CfP : discours financiers
Laurent Gautier
laurent.gautier at U-BOURGOGNE.FR
Tue Jun 18 07:19:27 UTC 2013
International Conference on
Discourse approaches to financial communication
Bridging the gap between texts and markets
February 2-6, 2014
Centro Stefano Franscini Monte Verità – Ascona – Switzerland
Keynote Speakers
Niamh Brennan, University College Dublin (Ireland)
Russell Craig, Victoria University (Australia)
Daphne Jameson, Cornell University (USA)
Tim Loughran, Mendoza Business School, University of Notre Dame (USA) Catherine Resche-Ricard, Université Panthéon-Assas - Paris 2 (France) Robert Schumaker, Central Connecticut State University (USA)
Conference scope
During the last decade, financial communication texts – including corporate compulsory and voluntary disclosures, analysts’ recommendations, rating announcements, central banks’ reports and speeches, financial news stories and other media (e.g. blogs, forums) – have been increasingly investigated from different perspectives. Scholars in Accounting and Finance recognize linguistic and textual data as significant, respectively, for evaluating the quality of financial disclosures and for predicting market sentiment and security prices. Their interest for the language used in financial texts naturally converges with the research concerns of scholars in the humanities (including Linguistics, Rhetoric and Argumentation Theory), who have explored the different discourse genres of financial communication, relying linguistic choices and conventions to communication strategies and reconstructing their narrative and argumentative organization. In these strands of research language and discourse are not treated as neutral carriers of information, but are increasingly viewed as strategic resources for collective sense-making and persuasion as well as means for shaping the institutional realities of the financial markets. The conference on Discourse approaches to financial communication (DAFC) aims at bringing together scholars who, from different scientific backgrounds, are interested in understanding the linguistic, rhetorical and argumentative functions of the narrative parts of financial disclosures and of other financially relevant documents, and, eventually, their impact on investment decisions and market transactions. By creating the occasion for close interdisciplinary dialogue between these diverse disciplines, the conference will enable developing a common research agenda on financial communication centered on the systematic analysis of financial discourse.
The Centro Stefano Franscini ( is the congress centre of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Zurich (ETH Zurich) situated at Monte Verità in the surroundings of Ascona, Switzerland ( Ascona is on the north-western shore of Lake Maggiore, on the large delta of the River Maggia. This centre has hosted several international events that brought together numerous members of the international scientific community across a range of research disciplines.
Conference organizers
Andrea Rocci, Institute of Argumentation, Linguistics and Semiotics, USI
François Degeorge, Swiss Finance Institute, USI
Laurent Gautier, Centre Interlangues Texte Image Langage, Université de Bourgogne Rudi Palmieri, Institute of Argumentation, Linguistics and Semiotics, USI
Abstract submission
The conference organizes both regular paper sessions and PhD paper sessions.
Submission deadline: September 15, 2013
In order to submit an abstract, please, create a Conftool account at:
Submissions should include a one-page abstract of maximum 300 words, the name of the author(s), position, affiliation, contact details and should specify whether a regular paper or a PhD paper is proposed. Abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee in terms of relevance, quality and originality.
NB: the Conftool account is used only for the submission of abstracts, the registration to the conference must be made through the CSF online platform (see below)
Relevant topics include but are not limited to:
1. Discoursegenresoffinancialcommunication
Discourse and genre analysis of corporate financial disclosures (e.g. annual reports, quarterly announcements, M&A documents), emergent genres (e.g. analysts’ and investors’ conferences).
The discourse of ‘information intermediaries’ (e.g. Rating agencies’ announcements, Analysts’ recommendations, printed and online news articles. comments and opinions).
Financial news discourse, the genres and practices of financial newsmaking, the treatment of sources in financial journalism, sociological and anthropological approaches to financial newswriting practices, financial news and the social media.
The discourse of financial regulation (e.g. the discourse of central banks, discursive interactions in international accounting standard setting process).
2. Capturing meaning construction in financial discourse
Cognitive-semantic frames and financial knowledge in expert and lay financial discourse. Constructions, key phrases, and key-words.
The analysis of factuality, modality, probability and (un-)certainty in financial discourse: combining discourse analysis, corpus linguistics and natural language processing.
The analysis of evaluative language, affect, verbally expressed sentiment in financial discourse: enhancing sentiment analysis with discourse analysis.
The cognitive, affective and persuasive role of metaphors in financial discourse.
3. Rhetoric and argumentation in financial discourse
The persuasive design of corporate reporting documents and other financial discourse genres. Ethos, logos and pathos in financial discourse. Investigating impression management and attribution bias in managerial reporting.
Narrative analysis of financial documents. Narrative voices, implied writers and readers.
Analyzing argumentation in financial discourse. Reconstructing argumentative strategies. Detecting bias, fallacies
and irrationality through argument analysis.
Critical and normative perspectives on financial rhetoric (argumentation theory, critical discourse analysis).
Linking argumentation quality and investment quality.
4. The relevance of financial discourse for financial market predictions
The role of the “soft information” vs. “hard information” contained in financial texts in determining market price.
Mining financial texts (e.g. disclosures, news reports) to enhance security price predictions: exploring the
predictive value of different indicators (e.g. the role of length, readability, parts-of-speech distribution, etc.).
Using the linguistic analysis of narrative parts in disclosures to predict default risk and to detect fraud in financial
The predictive value of evaluative stance and (un-)certainty in disclosure texts. Models for linking verbally
expressed sentiment and market sentiment.
Going beyond the “bag of words”. How discourse analysis and the study of financial discourse genres can enhance
automatic methods of text analysis in finance (e.g. exploiting genre specific structural cues, tagging rhetorical moves, extracting argumentative structures).
Paper publication
Online Publication of long abstracts All accepted speakers can publish a long abstract of their paper online. Long abstracts must not exceed 1000 words (references excluded) and should comply with the template published on the conference website: (the website will be published in the first week of June)
Book/Journal publication The publication of a selection of the papers presented at the conference in book/journal formats is envisaged. Further information will be given during the conference.
Deadline for abstract submissions: September 15, 2013 Notification of acceptance: October 15, 2013 Early registration: October 31, 2013 Deadline for long abstracts: December 10, 2013 Registration deadline (for contributors): February 2, 2014 Conference: February 2-6, 2014
Conference fee
Until October 31 (Early registration)
Standard Rate
300 CHF
Doctoral Students Rate
200 CHF
>From November 1
Standard Rate
400 CHF
Doctoral Students Rate
300 CHF
Board and lodging fee
Participants will be accommodated in the Centro Stefano Franscini at Monte Verità. The fee will include full board, coffee breaks and lodging. Please note that rooms in the Centro Stefano Franscini are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Double Room (4 days): CHF 800 (price per person, including full board) Single Room (4 days): CHF 850 (including full board)
Double room for single use (4 days): CHF 1020 (including full board)
Conference registration
Participants can register to the conference starting from November 1, 2013. Registration must be made through the CSF online platform (
Conference website:
For further information: dafc at (person of contact: dr. Rudi Palmieri)
Laurent Gautier
Centre Interlangues Texte Image Langage EA 4182 - uB
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