The logic of the lexicon (workshop, Toulouse, 28-30 janvier)

Christian christian.retore at LABRI.FR
Wed Jan 23 12:49:03 UTC 2013

Workshop on
January 2013: monday 28 — wednesday 30

More details:

Organised by ANR LOCI (Locativity and interactivity in logic, linguistics and theoretical computer science)
and ANR POLYMNIE (Parsing and synthesis with abstract categorial grammars. >From lexicon to discourse)

Precise location: Toulouse, Université Toulouse Capitole, Bâtiment Arsenal salle J002

    * Lexical semantics in compositional semantics
    * Lexical pragmatics, word meaning in context 
    * Connections bewteen distributive semantics and compositional semantics
    * Existent lexical networks
    * Acquisition of a lexicon
    * Relation to ontologies
    * Lexicons for syntactical and semantical analysis
    * ...

Peliminary program:
Monday morning

    * 9:30 Presentation of the workshop
    * 10-10:50 Sylvain Salvati (INRIA & LABRI - Bordeaux)
      Simple account of basic lexical semantics
    * pause 20'
    * 11:10-12 Tim van de Cruys (CNRS - IRIT - Toulouse)
      Word vectors, distributional similarity and applications

Monday afternoon

    * 14 14:50 Veronika Lux (CNRS - ATILF - Nancy)
      Introducing the French Lexical Network
    * 14:50 15:40 Mathieu Lafourcade (U. Montpellier 2 - LIRMM)
      Deductive and inductive inferences from JeuxDeMots, a game-acquired lexicon
    * pause 30'
    * 16:10-17 Mickael Zock (CNRS - LIF - Marseille)
      How to help authors to overcome the Tip-Of-the-Tongue problem :
      lexical graphs (or associative networks) and some inherent problems
    * 17 -17:50 Bruno Gaume (CNRS - CLLE - Toulouse)
      A robust metrology of lexical networks based on random walks in lexical relations 

Tuesday morning

    * Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles (CNRS - IRIT - Toulouse)
      Ontologies, texts and the lexicon
    * pause 20'
    * 10:40-11:30 Alain Lecomte (U. Paris 8 & SFL)
      Ludics and the lexicon
    * 11:30-12:20 Christophe Fouqueré (U. Paris 13 & LIPN)
      About Coherence Use in Natural Language

Tuesday afternoon

    * 14-14:50 Robin Cooper (U. Göteborg)
      Types, judgements and lexical meaning
    * 14:50-15:40 Nicholas Asher (CNRS - IRIT - Toulouse)
      Word meaning in context: semantic approaches based on type theory
    * pause 30'
    * 16:10- 17  Zhaohui Luo (Royal Holloway College, U. of London)
      Modern Type Theories and Montague Semantics: Comparisons and Beyond
    * 17-17:40 Christian Retoré (U. Bordeaux 1 & IRIT - Toulouse)
      Compositional semantics and lexical pragmatics in type theory
    * 17:40-18 Tim van de Cruys (CNRS - IRIT - Toulouse)
      On the convergence between compositional semantics and distributional semantics

Wednesday morning

    * 9:30-10:20 Laurence Danlos (U. Paris 7 & INRIA)
      Problems at the syntax-semantics interface with adverbial connectives
    * pause 20'
    * 10:40-11:30 Richard Moot  (CNRS - LaBRI - Bordeaux)
      Wide-coverage semantics applied to temporal ordering and presupposition
    * 11-:30-12:20 Reinhard Muskens (U. Tilburg) 

More details here:

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