Program of the Workshop on the Syntax & the Semantics [of Sharing] - Nantes - November 2-3

Nicolas Guilliot nico.guilliot at GMAIL.COM
Mon Oct 22 08:22:24 UTC 2012


nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à participer à WORKSHARE-2012,
Atelier sur la Syntaxe & la Sémantique [des constructions partagées], qui
aura lieu à l'Université de Nantes (Salle 211 Jorj Morin, Université
permanente) les 2 & 3 novembre 2012. Vous trouverez ci-dessous le programme
de l'événement. Pour plus de détails ou pour vous inscrire, vous pouvez
consulter notre site ou bien nous
contacter à nantesworkshop2012 at (frais d'inscription: 35 €).
Au nom du LLING et du comité d'organisation,
Nicolas Guilliot


We would like to invite you to WORKSHARE-2012, Workshop on the Syntax & the
Semantics [of Sharing], which will take place at the University of Nantes
(Salle 211 Jorj Morin, Université permanente) in November 2-3, 2012. Please
find below the program of the event. To register, please visit our website
at or contact us at
nantesworkshop2012 at (registration fees: 35 €).
On behalf of the LLING and the organizing committee,
Nicolas Guilliot


8:45-9:10      Registration/Coffee

9:10-9:20      Introductory remarks
                     Nicolas Guilliot, LLING

9:20-10:40    An Active Ellipsis Resolution and the Nature of Island Effects
                     Masaya Yoshida (Northwestern University)
                     Discussants: Asaf Bachrach (CNRS-UMR7023)
                                          & Roni Katzir (University of Tel

10:40-11:10  Coffee break and Posters

11:10-11:50  Deriving cumulative-sharing constructions in syntax
                     Niina Zhang (National Chung Cheng University of Taïwan)

11:50-12:30  Semantic and syntactic plurality in Right Node Raising
                     Lena Ibnbari (Ben Gurion University of the Negev)

12:30-14:30  Lunch break

14:30-15:50  Some Problems with Amalgams
                     Kyle Johnson (University of Massachusetts)
                     Discussant: Vidal Valmala (IKER – University of the
Basque Country)

15:50-16:20  Coffee break and Posters

16:20-17:00  Psycholinguistic Evidence for non-syntactic dependencies in
coordinated wh-questions
                     Bradley Larson, Dave Kush & Shevaun Lewis (University
of Maryland)

17:00-17:40  The syntax of Collins conjunctions and the nature of
linearization algorithms
                     Luis Vicente (University of Potsdam)

20:00            Dinner


8:45-9:20      Coffee

9:20-10:40    Sharing and Binding
                     Uli Sauerland (ZAS Berlin – Harvard University)
                     Discussant: Rajesh Bhatt (University of Massachusetts)

10:40-11:10  Coffee break (and Posters)

11:10-11:50  Plural reference and the interpretation of three-dimensional
syntactic structures
                     Friederike Moltmann (CNRS-IHPST)

11:50-12:30  Sharing in coordination at the syntax–semantics interface
                     Dafina Ratiu (LLING, University of Nantes)

12:30-14:30  Lunch break

14:30-15:50  Linearizing Multi-Dominance Structures
                     Asaf Bachrach (CNRS-UMR7023) & Roni Katzir (University
of Tel Aviv)
                     Discussant: Michal Starke (University of Tromsø)

15:50-16:20  Coffee break (and Posters)

16:20-17:00  The limits of non-parallelism in ATB movement. Experimental
evidence for syntactic dependencies
                     Jutta Hartmann, Andreas Konietzko (University of
Tübingen) & Martin Salzmann (University of Leipzig)

17:00-18:00  Discussion

Posters:     Deriving morphological and reconstruction asymmetries in ATB
movement by ellipsis (Alternate Talk)
                  Martin Salzmann (University of Leipzig)

                  Appositive clauses revisited
                  Hironobu Kasaï (University of Kitakyushu)

                  Parameterized resolution and linearization of
multidominance structures
                  Takashi Toyoshima (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
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