second call for papers 21st HPSG conference

Anne Abeillé anne.abeille at LINGUIST.UNIV-PARIS-DIDEROT.FR
Wed Apr 9 14:56:03 UTC 2014

The 21th International Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG 2014)

Buffalo, New York (USA) 28-29 August 2014.

Second Call for papers

Abstracts are solicited for presentations which address linguistic, foundational, or computational issues relating to the framework of Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar.


* Invited speakers: Ray Jackendoff (Tufts U.), Gert Webelhuth (Goethe U. Frankfurt)

* Conference Format:

There will be two sessions: a main session, with 30 minute presentations, and a poster session. The poster session is intended as a means of encouraging the presentation of work that is not yet fully mature.

Prospective speakers may submit either a 5 page abstract for the main session, or a 2 page abstract for the poster session. Abstracts submitted initially for the main session may be accepted, at the discretion of the program committee, for presentation in the poster session instead.


* Workshop:

The main conference will be preceded by a workshop on "Syntactic theory and understudied languages" on August 27th.

Invited speakers: George A. Broadwell (U. at Albany SUNY), Matthew Dryer  (U. at Buffalo SUNY), Philip LeSourd (Indiana U.)

The submission procedure is the same for the workshop.

* Submissions

All abstracts should be submitted via:

They should be in PDF format.

Please direct any questions to the Program Committee Chair: hpsg2014 at

All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. They should not include the authors' names, and authors are asked to avoid self-references.


* Important Dates

 Abstract submission deadline: 15 April 2014

Notification of acceptance: 30 May 2014

Conference: 27-29 August 2014


* Publication

The conference proceedings will be published online by CSLI Publications. Only papers presented in the main session will be included in the proceedings.

A call for contributions to the proceedings will be issued after the conference. Proceedings of previous conferences are available at:


* Program Committee

Anne Abeille (U. Paris Diderot) (chair)

Farrel Ackermann (UC San Diego)

Emily M. Bender (U. Washington)

Olivier Bonami (U. Paris Sorbonne)

Francis Bond (Nayang Technological U. Singapore)

Robert Borsley (U. of Essex)

Claire Bowern (Yale U.)

George A Broadwell (U. at Albany, SUNY)

Rui P. Chaves (U. at Buffalo SUNY)

Berthold Crysmann (CNRS, U. Paris Diderot)

Elisabeth Engdahl (U. of Gothenburg)

Dan Flickinger (Stanford U.)

Jeff Good (U. at Buffalo SUNY)

Fabiola Henri (U. of Kentucky)

Jong-Bok Kim (Kyung Hee U.)

Jean-Pierre Koenig (U. at Buffalo, SUNY)

Valia Kordoni (Humboldt U. Berlin)

Robert Levine (Ohio State U.)

Rob Malouf (San Diego State U.)

Nurit Melnik (The Open U. of Israel)

Philip Miller (U. Paris Diderot)

Stefan Muller (Freie U. Berlin)

Tsuneko Nakazawa (U. of Tokyo)

Joanna Nykiel (U. of Silesia)

Gerald Penn (U. of Toronto)

Adam Przepiorkowski (Polish Academy of Sciences)

Frank Richter (U. Tuebingen)

Louisa Sadler (U. of Essex)

Manfred Sailer (Goethe Frankfurt U.)

Pollet Samvelian (U. Sorbonne nouvelle)

Frank Van Eynde (U. Leuven)

Robert D. Van Valin Jr. (U. at Buffalo SUNY)

Gert Webelhuth (Goethe U. Frankfurt)

Stephen Wechsler (U. Texas Austin)

Shuichi Yatabe (U. of Tokyo)

Eun-Jung Yoo (Seoul National U.)

* Local Arrangements Chair  : Rui P. Chaves


* Links

For more information about HPSG, see, for example:


For more information on HPSG conferences:


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