Colloquium "Mass/Count", December 20-21, Paris

Arapinis Alexandra arapinis_alexandra at YAHOO.FR
Fri Nov 16 17:14:54 UTC 2012

It is our pleasure to announce the colloquium “Mass/Count
in Linguistics, Philosophy and Cognitive Science”.
December 20-21, 2012
45 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris
With the support of the Paris Diderot University, IHPST,
IEC (Linguistics Department) and the ANR-DFG NOMINAL project.
Organizers: Alexandra Arapinis (IHPST), Friederike
Moltmann (IHPST), Lucia Tovena (Paris Diderot University)
The colloquium will be preceded by a one-day tutorial
on the mass/count distinction given by Friederike Moltmann (IHPST) and David
Nicholas (IJN).
Registration is required. It is done in two steps: (i)
pre-registration on the conference website, (ii) final registration and payment
To pre-register, create an account on the conference
website, log in, and fill in the registration form.
Reduced registration fee may be envisaged upon
personal request to the organizers.
Registration fees and other practical information are
available on the conference website:
Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS)
45 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris
Wednesday, December 19
Tutorial on the mass/count distinction: 
11.00 - 13.00  David
Nicolas (IJN)
14.30 - 17.30  Friederike
Moltmann (IHPST) 
Thursday, December 20 
(Room Dussane)

09.00   Registration
09.25   Opening
09.30 - 10.20  Invited speaker Byeong-uk Yi (Toronto University)
Numeral classifiers and the mass/count
10.20 - 11.00  Scott Grimm (Stanford University), Beth Levin(Stanford University)
Who Has More Furniture? An Exploration of the
Bases for Comparison
Coffee break

11.20 - 12.00  Peter Smith (University of Connecticut)
Count-mass nouns may not be mass after all
12.00 - 12.40  XuPing LI (CRLAO –
Water and boy in Mandarin: an ontological
distinction only

Lunch break

14.00 - 14.50  Invited speaker Almerindo Ojeda (UCDavis)
and Grammatical Number: An Aristotelian View and Its Challenges
14.50 - 15.30  Abdelkader Fassi Fehri (University Mohammed V)
General nouns in the grammar of count/mas
15.30 - 16.10  Roberto Zamparelli (University of
Countability, number and (in)definiteness in
Chinese nominals

Coffee break

16.30 - 17.10  Susan Rothstein (Bar-Ilan University), Roberta Pires de Oliveira (UFSC)
Bare Noun Phrases and Comparatives: a
cross-linguistic perspective ?
17.10 - 17.50  Ana Muller (Universidade
de São Paulo)
Individuation in a Bare-Nouns-Only Language
17.50 - 18.30  Yan LI (Université
Paris Diderot)
de la sémantique de 'nom propre-men' en chinois
18.30 - 18.50  Catherine Mazodier (Université Paris
« How
Much Sideboob Is Too Much Sideboob? » Fonctionnement du nom, quantification
et/ou qualification : une analyse énonciative des emplois en contexte du
néologisme « sideboob »
Friday, December 21 
(room Dussane)

09.10 - 10.00  Invited
speaker David Barner (UCSD)
Experimental evidence for the compositionality
of sortal concepts
10.00 -
10.40   Susan Rothstein (Bar-Ilan University), Alessandro Treves (SISSA), Ritwik Kulkarni (SISSA)
statistical investigation into the crosslinguistic distribution of mass and
count nouns: 'morphosyntactic and semantic perspectives.'

Coffee break

11.00 - 11.40  Alan Bale (Concordia University), Brendan Gillon (McGill
Re-examining the Mass-Count Distinction
11.40 -
12.20   Suzi Lima (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
The count/mass distinction in Yudja
(Tupi): quantity judgment studies
12.20 - 13.00  Emrah Görgülü (Simon
Fraser University)
A New Look at the Count-mass Distinction in Turkish

Lunch break

14.20 - 15.10  Invited speaker Dana Cohen et Anne Zribi-Hertz (SFL/Paris8)
vs. "Count" : on the distribution of labour between syntax and the
15.10 - 15.50  Stefan Hinterwimmer (University
of Osnabrueck)
Comparison of Abstract and Concrete Mass Nouns in Terms of Their Interaction
with Vague Quantificational Determiners
Coffee break

16.10 - 16.50  Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin (Université Paris Diderot), Marcelo Ferreira
Universidade de São Paulo) 
Count Bare NPs as Amounts of Objects
16.50 - 17.40 Invited
speaker Henry Laycock (Queen's
CONCEPTS: the 'object' concept and the 'matter' concept
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