Colloque international Approaches to Complex Predicates, 29-31 mai 2013 Paris
pollet.samvelian at UNIV-PARIS3.FR
Tue May 14 13:19:39 UTC 2013
Colloque international Approaches to Complex Predicates (ACP 2013)
L'UMR « Mondes iranien et indien » (CNRS, Sorbonne Nouvelle,
EPHE, INALCO) et l'UMR « Structures formelles du langage »
(CNRS, Université Paris 8) ont le plaisir de vous convier au colloque
international Approaches to Complex Predicates, qui aura lieu du 29 au
31 mai 2013, à l'auditorium du Pôle des Langues et
Civilisations (65 rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris).
Programme du Colloque
Merccredi 29 mai
10:00-10:30 Progressive constructions in German
Renata Szczepaniak and Johanna Flick (Hamburg)
10:30-11:00 Complex predicate patterns across Australia: evidence for
areal grammaticalization cline(s)?
Patrick Caudal, Maïa Ponsonnet and Marie-Elaine Van Egmond
(Paris-Diderot, CREDO, Sydney)
11:30-12:00 Defining Light Verb Construction Classes in English
Sebastien Plante (Carleton University)
12:00-12:30 Resultatives: not as complex as they seem. An FDG account
Stavros Kelepouris and Miriam Taverniers (Ghent)
14:30-15:00 Univerbation of light verb compounds and the Obligatory
Coding Principle
Denis Creissels (Lyon2)
15:00-15:30 Complex predicates in Bulgarian
Anelia Ignatova (UPM)
15:30-16:00 Stative uses of intransitive predicates and case variation :
Evidence from Basque varieties
Ane Berro (UPV/EHU)
16:30-17:00 Ambiguity in Bangla V-V construction: A First Phase Syntax
Bidisha Bhattacharjee (Delhi)
17:00-18:00 Conférence invitée : Adele Goldberg (Princeton)
Jeudi 30 mai
9:30-10:00 Complex predicates as complementation structures
Peter Svenonius (CASTL)
10:00-10:30 Complex predicates in Ladakhi (Tibetan) how far down
the way to univerbation ?
Bettina Zeisler (Tübingen)
11:00-11:30 Noun-verb complex predicates in Hindi/Urdu and the raise of
non-canonical subjects
Annie Montaut (Inalco)
11:30-12:00 Rethinking the relation between compounds and complex
predicates: clues from Brazilian Portuguese
Julio Barbosa (São Paulo)
12:00-12:30 Evidence in Favor of a Neo-Davidsonian Analysis of Malayalam
Clause Structure
Pooja Paul (Harvard)
14:30-15:00 Complex predicates in Murrinh-Patha: towards a formal and
comparative approach
Patrick Caudal, Rachel Nordlinger and Melanie Seiss (Paris-Diderot,
Melbourne, Konstantz)
15:00-15:30 On complex predicates in Kamas
Gerson Klumpp (Tartu)
15:30-16:00 The semantic-free composition of Complex Predicates (CPreds)
in Korean
Alejo Alcaraz and Wonsuk Jung (University of Basque Country)
16:30-17:00 Complex Predicates with Different Markers in Taiwan Southern
Huei-Ling Lin (National Chung Cheng University)
17:00-18:00 Conférence invitée : Miriam Butt (Konstantz)
Vendredi 31 mai
9:30-10:00 Complex predicate formation via voice incorporation
Susanne Wurmbrand (University of Connecticut)
10:00-10:30 Underspecification and update: The dynamics of
auxiliary-main verb constructions in Swahili and Rangi
Hannah Gibson and Lutz Marten (SOAS)
10:30-11:00 False Recognition and Take-Put Serial Verb Constructions in
Avatime: Testing the single conceptual event correspondence
Rebecca Defina (Max Planck Institue for Psycholinguistics)
11:30-12:30 Conférence invitée : Hagit Borer (Queen Mary
University of London)
Comité d'organisation :
Pegah Faghiri, Patrycja Matera, Léa Nash, Pollet Samvelian
Comité scientifique :
Anne Abeillé, Pascal Amsili, Isabelle Bril, Patrick Caudal, Hamida
Demirdache, Geoffrey Haig, Heidi Harley, Anne Hertz, Simin Karimi, Ora
Matushansky, Annie Montaut, Stefan Müller, Lea Nash, Gillian
Ramchand, Isabelle Roy, Pollet Samvelian, Louisa Sadler, Elena Soare
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