"International Conference on Multicultural Discourses" appel

Alice Krieg-Planque akrieg at CLUB-INTERNET.FR
Sat Mar 16 13:14:52 UTC 2013

Les mêmes informations sont dans le document pdf "Flyer 2013" en pièce 
jointe. Date limite pour proposer une intervention : 20 mars 2013.

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The 4th International Conference on Multicultural Discourses

Oct 23-26, 2013 Hangzhou

Institute of Discourse & Cultural Studies Zhejiang University; Centre for Discourse & Cultural Studies, Hangzhou Normal University Hangzhou, China


Following the success of the previous tri-annual International Conference on Multicultural Discourses in 2004, 2007 and 2010, respectively, the Fourth will be held between October 23 and 26, 2013, in Hangzhou as usual! The organisers are the Institute of Discourse & Cultural Studies of Zhejiang University, Centre for Discourse & Cultural Studies, Hangzhou Normal University; the co-sponsor the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Discourse Studies, Zhejiang University.

The coming Conference on Multicultural Discourses will remain committed to the original broad aims: 1) to encourage critique of cultural imperialism in scholarly and ordinary discourse, 2) to promote cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue in discourse studies, 3) to help advance research into culturally repressed, marginalized or excluded discourses and 4) to facilitate search for new discourses helpful to cultural coexistence, solidarity and prosperity. The particular areas of study include but are not limited by:

?	Cultural reflexivity and innovation in discourse studies
?	Cultural concepts, principles and practices of discourse
?	Discourse, peace and sovereignty
?	Discourse and cultural equality
?	Discourse, (under)development and the Third World
?	Discourse and urban/rural development
?	Discourse and human rights
?	Discourse and international commerce/management
?	Discourse and ethnic literature
?	Discourse and gender
?	Etc.


?	parallel sessions
?	plenary speeches (15)

Selection of plenary speeches will be based on the quality, relevance and international balance of topics.


The deadline for submission of an abstract (ca 300 words), to be completed on-line in a Registration Form (http://www.shixu.com/institute-conference/abstract.asp), is March 20, 2013. Letters of acceptance will be sent out by March 1, 2013. Submissions and enquiries can also be addressed to
19860922 at zju.edu.cn
mdiscourses at yahoo.com

CONFERENCE FEE (payable on site, students: 50% discount)

Conference fees are set according to your country tier (the country of residence--not the country of origin). Please visit our conference website to find out what tier you qualify for.

?	Tier A:  $220
?	Tier B:  $150
?	Tier C:  $100
?	Domestic participants: RMB700

The rate covers a half-day tour, folk performance, tea/coffee, three lunches, two dinners and one banquet.

Papers of high-quality and cultural innovation will be publication in Journal of Multicultural Discourses.
(http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rmmd20/current  ) In addition, a selection of the conference papers will be published with an international publisher.

Zhai Lingna, An Wenying, Alice Yang, Chen Weiying, Yang Na, Wang Xuelei, Mailihaba Aolan

Institute of Discourse & Cultural Studies, Zijinggang Campus,E6-401
Zhejiang University
Hangzhou China 310058
Tel/Fax. ++86.(0)571.88206208
e-mail:19860922 at zju.edu.cn
mdiscourses at yahoo.com

Note: For accommodation and travel information, please visit our website:

Institute of Discourse & Cultural StudiesZhejiang University
Centre for Discourse & Cultural Studies Hangzhou Normal University

Centre for Contemporary Chinese Discourse Studies, Zhejiang University



Open for £200/$320/E210/RMB800

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