoire Structures Formelles du Langage (UMR7023 CNRS & U. Paris
L'Institut Jean Nicod (UMR 8129 CNRS, ENS & EHESS) (projet EURYI,
resp. Philippe Schlenker)
Le laboratoire Savoirs, Textes, Langage (UMR 8163 CNRS & U. Lille 3)
Le laboratoire Cognition, Langues, Langage, Ergonomie (CLLE UMR 5263, CNRS
& U. de Toulouse Le Mirail)
Le projet ANR Cognitive Origins of Vagueness (resp. Paul Egré)
Le projet ANR Genericity Interpretation and Uses (resp. Alda Mari)
L'Institut Universitaire de France (Olivier Bonami)
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