Parution: Genericity. Mari, A., Beyssade, C., Del Prete, F. (eds.)

Alda MARI mari.alda at WANADOO.FR
Mon Jan 21 09:30:42 UTC 2013

Chers collègues, 
j'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que le livre
Mari, A., Beyssade, C et Del Prete, F. (eds). 
vient de paraître aux éditions Oxford University Press. 
Meilleures salutations, 
Alda Mari

Genericity is a key concept in the study of human cognition, as it reveals our capacity to organize the objects and events of our experience into classes and to detect regularities. In language, it manifests itself both at the level of nominal reference, where the notion of reference to kinds has been central, and at the level of verbal and sentential aspect, where one finds notions such as those of permanency, disposition, ability, habituality, and plurality. The book gathers original contributions from senior and young researchers reconsidering the notion of genericity in its different linguistic realizations. While pursuing the lines of inquiry traced by the influential Generic Book, the authors provide a new look the phenomena and reconsider previous views. The book also provides an up-to-date critical introduction to generics and it will appeal to both students and scholars in linguistics, philosophy, and cognitive sciences.

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